"Ah, what is Graves planning to do? Is he trying to ambush Spider?"

"No way, can he ambush here?"

"Why did this Graves' first piece of equipment be Night Edge?"

"Spider is about to pass through this bush, and LeBlanc is behind."

"I feel that Graves' position is not very good, the little dragon will refresh soon, it will be bad if he is killed."

From the perspective of God, Colonel Guan and Wang Duoduo could not help but worry about Lin Kong's position.

Lin Kong's position was extremely dangerous, and there were no teammates around him.

Xiang Guo and Xiao Hu's positions were not far away.

The haters in the live broadcast room seemed to have found a place to attack.

"Kongdi is going to give up this wave!"

"The first item for Graves is Nightcutter? This Graves is so good."

"This is the outfit of my Gunner, don't criticize him, why didn't he use this when facing a mage?"

"I think he's going to give up. Spider and LeBlanc, is a Nightcutter really useful? Two control, and so many point control skills, can't they just play casually?"

"Yes, even if RNG has no vision, they definitely can't stay in this wave."

The audience can see that there is a problem, and everyone on EDG is a little anxious.

Seeing Lin Kong's position, he wanted Lin Kong to withdraw.

"It's unnecessary. If we stay in that position, I think the opponent Xiangguo will definitely be able to E out."

The factory manager saw Lin Kong's position and said first. The person Lin Kong wanted to stay in must be Xiangguo, and he knew that.

However, he was a little surprised that Lin Kong bought Nightcutter. This equipment should not be the first one to be bought.

Besides, this thing is not enough for Lin Kong to kill Xiangguo in one second.

"Yes, we can fight in a positional group."

"We have a 10% higher chance of winning this group."

Uzi also saw Lin Kong's position and felt that Lin Kong was in danger at the moment. Xiaofa was in the middle lane, even if he was hiding in the spider.

With Lin Kong's equipment, he couldn't kill Xiang Guo at all, and he would be easily trapped by Xiaofa and Spider. At that time, Lin Kong would definitely die first.

Lin Kong did not respond to the two, because Xiang Guo suddenly appeared in front of him.

Leaning against the wall, he slowly discussed with his teammates how to seize the position of the dragon pit.

He didn't know that a big man with a gun was ambushing in the bushes in front.


Lin Kong suddenly made a QAR, and the speed was amazing.

Xiang Guo's health was instantly knocked down by more than half.

Xiang Guo was also shocked and immediately switched to spider form.

He wanted to drop the sky, but when he turned around, he saw that the factory manager and others were preparing to kill the dragon in front.

"There's no one behind him!"

Xiang Guo was shocked, and without caring about anything else, he immediately started chasing Lin Kong.

After Lin Kong finished the set just now, he pulled back.

But, just as everyone expected, Xiaohu came over.

Now, everyone knew why Lin Kong took out Night Blade first.

Xiaohu and Xiaofa flashed over and used E.

Very good, Lin Kong was slow and didn't care about Xiaofa's E skill at all. Night Blade offset Xiaofa's E skill and moved to avoid Xiaofa's Q.

In front of Spider and Xiaofa, he returned to the river.

Everything happened in just a few seconds, and Xiaohu was the first to curse.

"Fuck, how could this B come out like this!"

"How can there be no one behind him?!" Xiang Guo couldn't understand it at all. A male gun came over and hit him, killing half of his health.

I thought there was another Zz1tai's Ekko behind me, who would come to deal more damage.

But, Zz1tai was in the dragon pit.

He was scared and turned into a spider form, and Lin Kong immediately pulled away but couldn't catch up, and failed to break Lin Kong's Night Blade shield.

That's why Xiaohu flashed and used E, but nothing happened.


"You're just playing it cool, right?"

On the commentary stand, Colonel Guan couldn't help but complain.

Judging from the results, Lin Kong was just the same as before, the kind who would run away without looking back after hitting a set of enemies.

With the recoil of the ultimate R, and the Night Blade, flashing was useless, and Xiang Guo's spider was severely damaged.

EDG's little dragon could be easily controlled.

With half blood and no E, the spider couldn't compete with EDG for the little dragon that was about to refresh.

Position, vision, nothing.

It can be said that Lin Kong's coolness directly increased EDG's dragon group win rate from 60% to 90%!

"Tian Gong!"

"Who said my brother Kong was going to give it away?"

"Speak up! Hei Zi, speak up!"

"My brother Kong is a pure dragon."

"Do you know how valuable Night Blade is? One Night Blade is equal to one Flash."

"Haha, Xiang GuoIt's almost broken, this wave is disgusting. "

In the stadium, EDG fans were also excited.

No one expected that what seemed like Lin Kong was going to give up, actually helped EDG a lot.

"Is this okay?"

"Uh, 6"

Zz1tai and Uzi were also stunned by Lin Kong's dragon, let alone the game.

Even high-ranking players don't have this kind of operation.

It can be said to be a silver play.

But it was this silver play that allowed Lin Kong to beat Xiang Guo in advance, control the second dragon in 10 minutes, and let EDG's dragon rhythm burst.

"Don't be obsessed with me, I'm just a legend, haha!"

"There's nothing wrong with this Night Blade."

"When facing a little mage who only sees skills but not people, you should use Night Blade! "

Lin Kong also said happily that LeBron's skills, QW, are easy to dodge.

But the E skill is different.

A damn prison, completely restricting the Graves.

It is absolutely impossible for the Graves to kill LeBron with the E skill. Even if he dodges QW, as long as the E skill is released, the Graves can only retreat.

This is also a reflection of LeBron's good performance against the Graves.

But after getting the Night Blade, Lin Kong's laning has just begun.

After the little dragon was taken, the two sides returned to the laning state.

Xiaohu also noticed something wrong.

The Graves in front of him, The threat factor has risen several levels compared to before.

Previously, I was not afraid of Lin Kong at all with E, and I could easily suppress the line of soldiers.

But with a magic shield, Graves will push forward as long as I push forward.

I cast skills, Graves will dodge with E skill, and the reaction is extremely fast.

Just like a robot, Xiaohu is under full pressure.

Xiaofa's QW is not so easy to hit. If he can't break Lin Kong's shield, Xiaohu dare not use E skill.

The whole line is uncomfortable.

The line right is also lost.

"This Night Blade seems a bit disgusting."

Xiaohu's face is dark. After just 2 minutes of laning, he feels where Lin Kong understands.

Extremely confident in his own positioning.

So confident that he thinks no skill can break his shield.

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