After all, EDG has Varus, Zed, and Warwick.

As long as they can position themselves well in advance and arrange vision.

In the resource group, as long as Titan's ultimate moves lock on Caitlyn.

It is almost impossible for RNG to protect Caitlyn.

The double attack of the Warwick and Zed cannot be saved even with Gragas and Lulu.

That is the hard control of Titan, plus the attack of two assassins.

The probability of Caitlyn surviving is no more than 10%!

Facts have proved that RNG is also very clear about this.

The subsequent fourth dragon, facing the vision that EDG has arranged in advance, can only give up.

It can't hit at all.

EDG got two earth, one wind, and one fire.

With the attribute blessing of the four dragons, the big dragon will have a good vision in advance and make all preparations.

Victory is just ahead.

"RNG knows there is no other way. They must take this dragon fight."

"Otherwise, if EDG gets the dragon and operates casually, the economy will explode completely."

"Let's do it!"

"Xiaohu's Ryze is also protecting Caitlyn!"

"Titan's ultimate locks on Ai Loli's Caitlyn, and Gragas's ultimate is still okay."

"League Dog's first wave of attack was interrupted."

"But, Zed!"

"Zed rushed up!"

"What is this? What on earth is this?!"

On the field, the team fight was in chaos.

Uzi, under the protection of Karma, outputs crazy to letme and handles the front row.

Lin Kong and Factory Manager launched an attack on Caitlyn.

However, Factory Manager was hit by Gragas's ultimate.

Lin Kong released his ultimate on Caitlyn at this moment.

But the moment he landed, Lulu inevitably released her ultimate, and Caitlyn put down her airs.

The same dodge and kill link appeared again,

This time Lin Kong did not flash!

However, he had released his W skill in advance.

The moment he landed, Lin Kong used W to change his position.

Three Flowers Gathered at the Top, come again!

It made Ai Loli's face turn pale.

Lin Kong's Zed was a purely violent outfit, and the only protective gear was a Night Blade to block Lulu's ultimate.

Even if there was no follow-up Zed to attack after taking the Three Flowers Gathered at the Top.

The team battle was completely unwinnable.

The Warlord's Warwick was still alive.

There were quite a few bushes on the side of the dragon.

The policewoman had less than half of her health left, and Lin Kong handed it all to the Warlord.


"Watch the AD!"

"Salt Shadow is dead!"

"Kill! Don't let them run away!"

"Policewoman is dead!"

"Watch Ryze."

"He's useless, he's half-tank, just kill him!"

The moment Lin Kong's Three Flowers Gathered at the Top landed, it can be said that the team battle was over.

Zz1tai's Warwick was blown up, and seeing Lin Kong's damage, he immediately flashed to follow.

Flashed to the nearest bush, EQA in the air, burst out instantly, and took the policewoman away.

In front, letme's Shen was also dealt with by Uzi.

In a team fight at this time, the side with the ADC with stable output will be the winner, and RNG is still fast.

Xiangguo escaped again, with Lulu.

Just like this, EDG planned to kill another wave.

Turned around to take down the dragon, and then pushed forward, choosing the most stable way to win.

With the dragon buff again, pushed to RNG's high ground.

This time RNG had no power to fight back at all.

A wave of 2 for 5, EDG ended the game.

Wawa: "Let's congratulate EDG for successfully taking this crucial point in 34 minutes and tying the score."

Miller: "Let's congratulate EDG!"

Colonel Guan: "I have to say that King's performance of Zed in this game was simply too perfect, just like his live broadcast of selling goods, so cool!"

"He saved the team by himself!"

"He only played the key game, the key man!!"

Colonel Guan wanted to praise Lin Kong with all the words in the world that could praise people.

He admired how well Zed played.

The fans in the audience also shouted wildly.




The people in the cheering group sitting in the front waved a huge battle flag and shouted wildly for EDG.

The RNG people walked down the preparation room quite lonely.

EDG just came back,

and were warmly welcomed by Abu.

"Nice! Brothers."

"You played really well, keep it up, Lin Kong!"

"We should play like this!"

"All we need is the final Bo1!"

"If we win, we will be in the finals."

"We will definitely win the finals against WE easily, and we can go to MSI to avenge SKT!"

Abu is a master of making empty promises.

ButWhat he said was a bit outrageous, and Lin Kong laughed awkwardly.

Let’s not talk about whether they can enter the finals. Even if they do, will they be able to easily defeat WE?

That may not be the case. Lin Kong knows that WE’s Galio Prince system is perfectly developed.

As for revenge against SKT in MSI, it is nonsense.

As strong as WE is, they didn’t even see SKT.

Not to mention revenge.


“This time, I’m going to do it!”

“Revenge SKT!”

Lin Kong said happily to the people around him, and everyone laughed happily.

Compared with the downturn on RNG’s side, it’s much better.

“Cheer up, there’s still one game!”

“Just treat it as a BO1!”

At this time, Feng Ge certainly played the role of the last best coach.

Encouraging everyone.

But it’s unknown whether they listened or not.

The situation was 2 to 2, dragged into the deciding game.

Under Feng Ge's good words, RNG players still recovered on the surface and stood back on the stage.

Seeing the situation, seeing the state of RNG players.

In the final decisive game, the battle song came to mind.

Feng Ge also made a decision.

Wawa: "Let's wait and see!"

Miller: "Who will get the stage to go to the finals and meet Xi'an WE in the finals?!"

Colonel Guan: "The game is officially started!"

"Let's look forward to EDG vs. RNG, the final decisive game!!"




In the cheers of the fans in the audience, the EDG fans who were now full of blood also completely covered the voices from RNG.

The huge EDG call made the hearts of RNG players covered with a layer of dust.

And Feng Ge, who chose the blue side, made an extremely exaggerated bp!

Three bans in the middle!

All the heroes that Lin Kong had used before were pressed off.

Galio, Graves, Zed!


"Three bans for mid lane, Zed was also eliminated."

"This is the quality of King. A T3 hero was eliminated at this time."

Seeing three bans for mid lane, Abu frowned slightly.

This situation is not good for EDG.

He originally expected a lineup that would have to get at least one of these three.

Unexpectedly, all of them were gone.

"Too scared."

Abu couldn't help complaining, but he didn't say it out loud.

After all, if he put himself in Feng Ge's shoes, he might not have made the choice of three bans for mid lane.

"It's okay, I have a secret weapon!"

Lin Kong's sudden words made everyone in EDG inexplicably happy.

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