Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 531: Dongxuan City is in turmoil, Qingxuan Cave is officially open


After everyone entered the flying boat, Xue Yu escaped into the flying boat and drove the flying boat towards Dongjizhou.

Looking at the direction of the flying boat, many sentimental monks in Dongxuan City talked about it:

"Hey! What a troubled time!"

"A branch city was destroyed suddenly like this? I'm afraid a lot of people died this time? I don't know whether it is right or wrong for us to apply to be transferred to major branch cities for development?"

"It is dangerous to separate the city, but Xingluo Prefecture has no development potential. If we don't want to fall behind others, applying to be transferred out of Xingluo Prefecture is an inevitable choice."

"But why are those core members standing still and showing no intention of moving away from Xingluo State?"

"Perhaps the City Lord has his own considerations! In short, the City Lord allows us to transfer from Xingluo State to develop in major branch cities. At least it gives us the right to choose."

"This is indeed true. I'm just worried that the destruction of Dongji and Dongxuan City this time was not an accident, but that other forces specifically targeted our Dongxuan City."

"If this is the case, the crisis in other branch cities will probably increase greatly, right?"

"Don't scare yourself. How big is the East Ji Territory? Which force can spread throughout the East Ji Territory and threaten all the branches of our Dongxuan City?"

"Besides, with the city lord and several Dongxuan envoys here, who dares to target our Dongxuan City unscrupulously?"

"That's true. It's useless to think about it so much. Now Ambassador Xueyu Dongxuan and Senior Li have gone on the expedition. Let's see the final result then!"

During the discussion, many monks in the center of Dongxuan City Square began to slowly disperse.

As the monks gathered in the central square dispersed.

Not long after, the news about the destruction of the branch city established by Dongxuan City in Dongji Prefecture began to spread throughout the entire Xingluo Prefecture at an extremely fast speed, spread by spies from other forces who stayed in Dongxuan City.

And after a day of brewing, under the guidance of some people with ulterior motives, Dongxuan City felt like a storm was coming in the eyes of other monks in Xingluo State.

Even this weird atmosphere has begun to affect many monks under Dongxuan City, giving many monks an inexplicable sense of crisis.

On Wanling Mountain, Ye Qingxuan looked at the world outside Dongxuan City with his hands behind his back, and said with a slight smile:


He was naturally aware of all the changes in the outside world, and he could even clearly sense that in the Xingluo State, which had been gradually calming down over the years, there was already a spread of Qi from the Dongxu Realm.

Ye Qingxuan guessed that either the Dongji State's strong men from the Dongxu Realm of Guizong came to Xingluo State and were ready to find a suitable opportunity to attack Dongxuan City.

Either the other major forces in Xingluo State have Dongxu Realm experts who rushed back to Xingluo State in advance.

After learning that Dongji and Dongxuan City had been destroyed, they wanted to take this opportunity to stir up trouble, suppress Dongxuan City's prestige in Xingluo State, and at the same time disrupt the minds of the monks under Dongxuan City.

"I would like to see what tricks you want to play?"

After understanding the current situation, Ye Qingxuan's eyes revealed a playful look, and he had no intention of taking the initiative.

He wanted to see how far this hidden clown could go, and whether he would have the guts to attack Dongxuan City directly.

Afterwards, Ye Qingxuan lowered his eyes slightly and glanced at the many monks in Dongxuan City who were worried.

After shaking his head slightly, Ye Qingxuan did not intervene.

After the secret clown is dealt with by him, or after Xue Yu destroys Guizong and returns to Dongxuan City, all this will naturally calm down.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan withdrew his eyes and ignored these trivial matters, quietly waiting on Wanling Mountain for the next move of the clowns in the dark.

These monks with floating hearts are basically peripheral members of Dongxuan City.

As for the core members of Dongxuan City, after initially understanding part of Ye Qingxuan's background, they are not panicking at all and do not think that there are forces in the East Ji Region that can threaten their Dongxuan City.

Now these core members have no intention of sympathizing with the worries of these peripheral members. They are now busy preparing their own trump cards to prepare for being transferred to other large areas for experience in the near future.

Two days later, the core members of Dongxuan City flew towards Wanling Mountain in unison.

At the front of the crowd, Jiang Yinyin happily pulled her helpless master and took the lead to escape to Wanling Mountain.

"Master, hurry up, we want to be the first teleportation monk in Dongxuan City."

This time, Jiang Yinyin and Liu Feifeng mainly traveled, so they did not summon their own demon-hunting army.

Moreover, only the core members of Dongxuan City can be teleported to other regions through the 'Qingxuan Cave Sky'. Only about half of the demon hunting army under their command are the core members of Dongxuan City.

Jiang Yinyin and Liu Feifeng have decided to temporarily split their demon hunting army into two parts.

The core members of the Demon Hunting Army of Dongxuan City will continue to be retained, while other members of the Demon Hunting Army will be assigned to a branch of Dongxuan City to develop as branches in the branch.

Soon, the actions of the core members of Dongxuan City attracted the attention of other monks in Dongxuan City.

Seeing the endless stream of monks flying towards Wanling Mountain, those peripheral members of Dongxuan City who did not know the inside story were confused and couldn't help but start talking.

"What's going on? Why are they all going to Wanling Mountain? Isn't that the place where the city lord practices in seclusion?"

"No, they are all core members of Dongxuan City, and several of them are my former friends."

"There must be a big secret hidden on Wanling Mountain."

"No, I want to go up and take a look too!"

Many cultivators weighed the pros and cons for a moment, gritted their teeth and tried to mingle with those core members, wanting to follow them to Wanling Mountain to find out.

Unfortunately, when these cultivators flew to the waist of Wanling Mountain, they were blocked by an invisible ban.

They could only watch the core members around them continue to fly to Wanling Mountain.

At this time, there was already a huge boundary gate floating above Wanling Mountain.

Jiang Yinyin, Liu Feifeng, Jiang Wen and others who had already entered the 'Qingxuan Cave Heaven' escaped directly into the boundary gate.

When other core members who flew to Wanling Mountain saw this boundary gate, they received a detailed introduction message out of thin air.

Following the guidance of the information, they escaped into the gate with the same excitement.

"Wow, is this really Qingxuan Cave Heaven? It has changed so much?"

Jiang Yinyin, who entered Qingxuan Cave Heaven first, was instantly shocked by the environment of Qingxuan Cave Heaven at this time. Even Liu Feifeng and Jiang Wen beside her could not help showing surprise.

"Could it be that this Qingxuan Cave Heaven can continue to grow?"

Thinking of this, Liu Feifeng and Jiang Wen looked at each other and saw the disbelief in each other's eyes.

Compared with the last time, the concentration and purity of spiritual energy have increased sharply. The Qingxuan Cave Heaven, which has suddenly appeared, is enough to be called a holy land for them.

If Qingxuan Cave Heaven continues to grow, Liu Feifeng and Jiang Wen dare not imagine what the future Qingxuan Cave Heaven will be like?

Just as Liu Feifeng and Jiang Wen were looking forward to the future Qingxuan Cave Heaven in their minds, Dongxuan City monks have begun to enter Qingxuan Cave Heaven one after another in this area.

After entering Qingxuan Cave Heaven and officially observing the environment of Qingxuan Cave Heaven,

These Dongxuan City cultivators were stunned in an instant. They looked at this world in disbelief and said in shock:

"Wow, this is Qingxuan Cave Heaven? Am I dreaming?"

"The city lord is awesome! In the past, as long as I could continue to practice in Qingxuan Cave Heaven, I would be willing to shorten my life by half."

"No, after Liu Laotou and others became Fu Xiu, the practice environment is so good? I would have applied to become a Fu Xiu if I had known."

"It's not too late for you to apply to become a Fu Xiu now?"

"Now? Now that the Earth Profound Realm has arrived, how can a mere Fu Xiu satisfy people?"

"Let's go, stop talking nonsense, let's contact Liu Laotou first and see what the so-called blessed land is like."

"Master, stop being dazed, let's go!"

Seeing that more and more cultivators entered Qingxuan Cave Heaven, Jiang Yinyin took advantage of the fact that others were still in shock of Qingxuan Cave Heaven and hurriedly pulled Liu Feifeng beside her to fly towards the place where four boundary gates stood in the distance.

Jiang Yinyin had decided to be the first person to be teleported.

Although it didn't have any special meaning.

When they arrived in front of the four boundary gates, Jiang Yinyin looked around, then pulled Liu Feifeng into the boundary gate with the three big characters "Nanman Territory" written on it and disappeared.

Jiang Wen, who followed closely behind, also escaped into this boundary gate and left Qingxuan Cave Heaven.

On the four boundary gates, there were the big characters "Dongji Territory", "Nanman Territory", "Xihuang Territory", and "Beili Territory" respectively.

Among them, the boundary gates with "Nanman Territory", "Xihuang Territory", and "Beili Territory" written on them can be teleported to the boundary gates that have been set up in these three domains respectively, and can go back and forth to Qingxuan Cave Heaven through the opposite boundary gate.

And the boundary gate with "Dongji Territory" written on it can return to the Wanling Mountain in Xingluo Dongxuan City.

Not long after Jiang Yinyin and others escaped into the boundary gate of "Nanman Territory", other cultivators in Dongxuan City also began to choose the corresponding boundary gates to teleport one by one.

At the same time, Ye Qingxuan built Nanxuan City in Nanman Territory, Xixuan City in Xihuang Territory, and Beixuan City in Beili Territory, on the highest peaks in the core areas of the three major cities.

From an open boundary gate, the figures of Dongxuan City monks began to appear one after another.

As soon as these Dongxuan City monks appeared, they were moved to the remote courtyards in their respective cities by the teleportation formations that had been arranged on the peaks of the three major cities, and quietly integrated into the three major cities.

However, among the three major cities, only Nanxuan City received the most Dongxuan City monks.

Because it was the first time to teleport, most of these Dongxuan City monks chose "Nanman Territory".

After all, Nanman Territory is the border of the human race. As a human cultivator, how many people don't want to witness the style of the human race's border with their own eyes?

On Wanling Mountain, Ye Qingxuan, who was hiding his body, watched the core members of Dongxuan City teleport to the three major domains one after another, and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

Although the Qingxuan Cave Heaven was only open to the core members of Dongxuan City for the time being, it was also a big step in the layout of his forces in the Dixuan Realm.

Freed from the constraints of the region, the cultivators under his command would have the opportunity to come into contact with more opportunities, so that they could grow faster.

Ye Qingxuan did not intend to conceal the actions of the core members this time.

At his current level, he no longer needs to be as cautious as before in the East Region.

After today, even if the outside world spreads the legend that there is a big secret hidden on his Wanling Mountain, what can the cultivators in the East Region do to him?

Ye Qingxuan hopes that some ignorant strongmen will break into his Wanling Mountain out of curiosity, adding some fun to his ordinary life.

For this reason, Ye Qingxuan has set up a lot of formations and restrictions on Wanling Mountain during this period.

Ye Qingxuan is looking forward to some stubborn cultivators coming to Xingluo Dongxuan City to break into the mountain in the future.

After going through untold hardships, they finally broke into the top of Wanling Mountain, only to find that there was only a bare mountain top and a strong man they could not match.

I wonder what they will think at that time?

On the other side, on the way to Dongjizhou.

On the open-air platform at the top of the flying boat, Xue Yu and Li Dachui stood facing the wind.

Looking at the scenery ahead, Li Dachui's rough face showed a thoughtful look, his mouth slightly open, hesitant to speak.

Xueyu noticed the slight movement of Li Dachui's face, and said lightly without turning back:

"What do you want to ask, just say it!"

Seeing Xueyu take the initiative to start the topic, Li Dachui pondered for a moment, and finally asked the doubts that had been accumulating in his heart for a while, and he had been thinking about it:

"Xingluozhou has no potential for development. Why don't the Lord of the City and you Dongxuan Envoys leave Xingluozhou?"

"Moreover, most of the core members of Dongxuan City will be left behind in Xingluozhou. Why don't they complain?"

These doubts have been buried in Li Dachui's heart for a long time.

If Ye Qingxuan and Xueyu, the Dongxuan Envoys, stayed to guard the foundation of Xingluozhou Dongxuan City, he could barely understand it.

But why didn't the core members of Dongxuan City complain after being left behind, and even felt a little excited and excited?

The abnormal behavior of the core members of Dongxuan City made Li Dachui more and more puzzled.

Taking advantage of this mission with Xueyu, Li Dachui finally couldn't help asking the doubts in his heart.

However, after hearing Li Dachui's question, Xueyu did not answer directly.

Turning slightly to meet Li Dachui's hot gaze, Xueyu's face rarely showed a smile and said:

"When you become a core member of Dongxuan City, you will naturally know everything you want to know!"

After that, Xueyu turned and left here and walked into the flying boat; only Li Dachui, who was thoughtful, was left, muttering on the spot:

"Core member? Lord City Lord, what secrets are you hiding?"

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