"Any hidden tricks?"

"You guy, why didn't you tell me just now, what hero?"

"Mage or assassin?!"

Abu's tone in the microphone was a little excited and happy.

Lin Kong has four unique heroes, which is simply perfect.

This means that he will no longer have to worry about Lin Kong's hero pool in the future.

Originally, the opponent banned three mid-lane players, which was a bit uncomfortable for him.

After all, Lin Kong emphasized more than once that he only knew three.

They all planned to give Lin Kong a Malzahar to mix things up, and rely on Uzi and Zed to carry a group.

Unexpectedly, Lin Kong still had a secret weapon.

"Just choose it, Clockwork!"

Lin Kong smiled at Abu, just now the last random hero with a 100% max proficiency.

It was Clockwork Mage!

So far, Lin Kong has also gathered most of his hero choices in the middle lane, with Galio for roaming, Graves for laning, Clockwork for team fights, and Zed for assassins!

The attributes of the four heroes are completely different.

Wawa: "Clockwork!"

Miller: "EDG chose Clockwork!"

Wawa: ""There has never been a record of King picking Clockwork before, and even in the rank, there are very few."

Miller: "Could it be that this is a trick that EDG picked?"

Colonel Guan: "But, King gave us so many surprises before, maybe this Clockwork is also his special skill!"

Colonel Guan is now a die-hard fan of Lin Kong, and he is extremely looking forward to Lin Kong's Clockwork.

On the RNG side, Brother Feng saw Clockwork being selected.

He also frowned. This version of Clockwork is not weak, and it is also a team battle type mage.

"He shouldn't be able to do it. He should force it."

"It's impossible for anyone to have such a comprehensive hero pool. He can play heroes with four attributes. His proficiency with this Clockwork should be average."

"Choose Taliyah, and you can suppress him in the laning phase!"

Feng Ge's strategy is also very simple. He takes Taliyah and lets Xiaohu lead Lin Kong in laning and roaming.

Taliyah, as a hero, is indeed more restrained against Clockwork from a tactical level.

In the laning phase, you can use Q to continuously consume Clockwork without damage.

You can also get the line right and roam continuously after level 6.

S7 is still a version that favors roaming.

RNG took out the combination of Taliyah and jungle Lee Sin, and added the T0 Fizz in the top lane.

EDG continued to play Warwick, and replaced it with Gragas in the top lane.

The bottom lanes of both sides did not change their tactics, but RNG changed to Caitlyn and Zyra to push the line, preparing to play the early rhythm.

EDG used the combination of Ashe and Karma.

The lineups of both teams were determined.

RNG: Top Fizz, Mid Taliyah, Jungle Lee Sin, AD Policewoman, Support Zyra.

EDG: Top Gragas, Mid Clockwork, Jungle Warwick, AD Ashe, Support Karma.

"From a tactical perspective, EDG is more inclined to teamfighting."

"RNG is more inclined to early-game rhythm. The mid-jungle combination of Lee Sin and Taliyah is extremely powerful, and the bottom lane is also superior."

"Well, RNG will be the offensive side in this early game!"

"Yes, with Taliyah, the line right in the middle lane is basically stable."

"After level 6, Taliyah can start roaming. It depends on whether King's Clockwork has any tricks."

"This version of Taliyah is a T1-level hero!"

The lineup was determined, and the three people on the commentary desk gave their opinions.

The evaluation was also very correct.

It was basically the same as the tactical formulation of both sides.

EDG's early game was development, waiting to take over the teamfight in the later stage.

RNG needs to quickly organize an attack in the early stage, so that EDG will be overwhelmed and win by creating an economic gap.

Those who play the game know that the essence of League of Legends is a turn-based game.

Once the hero is selected, what to do at what time is determined, when to attack and when to defend.

As long as they strictly abide by it and become disciplined, the team will not be weak.

This is useful for both teams at the moment.

"Be careful of the opponent's invasion in the early stage, Lee Sin and Taliyah, they will definitely invade."

"Lin Kong, can you do the horizontal line in the early stage?"

"Otherwise, I will be under a lot of pressure!"

Before entering the game, the factory manager began to arrange tactics according to the heroes.

The tactical system of giving the top lane development, the middle lane to do the horizontal line, and the bottom lane to grab the line.

Protecting the jungle and defending the bottom lane are the main tasks of EDG in this game.

Once the game enters 30 minutes, EDG's chances of winning will increase greatly.

"No problem!"

Lin Kong nodded.

UziIt was also a response of OK.

They didn't help the factory manager to open the jungle, but pushed the line in the early stage. Even if the opponent was Miss Police and Jella, they couldn't get level 2 from them.

The line right existed.

EDG executed the first-level tactics very well.

When Lin Kong came online, he taught Xiaohu a lesson with his extremely high understanding.


"Why is it a long sword?!"

Xiaohu was a little confused when he saw the equipment that Clockwork bought at level 1.

Then, he had a headache.

At this time, League of Legends was the era of carrying runes by yourself.

He brought all magic resistance runes.

In order to prevent Clockwork from using his passive in the early stage and crossing the line to attack himself.

After all, Clockwork's passive damage is spell damage.

Who knew that Lin Kong didn't play by the rules.

He bought a long sword and brought attack power.

When he came up and attacked himself, Xiaohu realized that something was wrong.

When Xiaohu came up, he used his Q to clear the soldiers again.

Lin Kong selected the E skill at level 1 and went up to attack fiercely.

Xiaohu could only counterattack with a basic attack.

He could only retreat.

As a result, he was hit by three basic attacks from Lin Kong and fell behind in terms of health.

This retreat and advance.

Lin Kong took control of the line of troops and eliminated the first advantage of Taliyah against Clockwork, the first line of power.


"It's a genius. Clockwork bought a long sword at level 1, which gave Taliyah a good lesson in health exchange."

"Now, Taliyah can't get the line at level 1, it's uncomfortable."

"Just now I was doubting Kong's Clockwork, I'll apologize directly!"

The director is very knowledgeable, and the picture that comes up is given to the middle lane.

It happened to see the details of Lin Kong's handling of this wave at level 1, which inevitably attracted a round of praise from Colonel Guan.

The EDG fans at the scene were also boiling,


Cheering for Lin Kong's small details.

Lin Kong's progress was very good.

He got the line control and reduced Xiaohu's health. The pressure on the line was reduced a lot.

Later, it was almost impossible for Xiang Guo to enter the jungle of the factory manager.

The problem appeared in the bottom lane.

When the director switched the screen to the bottom lane, Xiang Guo made a classic level 2 gank!

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