This was a situation that no one present could have imagined.

It seemed that there was no chance at all.

Lin Kong used a perfect set of three flowers to gather on the top, and killed the policewoman in seconds.

It made RNG's lineup out of touch.

He even commanded and killed Xiaohu's Ryze in seconds at the beginning.


"Awesome brothers!"

"We can fight back this wave!!!"

"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

EDG's microphone was also full of excitement, and everyone was cheering for the miracle group just now.

Although Xiangguo's barrel was finally let go.

But the result of 2 for 4, compared with the previous situation, is definitely acceptable.

The situation that might have been 37-37, suddenly returned to 64-64.

EDG is still the advantaged side, and can rely on the advantage of Xiaolong to operate better in the future.

There is no doubt about this.

Outside, the audience and Abu in the preparation room could not hide their excitement, and they all jumped up and waved their hands.

This wave of attacks was a perfect match, saving the building from collapse.

For RNG, it was also a heavy blow.

Originally, it was a game with a great chance to win, but it was reversed in an instant.

Of course, RNG had two match points, so they could understand the current situation.

After a little calm, they launched the second wave of attacks.

Pushing forward with the Baron buff.

The Baron buff on Xiang Guo was still there, so it was still possible to organize the attack.

But the Qing Gangying who was 41 on the side lane was not so comfortable.

Lin Kong was arranged to push the line 1v1 with him.

There was no other way, because Mouse's Titan was a bit explosive at the moment, and he couldn't handle Qing Gangying's solo push at all.

"RNG's frontal push is very strong, and EDG has difficulty dealing with it."

"RNG's lineup is still very good at teamfighting, and EDG must hold on this wave."

"It's a bit difficult. EDG just escaped death, and their teamfights are still difficult!"

At present, RNG's push puts a huge pressure on EDG.

It's still extremely difficult to deal with the policewoman and Lulu standing in the middle lane.

When RNG's lineup has the dragon buff, it is invincible.

EDG can only temporarily put it aside.

In just 1 minute, with the help of the dragon buff, the policewoman took down the second tower in the middle lane, and the four EDG players retreated to the high ground.

The only problem is that the high ground is not that safe.

Uzi's Varus is an attack speed flow, and the Q skill poke can't kill the sports car soldiers in the distance.

If you can't deal with the sports car, you will be constantly consumed.

As long as the policewoman stands in the middle lane, surrounded by teammates.

Titan didn't dare to use his ultimate move.

Otherwise, Caitlyn will use her E to pull back, Lulu will use her ultimate, and Gragas will use her ultimate to perfectly protect Caitlyn.

EDG's teamfight behind them is even more useless, as the highland tower will definitely be given away for free.

This is RNG's invincible teamfight, and the formula for taking the highland.

As long as they can take the highland, EDG's chances of winning will be reduced by another ten percent.

This is a rather unsolvable situation, which makes everyone a little uncomfortable.

If they don't open it, Caitlyn can grind the tower, and if they open it, Caitlyn can go directly to the highland.

There is no good way at the moment, because they lost the big dragon in the front.

They can only delay until RNG's big dragon is over, and then restart the offensive rhythm!

This can also avoid teamfights and enter operations.

"Shadow Master killed Qing Gangying!"


When 8 people in the middle lane were facing each other, they were concentrating.

Suddenly, news came from the side lane.

Everyone couldn't help but exclaim.

Zed killed Qing Gangying alone.

All of a sudden, RNG's absolute advantage on the field collapsed instantly. Without the pressure of the side lane, they could not continue to press the middle lane.

They had no choice but to retreat!

Then the Baron that RNG got was completely invalid, and EDG would enter the offensive phase!

The RNG people didn't want to worry about how letme was killed alone.

If they didn't retreat, the half-blood Zed would come over, forming a 5-on-4 situation, and the subsequent losses would only be greater.

As for EDG, they would definitely pursue the victory. At this time, they would go for it if they could kill a few RNG players.

Lin Kong was about to come over.


"Zed's solo kill forced RNG to retreat!"

"This is a perfect solo kill!!!"

"Reversed the team's situation, this solo kill is so crucial!"

"Oh my god, how many triple-flowers will his Zed have to hit to be satisfied?"

"Another perfect burst, blocking the moment when letme's shield disappears, and killing him."

"Dodge letme's E skill, and then get away from letmeme's large range, preventing the opponent's ultimate from evading his own damage. "

"This time, Lin Kong completely grasped the ultimate of Jie and Qing Gangying to the extreme perfection! ! ! "

In the commentary booth, the three people were still immersed in Lin Kong's perfect single kill just now.

Facing letme, Lin Kong knew that he had to seduce the opponent to kill, and then kill him.

He rushed up and exchanged blood with the opponent's EA.

Let letme hit his double Q for free.

Seduce letme.

As a result, Lin Kong took the initiative to use his ultimate and pulled away with W.

Double shadow exchange, avoiding letme's E skill, and also pulling to the casting range of letme's ultimate skill.

Complete the three flowers gathering at the top, and then go back to close EA.

At this time, even if Qing Gangying released his ultimate, he was still exploded by Jie's ultimate.

Lin Kong's Jie is a four-piece set!

The explosion is terrifying.

The whole audience burst into cheers again, and the whole audience cheered for Lin Kong's perfect Jie.

"EDG! ”




On the screen, Lin Kong began to chase the middle lane.

The team fight that was originally impossible to win was different with 5 vs. 4.

Under the life-threatening attack of himself and the Warwick.

Even if RNG could switch to himself and the Warwick, the two of them together would still kill the policewoman in one fell swoop.

Uzi cooperated with Karma and Mouse's Titan to form a pursuit.

A wave of 2 for 5!

EDG won a big victory, and directly pushed forward to break RNG's middle second tower, and took the initiative to take RNG's middle high ground!

The situation was reversed instantly!

Originally, RNG could form a 73-to-3 situation.

EDG took the high ground in an instant, and it became 37-to-3.

The mentality of the RNG people naturally changed subtly.

“Oh oh oh!!!” "

As for the outside, the audience's excitement never stopped.

It's been a long time since they've seen such a person supporting the entire game.

At least they haven't seen it in LPL for a long time.

The last time they saw it was in the semi-finals between ROX and SKT, when both sides showed their extreme personal abilities.

But now, Lin Kong made the charm of this individual hero bloom again, as if the Assassin's League in s3, the era of relying on one's own operation, has returned.


"We can win this game!"

"We can win this game!"

In the EDG microphone, the EDG team was happy to push down the opponent's high ground.

Taking the high ground is the most critical for EDG.

In any subsequent resource competition, they can all stand in advance, and EDG will be much easier to fight in a team if they stand in a good position.

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