Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 734: : Show up

These two tentacles glowing with purple light were obviously accompanied by poison-type attribute attacks. Therefore, for the grass-type Douli Mushroom, the sudden beating of these two tentacles on him immediately caused him huge damage.

At the moment he was drawn, the screaming screamed, and then his whole body fell heavily to the ground, and the most deadly thing was that his body soon began to glow with a coquettish purple light, apparently entering a state of poisoning. .

However, what is strange is that although the lily mushroom is in a poisoned state, it does not appear to be a major problem, as if the toxin did not cause any effect on his body.

If you observe carefully, the injury on the scorpion mushroom is still recovering quickly.

"Who's there?"

The obese man was furious when he saw that his hooded mushroom was seriously injured by the focus of attention, but when he discovered that the hooded mushroom was poisoned, a pair of small eyes that almost buried the fat suddenly showed a hint of joy.

"Come out, Cunning Tengu, aiming at the bushes over there with a storm attack."

But he continued to pretend to be angry, he immediately released a 49-level cunning tengu, and then directed him to attack the grass where the tentacles were extended.

However, before the cunning Tengu could launch an attack, five cones of ice suddenly flew out of a nearby bush, and the target of this attack was still the severely wounded mushroom.

"Damn, cunning tengu, protect the lily mushroom, use leaf blade."

When the fat man saw the enemy, he didn't intend to let go of the badly wounded mushroom, his face changed drastically, and he quickly let the cunning tengu around him support him.

When the cunning tengu heard the fat man's words, his movements stopped immediately, and then he stepped **** the wooden clogs, and he immediately rushed to the front of the scorpion mushroom. At the same time, a pair of sunflower-like palms in his hands immediately victorious and quickly made two bi Green long knife.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to swing his knives at extremely fast speed, and all the incoming ice cones were cut into pieces by two long knives in his hands.

"Swallow the beast, cast a sludge bomb on the grass over there."

On the other side, the bucktooth man also knew that there was a strong nearby to support Asha. He did not dare to be careless, and immediately came out to challenge by releasing a new elf, and then commanded the new level 50 Devourer to take over the fat male cunning tengu. Unfinished work.

The bucktooth man is a big devouring beast, at least 1.5 times that of a normal devouring beast, and at first glance, it is known that it is an extremely well-trained elf.

Saw the Devouring Beast took a breath, his body suddenly swelled, and then a large amount of purple energy **** were released from his mouth.

These purple energy **** are all mixed with highly toxic toxic energy. As soon as they touch any object, they will explode and corrode the surrounding things.

In an instant, the bush where the tentacles were stretched out suddenly turned into rubble, and a stinger jellyfish with a slight injury suddenly appeared in front of the fang man and the obese man, and with a water blue streamer on his body appeared, The scars on his body disappeared quickly.

As soon as the stinger jellyfish appeared, four long tentacles quickly stretched out from him, and then aimed at the devouring beast in front of him while making a beating move.

However, although the swallowing beast is slow, due to the extremely special body structure, the four tentacles of the stinging jellyfish are all removed by his jelly-like body when they hit him, but it does not hurt at all. s attack.

"Huh, it turned out to be a sting jellyfish, come out, King Marsh, attack with a burrow."

When the bucktooth man saw that the mysterious elf in the grass was a sting jelly, his face suddenly showed a trace of disdain, and he immediately asked the marsh king who was underground to attack the sting jelly.

Hidden in the ground, King Marsh heard what the bucktooth said, he immediately sprang out from the ground under the sting jelly, and directly flew the sting jelly out of the ground.

However, perhaps cleverness was mistaken by cleverness. Although King Marsh used a burrowing technique to cause a lot of damage to the stinger jellyfish, he was not able to defeat it instantly, and then he was entangled by the large number of tentacles of the stinger jellyfish.

Although the surface of Marsh King was very slippery, he still had nowhere to escape under the entanglement of so many tentacles with suckers on the stinger jellyfish.

"Good job, use the ultimate absorption."

Then, with a voice from Asha, the tentacles of the stinger jellyfish entwining the King Marsh glowed with a dazzling green light.

Suddenly, King Marsh, who was attacked by grass-based moves, suddenly let out a scream, but it stopped abruptly.

At the same time, the sting jellyfish's injuries quickly recovered under the action of a burst of green healing light, and the Marsh King who had lost the ability to fight was thrown on the ground by him.

"Asshole, this stinging jellyfish will eventually absorb such powerful grass moves, it's careless."

The bucktooth man saw that his marsh king was defeated by the ultimate absorption of the sting jellyfish’s four-fold damage, his face was not only difficult to look, but he did not shrink from it, but stared at Asha's just appearance. Mysterious man.

On the other side, the fat man also commanded the cunning Tengu to use a large-scale attack to find another hidden enemy. It was an iron shell with a strange smile.

After seeing that his opponent was the iron shell, the obese man immediately let the cunning tengu approach the iron shell to maximize the attack range of the iron shell.

But what he didn't expect was that this iron shell was so flexible on land that it relied on the huge thrust formed by the jet of water from its head and tail to continuously fight the cunning tengu at a distance~www.NovelMTL. com~ And, the most troublesome thing for the obese man is that the iron shell has the ability to continue to attack the severely injured hat mushroom during the somewhat awkward movement, which makes him finally have to let the cunning tengu give up the pursuit. Protect the mushrooms.

I don't know when, Cuckoo has come to Yasha again, and in addition to Cuckoo, Sato Kaede in a raincoat also slowly walked out of the nearby grass with Pikachu.

Yes, it was Dujuan and Sato Kaede who helped Asha in time. Dujuan met Sato Kaede halfway through the road.

When Dujuan learned about the blond man from Sato Kaede, she decisively left the blond man behind and rushed over to support Asha with Sato Kaede.

Fortunately, the two arrived in time, otherwise Asha and her coal turtle would be in danger.

"Long time no see, Mr. Zheping, thank you for your support, but you will be here like this."

After Asha saw Sato Kaede's appearance, she immediately knew that it was Sato Kaede who had rescued her secretly just now, and she screamed in surprise.

"It's inconvenient to speak now. I'll explain it later."

"Cuckoo, you can take Asha first, leave it to me for the time being."

Sato Kaede heard Asha's words, and after a brief answer, he continued to turn his gaze to the buck-toothed man and the fat man who were staring at him at this time.

As soon as the voice fell, the stinger jellyfish used many tentacles to jump and a stream of water from a tail came to him, and then he completely covered his body. 2k reading network

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