Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 732: : Strategic retreat (Happy birthday to yourself today)

King Marsh, drew his tail to the flame chicken. "

"Horse, use the seed machine gun to attack the sickle helmet."

The sudden attack by the flame chicken and the sickle helmet did not cause any panic from the bucktooth man and the obese man. The two quickly moved away from the two elves who were obviously enemies, and immediately commanded their elves to launch a counterattack. .

When Marsh King heard the bucktooth man's words, the dull-looking eyes on his face suddenly became vicious, and his tail instantly curled up with a large amount of blue water.

In the next second, under the astonished gaze of the Flame Chicken, King Marsh exploded with an astonishing short-distance movement speed. He quickly shortened the distance between himself and the Flame Chicken, and then swept the tail of the flame chicken that had just landed.

On the other hand, the scorpion mushroom did not lose its combat ability because of the worm-type attack of the sickle helmet. At the critical moment, he blocked the sneak attack of the sickle helmet with a sonic fist. In the end, it was only because of the opponent's strength. Repelled.


Saw the scorpion mushroom stood firmly on the ground again after a backflip, and then he yelled, and a large amount of green energy seeds were released from his mouth and quickly shot towards the sickle helmet in front.

Faced with King Marsh’s fast and fierce tail attack, the Flame Chicken did not dare to meet him, his feet exerted strength again, and his whole body jumped back quickly, evading this dangerously and dangerously. One-way water flow tail.

However, the Buffalo King Marsh has a rich combat experience, and his response is not as slow as his appearance.

Without the buck-tooth man's command, when the flame chicken just jumped up, he immediately released a large number of mud **** made by ground energy from his mouth.

The Flame Chicken had nowhere to leverage in the air. In desperation, he could only cross his hands on his chest to resist the mud bomb of King Xiamaru.

"Boom bang bang~~"

In an instant, a series of explosions suddenly appeared, and the flame chicken was finally exploded by the ground energy released by the sludge bomb.

At the same time, the seed machine gun released by the mushroom quickly approached the sickle helmet, but the characteristic of this sickle helmet was obviously easy to swim. In rainy days, his speed increased sharply.

A force was exerted at the feet of the sickle helmet, and he immediately left an afterimage on the spot. After successfully avoiding the seed machine gun of the lily, he also instantly appeared behind the lily.

Immediately afterwards, the twin sickles in his hand glowed with bright green light again, and then aimed at the back of the lily mushroom with a cross-cut.

However, Toligu had already suffered from a sneak attack with the sickle helmet just now. When the sickle helmet instantly avoided his seed machine gun attack, the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank, and his spirit was highly concentrated.

Immediately afterwards, when the sickle helmet came out behind him, his tail instantly glowed with a metallic luster, and then when the sickle helmet and two sickles were about to fall on his back, he was hit hard with a metal hammer-like tail. On the waist of the sickle helmet.

In the next second, a "boom!!!" sound appeared. Although the sickle helmet succeeded in leaving a cross wound on the back of the mushroom, it was also heavily swept by the iron tail of the mushroom. It flew out and stopped after hitting several big trees in a row.

In just ten seconds, the flame chicken and the sickle helmet that suddenly came to support were seriously injured, and the blond man who was born with hope in his eyes couldn't help being enveloped in despair again.

At this time, two young girl trainers wearing raincoats also quickly came to the side of the flame chicken and the sickle helmet respectively. When they saw their little elf suddenly hurt like this, their faces suddenly showed distressed expressions.

At this moment, the two teenage trainers who suddenly helped the blond man were Asha and Cuckoo that Sato Kaede had met more than a month ago.

I don't know what, the two of them have not left the area of ​​Kaina City for a long time, and they actually appear here now.

"Who I thought it was? It turned out to be two cute little girls, hehehe~, you two suddenly attacked us, but there is a price to pay."

After seeing Yasha and Cuckoo, the hideousness on his face suddenly eased, and he grinned, showing a pair of eye-catching buck teeth, and then said to Asha and Cuckoo with squinted eyes.

"For the sake of you are women, obediently leave all the delicious things on your body, and I will let you go, otherwise, Fatty I can't spare you."

The fat man glanced at what the bucktooth man looked like at this time, he suddenly snorted, then turned his head and said viciously to Asha and Cuckoo.

When Asha heard the buck-tooth man and the fat man, her pretty face flushed with anger, and she gritted her teeth and stared at the buck-tooth man and the fat man.

"Bah, come out, coal turtle, use smoke."

However, she also knew that the current situation was not good for them, so after she met Du Juan, she immediately released the coal turtle, and then let the coal turtle use smoke to cover their retreat.

As soon as the coal turtle appeared, he immediately obeyed Asha's instructions, and the tortoise shell on the nose and back immediately released a large amount of thick black smoke.

For a time, the surrounding environment was covered by the sudden black smoke of the coal turtle.

At the same time, taking advantage of the thick black smoke released by the coal tortoise has not been quickly washed away by the rain, the cuckoo, who understands, immediately evacuated with Asha with a sickle helmet.

When the buck-tooth man saw that Asha released the coal turtle, he immediately knew that he was not good, but he was still a step late, so that the coal turtle successfully released the smoke.

"Huh, it's not that easy to run."

"Marsh King, use freezing wind."

However, he also had a way to deal with it. He immediately let King Marsh blow away the dense smoke with freezing wind.

When King Marsh heard what the bucktooth said, he immediately took a big breath, and then blew out a cold air current.

Under the effect of the freezing wind and rain washing of the king of marsh~www.NovelMTL.com~ the thick black smoke released by the coal turtle was quickly dispelled, and then it was revealed that Asha who had not forgotten to take the blond man and escaped before leaving And cuckoo.

The bucktooth man and the obese man would naturally not let the cooked duck fly away, and the two hurriedly led the elf to catch up.

"It seems that they are in big trouble this time. These two trainers of unknown origin are very strong."

Sato Kaede saw the situation here through mental power detection, and he immediately knew that the two acquaintances who had helped the blond man were in trouble.

In fact, if you follow usual times, Asha and Dujuan may not be able to defeat buck-toothed men and obese men, but today they cannot.

After all, Yasha is a trainer who specializes in fire elves, and Cuckoo is a trainer who specializes in rock genres, and the rainy weather that is still not over is very unfavorable to the elves in their hands.

If Sato Kaede is right, the flame chicken and the sickle helmet are the elves that Asha and Cuckoo now have the strongest fighting power in the rain, but now these two elves have been beaten by the elves of the buck-tooth man and the fat man. Seriously injured.

This time, the two of them really didn't save people, but they got themselves in.

"You stay here, I will go back."

After Sato Kaede sighed, he got up from the ground, and under the puzzling eyes of the surrounding three people, he quickly put on a raincoat and led Pikachu out of the tree hole.

Sato Kaede has not forgotten that Asha and Dujuan helped him get away from the speeding gangster for free.

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