Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 733: : Timely support

Both Yasha and Dujuan are not female soldiers who have undergone special training. Apart from their rich knowledge of elves, they are just two ordinary girls.

Therefore, their running speed is naturally far less than that of the strong buck-toothed man and the fat man behind them. Now they also bring the blond man with this oil bottle, and the moving speed is even slower.

"Cuckoo, you take him away, I will hold them."

Seeing that the buck-tooth man and the obese man were about to catch up with them, Yasha immediately stood up, and she said to the cuckoo behind her, then turned to face the buck-tooth man and the fat man who rushed over quickly.

Du Juan heard Asha's words, she nodded immediately, then took the blond man from Asha and continued to run forward.

"Come out, coal turtle, use the most powerful flame vortex to create a wall of fire."

Seeing Dujuan walking away with the blond man, Asha once again released the second strongest Elf 45-level coal turtle out and directed him to attack.

As soon as the coal turtle came out, the charcoal-burning stove turtle shell on his back suddenly emitted a large amount of water vapor because of the cooling of the rain, and the temperature of his body began to drop rapidly.

However, after he heard Asha's instructions, a blue fire suddenly appeared from several smoke outlets on the turtle shell, his body temperature rose rapidly, and then a huge spiral fire column was released from his mouth.

Although the power of the flame vortex has been weakened a lot due to the rain, both the buck-toothed man and the obese man are flesh and blood after all. When they saw the coal turtle halfway through the flame vortex to create a wall of fire, they suddenly Brake quickly to avoid flame attacks.

"It seems that the little girl is a trainer who specializes in fire elves. No wonder she has such a strong temper."

Griffon saw that Asha was still sending out coal turtles to fight on this rainy day, and then remembered the flame chicken that was severely injured by his Marsh King before. He immediately judged Asha's details and left behind with a squinting face. Asha said after the break.

"However, you are really unlucky today. You can catch it, Marsh King, use surf to wipe out the wall of fire."

Immediately, his face became cold, and he immediately commanded King Marsh to attack.

When King Marsh heard this, his hands suddenly lit up with blue light, and then he slapped to the ground. In an instant, the accumulation of water on the surrounding road quickly gathered.

In just a few seconds, under the action of Marsh King's surfing moves, a wave mixed with a large amount of sand formed, and then hit the wall of fire made by the coal turtle using a flame vortex.

With the blessing of rain and weather, the power of the surfing moves released by the King Marsh was increased, and the wall of fire was instantly extinguished by the muddy waves he controlled.

"Coal Turtle, take out your anger, show our training results for more than a month, spin with flames."

Seeing the surging waves of muddy water controlled by the Marsh King, Asha gritted her teeth and hurriedly climbed up a big tree on the left to dodge, and at the same time shouted loudly at the coal turtles who were waiting for her.


When the coal turtle heard Asha's words, he immediately opened his red eyes. Along with a lot of thick smoke, a whistle sounded from his two nostrils, and the smoke outlet of the turtle shell on his back spouted blue high-temperature flames again.

Immediately afterwards, he leaped vigorously on all fours and jumped into the air. The jets of blue flames were quickly released from the cracks in the tortoise shell under him. Then, under Asha’s surprised gaze, the coal turtle actually used the flames The propulsion is suspended in mid-air.

With this peculiar ability to float in the air, the coal tortoise successfully avoided the Marsh King's surfing moves.

But these are obviously not the attacking moves that Asha made the Coal Turtle to show. After the Coal Turtle avoided the Marsh King's surfing moves, his whole body immediately retracted into the turtle shell, and then rotated at a high speed with the help of high-speed rotation.

When a huge jet of blue fire column suddenly released from the tail of the coal turtle, the coal turtle in high-speed rotation suddenly turned into a high-speed rotating fire wheel, and then slammed into the hat with a loud breaking air. mushroom.

From the time the coal turtle floats in the air to the high-speed steamer crashing into the mushroom, the time spent before and after is only two seconds, and due to the influence of water vapor formed by the spray of muddy water on the fire wall, when the obese man reacts At the time, he was too late to make a command.

Facing the coal tortoise's flame rotating attack at a speed comparable to the speed of sound, the lily mushroom also had no time to make any evasive movements. In desperation, he had no choice but to release his life-saving moves to defend.

With a thought of the lilac mushroom, an emerald green energy shield suddenly appeared around him, and then blocked the coal turtle in time. This move was combined with the high-speed rotation and the flame rotation of overheating moves.

But although the aquamarine energy shield blocked the attack of the coal turtle, it could not stop the high temperature transmitted by the flame on the coal turtle. The body of the coal turtle was already rotating at high speed, and then it was fierce with the aquamarine energy shield. Colliding

Suddenly, the lily mushroom felt like he was in a high temperature stove.

"Marsh King, the fluctuation of water."

Fortunately, the bucktooth man reacted at this time, and he immediately commanded King Marsh to help the obese man's hoodie to relieve the crisis.

A "bang~" explosion appeared, and the wave of water released by the Marsh King slammed the coal turtle, causing a violent explosion of water system energy.

However, the coal turtle's attack on the mushroom suddenly stopped, and it was also blown out.

However, just as King Numa and the angry scorpion were preparing to attack the coal turtle that had been seriously injured, a bulging rock and a bulging stone suddenly rolled out from behind the bucktooth man and the fat man at high speed, and then slammed into the buckle respectively. Tooth male and obese male.

At the same time, the four tentacles wrapped in a layer of purple energy suddenly flew out of the nearby grass, and then slammed the Numa King and the Mushroom in twos~www.NovelMTL.com~ and used holes to dodge them. "

"Fun them at the speed of sound."

In the face of this sudden change, although the bucktooth man and the obese man were shocked, they did not panic either. They flexibly avoided the rolling attacks of Rumble Rock and Rumble Stone, while commanding their elf to dodge.

When King Marsh heard the bucktooth man's words, he immediately gave up chasing the coal tortoise, then buried his head in a drill, and dug a hole in time to avoid the two tentacles glowing purple at this time.

And the lily mushroom also gave up attacking the coal turtle in time, and then turned around with both hands and used the two tentacles of the sonic fist to smash it.

However, the sudden attack is obviously far from over. After the rumble rock, the rumbling stone and the tentacles attacked to no avail, the five ice cones exuding the terrifying cold flew out of the grass behind the capsicum, and then shot at the capsicum at high speed.

It has to be said that the obese man trained this 51-level straw mushroom very well, and he was even more proficient in the use of sonic fist and iron tail.

Facing the five ice cones that almost locked his moving space, the lily mushroom waved his metal-like tail like lightning, and directly beat the five ice cones into ice **** in one breath.

However, the lily mushroom was looking to deal with the crisis behind him, but he ignored the crisis from the front for a moment. After the two purple-lit tentacles lost the goal of the marsh king, they directly turned to attack the lily mushroom.

Unprepared, the lily mushroom was suddenly flew out by the two purple-shining tentacles.

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