Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 731: : Fate should never be broken

Sato Kaede is naturally not interested in the battles launched by others. As long as the two sides did not involve him, he would choose to ignore it even if the flood was so great.

As for going to watch the game, Sato Kaede is in no mood now. The rain outside is still falling. Although he has a very good waterproof suit, he does not have the mind to watch the game under heavy rain.

"Don't worry, as long as it doesn't involve us, rest assured."

Therefore, after Sato Kaede learned what Pikachu was saying through telepathy, he touched Pikachu's head with his hand and said with a smile.


Pikachu nodded when he heard the words, he lay quietly on Sato Kaede's shoulder again, and then found a comfortable position to continue resting.

However, the development direction of things is always unexpected. Sato Kaede did not go to watch the battle, but from the situation where the sound of the battle is getting louder and louder, the battlefield seems to be close to where Sato Kaede and others are.

In fact, the battlefield between the blonde man and the fat man is indeed moving now. After the blonde man found out that he could not beat the fat man, he immediately chose to run.

However, his running direction still deviated from Sato Kaede and the others, but this did not affect the battlefield getting closer and closer to Sato Kaede.

In the wild, no matter how careful you are, Sato Kaede and the others have long since discovered that the battlefield approached them and they began to stand up, and Sato Kaede quickly spread his mental power to detect.

"Well~, it is him. It seems that the retribution really came quickly enough. Now, this guy also feels the feeling of being beaten by a stronger person."

"However, how did he offend that fat man? The other party seems to be going to die."

Soon, Sato Kaede discovered through mental power detection that the blond man was chased and beaten by the obese man, and he couldn't help but slander.

At this time, the blond man was not as arrogant as before. He was covered with mud at this time, his right cheek was swollen, and a vicissitudes of life had become a pig's head.

However, his running speed is not slow. In the critical situation of life and death, he seems to have stimulated a certain potential, and he has been carrying the seriously injured poison rose to leave the obese man and the mushroom behind.

The mud road on rainy days is undoubtedly very difficult to walk. The pits covered by rain make it impossible to prevent. People walking on it without paying attention is a lesson of wrestling and a muddy bath.

Although the obese man was wearing non-slip shoes at this time, when he was running on the dirt road, he finally realized that he was going to lose weight a little. The excess fat on his body seriously affected his movement speed and flexibility.

On this road, he has fallen down on the mud road five times in a row. Like the blond man, he has already turned into a mud monkey. The most terrible thing is that he actually jumped a front tooth, which was painful His face was distorted.

"Stop, stop for me, you're a dog, don't run, oops!"

While panting, the fat man was chasing the blond man in front of him, while enduring the severe pain caused by the roots of his front teeth. He was furious, and he began to yell at the blond man.

Suddenly, he stepped on a puddle full of water again, his body suddenly lost his balance, and then fell heavily to the ground. This time, he had no time to cover his face with his hands, so that his entire face Complete an intimate contact with the ground.

Dou Ligu saw the obese man lying on the ground, the savior was eager, he suddenly gave up chasing after the blond man who was about to catch up, and quickly turned around to lift the muddy obese man from the ground.

He can't do it without help. He knows the temper of his trainer very well. If he dares not to help him up, his dinner today is probably not guaranteed.

In fact, if it hadn't been for the fat man dragging his legs madly behind, the lily mushroom would have almost caught up with the blond man several times. After all, no matter how humans run, it is difficult for a man to run past him as a fighting elf.

The human body in the elf world is still very good. The fat man stood up from the ground and shook his head a little. He continued casually chasing and killing the blond man who had already run a certain distance in front of him with the mushrooms.

It is always difficult to maintain the potential to stimulate this kind of thing. After the blond man ran for seven or eight hundred meters at high speed, his body finally couldn't support it, and his movement speed began to drop sharply.

Moreover, misfortunes never come singly. After the bucktooth man got rid of the chase of the two bears, he quickly took a shortcut and came to the front of the blond man. For a while, the blond man was now in desperate situation with a wolf in front and a tiger behind.

"Hmm, brat, you dare to make me a substitute for the dead man. It's a good calculation. Fortunately, I'm strong enough, otherwise I really become your substitute for the dead man."

"Dajia, King Marsh, kill him."

The buck-tooth man looked at the blond man who was already running weak at this time, his face suddenly showed a hideous color, and then immediately commanded Dajia and King Niu beside him to attack the blond man.

He originally didn’t want to kill the blond man. His task was to observe whether Sato Kaede and the others left. But the blond man killed him in order to get out, so he

You're welcome.

Dajia and King Swamp heard the murderous words of the buck-toothed man, their faces suddenly became fierce, and Dajia immediately rushed to the blond man’s head and used a trick to split tiles, while King Swamp released the man against the blond Lots of mud bombs.

"Block them, fire-breathing camel, use hold."

Naturally, the blond man would not sit still. In desperation, he had no choice but to release the last 48-level elf fire-breathing camel in his hand, and then asked him to use a defensive move to resist the attack.

In the next second, a white light was released from the elf ball in the hands of the blond man, and a fire-breathing camel with an angry face suddenly appeared in front of him. Then, a green energy shield would bring the fire-breathing camel and blond hair. The man was enveloped.

Under the protection of the aquamarine energy shield created by the fire-breathing camel using the defensive move, the fierce attack of Dajia and Marsh King could only return without success.

But this is just a slight delay to the end of the blond man's defeat~www.NovelMTL.com~ As the emerald green energy shield quickly disappeared, the next wave of attacks from Dajia and Swamp King quickly came.

In rainy weather, the combat effectiveness of the fire-breathing camel of the fire and ground systems is undoubtedly greatly weakened.

The King Marsh directly attacked the wave of water that gained power in the rain and defeated the fire-breathing camel's jet flame, and then instantly knocked the fire-breathing camel to the ground.

On the other side, Da Jia also tried to prevent him from attacking the poison rose of the blond man from flying.

At the same time, the obese man and the cape mushroom also followed behind the blond man, and he cooperated with the bucktooth man to block all retreats of the blond man to death.

At this moment, the blond man really came to an end.

"Huh, there are too many people and less deception. What a thing, you two big bad guys, don't want to succeed."

However, perhaps the blond man should not be killed, just when the buck-toothed man and the obese man were about to kill him, a scream appeared from the nearby grass.

As soon as the voice fell, a flaming chicken suddenly flew out of the nearby grass with an afterimage, and then used a lightning-fast double kick to kick off the golden man’s armor.

Immediately afterwards, a sickle helmet suddenly jumped out of the ground on the left side of the obese man, and then the twin sickles glowing with bright green in his hand quickly slashed two knives at the fungus, and directly smashed the fungus out.

"This guy is really fate, he actually ran into them at this time."

On the other side, Sato Kaede, who was leaning on the wall of the tree hole, suddenly opened his eyes, thinking with a strange expression on his face.

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