Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 529: The Announcement That Stirred Up the Storm

After everyone left.

Ye Qingxuan stayed alone on the Wanling Mountain to think for a while.

Then he returned to Qingxuan Cave Heaven and solidified four boundary gates leading to Dongji Domain, Nanman Domain, Xihuang Domain, and Beili Domain.

He returned to Wanling Mountain again and solidified a boundary gate on the top of Wanling Mountain that could be used to teleport and travel between Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Wanling Mountain.

So that the cultivators of Xingluo Dongxuan City could be teleported to Nanman Domain, Xihuang Domain, Beili Domain, or return to Dongji Domain through Qingxuan Cave Heaven, or through Dongxuan Order.

After preparing all this, Ye Qingxuan immediately began to edit corresponding announcements for the core members and peripheral members of Dongxuan City through Dongxuan Order.

The announcement of the core members included a series of introductions to Qingxuan Cave Heaven, and informed them that they could apply to leave Dongji Domain and go to other large domains for training after three days.

However, in order to prevent Xingluo Dongxuan City from becoming a real empty city, Ye Qingxuan made certain restrictions on the stay or departure of these core members.

First, if you want to teleport to other domains in the Dixuan Realm through the boundary gate, you need to apply and pay a certain amount of contribution points.

And only cultivators at the Jindan Realm and above are eligible to apply for the use of the boundary gate and leave the Dongji Domain for training.

Not only that, every application by cultivators who go to other domains for training has a time limit. They must return to Xingluo Dongxuan City within the specified time to perform the rotation guarding mission before they can regain the qualification to go to other domains for training.

If you are delayed by irresistible things during the training process, you only need to pay the corresponding contribution points as a fine afterwards.

The longer the delay, the more accumulated fines.

In addition, Ye Qingxuan clearly prohibited in the announcement that he was temporarily not allowed to reveal his origins and any other information that might expose Dongxuan City in other domains.

If you don't want to be teleported to other domains for training, the core members of Dongxuan City can also apply to go to the states outside Xingluozhou in the Dongji Domain for training.

But Ye Qingxuan felt that not many of the core members of Dongxuan City would choose this path of training.

After all, being able to cross unimaginable distances and go to other regions of the Earth Profound Realm that have never been visited for training is an irresistible temptation for most cultivators.

Ye Qingxuan listed the latter one just to give the core members of Dongxuan City one more choice.

In addition to the restrictions on core members in all aspects.

In the announcement of the peripheral members of Dongxuan City edited by Ye Qingxuan, the application of peripheral members to go to other states in the East Extreme Region for training was also restricted.

First of all, in terms of cultivation.

Because other states in the East Extreme Region have branches of Dongxuan City, Ye Qingxuan has very low restrictions on the cultivation of these peripheral members who apply to leave Xingluo·Dongxuan City.

As long as the cultivation reaches the foundation-building stage, you can apply to settle and develop in the branch cities of Dongxuan City in other states.

The only difference is that Ye Qingxuan wants to avoid too many cultivators from Xingluo·Dongxuan City, which is not conducive to the balanced development of the major branches of Dongxuan City.

Therefore, the number of places that can be applied for in each branch city of Dongxuan City is limited.

Once the number of cultivators applying for this branch city has reached the standard, other cultivators can only apply to settle and develop in other branches of Dongxuan City.

In order to conceal the whereabouts of the core members, Ye Qingxuan noted in the announcement of the peripheral members:

Most of the core members of Dongxuan City need to stay in Xingluo·Dongxuan City, and will not follow the peripheral members to apply for transfer from Xingluo·Dongxuan City to other branch cities for development.

The purpose is to reduce the presence of the core members of Xingluo·Dongxuan City in the future.

After the two announcements were edited, Ye Qingxuan checked them and sent them to the Dongxuan Orders of the core members and peripheral members respectively.

"Buzz!" "Buzz!" "Buzz!".

For a while, the whole Dongxuan City was filled with the vibration of various Dongxuan Orders.

Seeing this scene, the Dongxuan City cultivators who did not know the reason began to curiously explore their Dongxuan Orders.

And Bai Shuqing, Xue Yu and others who already knew everything smiled slightly, with expectations in their eyes.

Jiang Yinyin was impatient, and the excitement in her eyes could not be concealed.

After all, she was not assigned any tasks. After three days, she could directly submit an application to leave Xingluo Dongxuan City first and go to the Nanman Territory for training.

Yes, after learning that the Nanman Territory was the border of the human race, Jiang Yinyin chose the Nanman Territory as her first stop for training.

With Jiang Yinyin's current cultivation, she naturally could not participate in the border battlefield, but she only needed to witness the majesty of the human race's border with her own eyes, and she was satisfied.

At the same time, among the core members who had received Ye Qingxuan's announcement information, an uproar suddenly arose.

Many core members who were stunned in place and had unpredictable faces forced themselves to suppress the shock in their hearts. After reacting, they first looked around vigilantly, and then immediately returned to their caves, or invited a few friends who were also core members to meet and discuss.

Fortunately, at this time, the peripheral members of Dongxuan City were also attracted by the announcement they received, and most of them did not notice the abnormality of these core members.

As Ye Qingxuan issued two notices, the originally bustling Dongxuan City began to fall into a strange silence for a moment.

Only those cultivators who were not affiliated with Dongxuan City but were active in Dongxuan City.

Looking at a large number of Dongxuan City cultivators standing in place and looking at the Dongxuan Order with different expressions, they were puzzled and began to explore the reasons.

Sensing the unpredictable atmosphere in Dongxuan City, Bai Shuqing, Luo Tian, ​​and Xue Yu, the three Dongxuan envoys, just cast a slight gaze and did not intervene.

As the entire Xingluo·Dongxuan City was changing, many core members of Dongxuan City had contacted each other to vent their shock:

"Damn, am I dreaming? Is our city lord so awesome? He can actually cross the endless sea and directly teleport us to other major domains in the Dixuan Realm?"

"Hahaha, great, since the wormhole channel in Xingluo State was completely destroyed, I thought that our Xingluo·Dongxuan City had no potential for development, but I didn't expect a sudden turn of events!"

"Humph, this is because of our city lord. Look at the other forces in Xingluo State? Aren't they all leaving Xingluo State in disgrace and going to other major states to develop? Only our Dongxuan City is still holding on in Xingluo State."

"That's it , and it is also because our city lord has great magical powers. In the future, we don’t need to move away from Xingluozhou, and we can also enter the Qingmo Realm through other wormhole channels to train. "

"Yes! Nanman Territory, Xihuang Territory, Beili Territory, I never thought that one day I would be able to cross the endless sea to other large domains to experience different customs and customs. It’s really exciting! "

"Fortunately, we successfully made a Taoist oath and became the core members of Dongxuan City, otherwise how could such a good thing be our turn? "

"It is our honor to swear allegiance to the city lord; only by following the city lord can we see different scenery. "

"Who said it wasn’t? It’s a pity that my rebellious son has too many thoughts and has been unable to make a Taoist oath to become a core member of Dongxuan City, otherwise hey! "

"Children and grandchildren will have their own troubles. It is your son's own loss that he cannot become a core member under the Lord of the City."

"Hehe, those peripheral members of Dongxuan City are quite dissatisfied with us core members, but they don't know what kind of heaven-defying opportunity they have missed."

"That's right, as long as we follow the Lord of the City's pace, our cultivation will surely advance by leaps and bounds. By then, what will the descendants who don't live up to their expectations count for?"

"Let's not talk about this. Look at this Qingxuan Cave Heaven. It turns out that this is the place where Old Man Liu became a Fu Xiu and opened up a blessed land? Doesn't that mean that we can visit Old Man Liu in Qingxuan Cave Heaven at any time in the future?"

"Yes! Every time Old Liu came back and asked him, he was evasive; now we can enter and exit Qingxuan Cave Heaven at will, Then we can go and see what the legendary blessed land is like. "

"Not bad, not bad, and Lao Wang and Sanmei, we will enter Qingxuan Cave Heaven in three days, first meet these old friends who have become blessed cultivators, and then teleport to the Nanman Territory. How about we go to the Nanman Territory for training?"

"Nanman Territory? The border of the human race? I have no objection."

"I have no objection either."


"Okay, then we have decided to set off in three days."

"But before we set off, everyone remember to announce that we are in seclusion to practice and conceal our destination."

"Don't worry, we will naturally carefully conceal the things that the city lord does not allow to be revealed."

Just when the core members of Dongxuan City were shocked and excited, they were discussing.

In Su Jianfeng's cave, Mu Chunzi and Wu Jizi, who were also members of the outer members of Dongxuan City and were strong men in the realm of transformation, had come to visit Su Jianfeng without any prior arrangement.

"Brother Su, we finally waited for the city lord to release the authority to leave Xingluozhou. Do you have any place you are interested in? The three of us can develop in a new place and keep each other warm!"

"That's right. The Green Demon Realm is full of crises. Our individual strength is too weak. Only by uniting together can we survive better and gain more benefits in the Green Demon Realm."

Hearing the persuasion of Mu Chunzi and Wu Jizi, Su Jianfeng couldn't help showing a moving look in his eyes.

Over the years, because he was used to being casual and didn't like being bound by others, he didn't join the major demon hunting armies. He had been fighting alone in the Green Demon Realm and suffered a lot.

If he hadn't exchanged a lot of life-saving items in the treasure house of Dongxuan City, he would have died in the Green Demon Realm long ago.

It was precisely because of his casual character that even though he was convinced by Ye Qingxuan to join Dongxuan City, he still didn't swear to become a core member of Dongxuan City.

Now facing the invitation of Mu Chunzi and Wu Jizi, Su Jianfeng couldn't find a reason to refuse.

Mu Chunzi and Wu Jizi are both veteran masters at the peak of the Spiritualization Realm, and their strength is not weak.

In addition, this small group of three people has no distinction between superiors and subordinates, and does not need to be subject to additional constraints.

After pondering for a moment, Su Jianfeng slowly said:

"Brothers, do you have any recommendations for branch cities suitable for development?"

Seeing that Su Jianfeng did not refuse, Mu Chunzi and Wu Jizi looked slightly happy, and Mu Chunzi could not wait to speak:

"How about the Dongxuan branch city in Dongjizhou? Dongjizhou is the core state of Dongji Domain, with a vast territory and endless strong people."

"And the Dongxuan City branch city in Dongjizhou has just been established not long ago. With the qualifications of the three of us, we can apply to stay in Dongji·Dongxuan City and we will definitely be able to directly obtain the control of the branch city."

"At that time, the two of us are willing to serve Brother Su as the city lord, and Brother Wu and I as the deputy city lords, how about it?"

Mu Chunzi knew that Su Jianfeng was used to being casual and did not want to be controlled by others, so he directly promised the position of the city lord of the branch city to win over Su Jianfeng.

Hearing Mu Chunzi's words, Su Jianfeng's eyes moved slightly, and he couldn't help asking:

"Are you sure that after we go to Dongji Dongxuan City, we can directly obtain the position of city lord and deputy city lord?"

It is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. If he can become the city lord of a branch city in Dongxuan City, he is naturally willing.

Faced with Su Jianfeng's inquiry, Wu Jizi couldn't help complaining:

"Brother Su, don't worry. I don't know what the city lord is thinking. This time, he directly let those core members who are usually very arrogant stay behind and don't allow core members to go to other states for development on a large scale."

"Without those core members competing with us, we have a great advantage among the peripheral members."

Hearing Wu Jizi's complaints, Mu Chunzi couldn't help saying:

"That's right, maybe the city lord can't stand the arrogance of those core members, so this time he deliberately taught them a lesson to suppress the arrogance of those core members. . "

"I have checked. Now, as long as the position of the branch city is temporarily vacant, the cultivation level reaches the corresponding standard, and is willing to pay the corresponding contribution points, you can be directly assigned to the branch city you want to work in. "

"And the position of the city lord of the branch city, the cultivation level standard is the peak of the transformation realm, and we are not short of contribution points, so we still have a great chance to apply for the position of the city lord and deputy city lord of Dongji Dongxuan City. "

As time goes by, because the core members of Dongxuan City know more secrets and grow faster, they will inevitably feel superior and inadvertently reveal their contempt or disdain for the peripheral members.

In this case, the contradiction between the core members and peripheral members of Dongxuan City is getting bigger and bigger.

In the end, two groups gradually formed to compete with each other and couldn't stand each other's good.

Especially the peripheral members, they would be extremely excited when they saw the core members being defeated.

Like in this announcement, the peripheral members of Dongxuan City learned that they could apply to develop in the branch city, while most of the core members could only stay in Xingluozhou, and they were so happy in their hearts.

Many peripheral members could even foresee that when they returned to Xingluo Dongxuan City many years later, their cultivation would definitely surpass the core members of the same generation trapped in Xingluo State, which would greatly shock them.

When they thought of this scene, the peripheral members who had suffered a lot in front of the core members were excited.

Even Mu Chunzi and Wu Jizi, who had already reached the peak of the Spiritualization Realm, were no exception.

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