Looking at the lineups of both sides, Lin Kong's max proficiency in Graves came into play.

He had already planned in his mind how to win the game from the overall situation.

Jungler is the key to RNG, so start from this link.

Neither side invaded in the first group, and after the positioning was completed, they went online normally.

Only Lin Kong stuck to the time point and placed a trinket eye on RNG's f6 without any extra operations.

After going online, both sides also began to develop steadily.

After going online at level 1, Lin Kong began to push the line abnormally, using the Q skill directly, and pushing the line abnormally fiercely.

Seeing the situation, Xiaohu frowned, but there was no good way.

A hero like Graves is an absolute line tyrant.

After getting the line right, the roaming ability is extremely strong.

Before his own Xiaofa is level 6, without the support of equipment and magic power, he still can't push.

"Wait a minute, I'll find an opportunity."

Seeing Lin Kong pushing the line wildly in the middle lane, Xiang Guo also said in the microphone.

However, the trinket eye that Lin Kong had placed at f6 before was an obvious uncomfortable eye position.

Xiang Guo wanted to find an opportunity, but it was not so easy.

After Lin Kong's Graves pushed the line, he pulled back.

Spider's most powerful level 3 ganking did not work on Lin Kong, so he could only continue to brush until the second round of jungle came out.

The time when the vision in the middle lane was vacant was to attack Lin Kong with a poor vision.

The factory manager also did not find an opportunity. In this version, Ekko is also inclined to brush the jungle.

Moreover, it is quite difficult for the factory manager to target Ezreal and Karma in the bottom lane.

Both sides entered a short period of peaceful development.

"Neither side made an effective attack in the front. Xiang Guo wanted to find an opportunity in the middle lane, but Graves was very cautious and even missed a kill without giving Spider any angle to gank."

"King is too stable."

"Similarly, Ekko on EDG's side can't do anything. Both sides are in a state of mutual ganking."

"If we continue to play like this, Spider will have no rhythm and RNG will be very passive."

Wang Duoduo analyzed the situation on the field. Judging from the hero selection, if they continue to develop like this.

In the mid-term, Graves and Ekko on EDG's side are much more useful in the middle and jungle than LeBron and Spider. With the little dragon and the vanguard, RNG will be extremely passive.

RNG must be the one who needs to find opportunities.

However, what is unexpected is that Xiang Guo's second round of jungle just refreshed F6.

Before he could find someone, Lin Kong came to him instead!

On the screen, everyone can see that Lin Kong's Graves slowly came to RNG's jungle.

Seeing Spider brushing F6, he went up and used QA to snatch some small birds.

This action undoubtedly made Xiang Guo furious.

"What the hell?"

"I didn't catch you, but you came to kill yourself?!"

"Xiao Fa, come on!"

"This wave, he must be killed."

Xiang Guo took a look at the situation in the middle lane. Xiao Fa was not far away and could come to help in time.

This situation is intolerable.

Xiang Guo also said nothing, changed his spider form, and jumped directly to Lin Kong's face with an E, and chased him and bit him with AW.

"I'm coming!"

Xiao Hu didn't expect why Lin Kong dared to interfere in the wild area this time, and took a look at Lin Kong's equipment.

Lin Kong went home to repair not the mercury shoes, but the 1100 sawtooth dagger. He didn't even have straw shoes!

"He just wants to die!"

Xiao Hu didn't think much about it. Seeing Xiang Guo sticking to Lin Kong, he immediately followed him.

Planning to take action.

It seems that Lin Kong is committing a very criminal act, but in fact, from the perspective of God, it can be seen early.

Lin Kong arranged the ambush of the factory manager in advance.

4 and a half minutes, after the first round of wild monsters were cleared, Lin Kong helped to control the river crab,

The factory manager had already been in the grass at the bottom of the middle road.

5 minutes, that is, now,

When the spider's E skill was released, Lin Kong released the W skill.

Then, the factory manager released the W skill at the same time.

Seeing the situation, Xiaofa lost interest instantly.


When seeing the W circle of Ekko light up, it was fortunate that Xiang Guo reacted quickly and flashed immediately.

Otherwise, the factory manager's Ekko W stuns Xiang Guo, and the burst of the two people is afraid that he can take away the spider without E immediately.


"I knew he would come up to hit me. I know this guy too well."

Lin Kong laughed into the microphone.

Xiang Guo's E skill was basically within his expectations.

Xiao Fa's position was calculated by him.He had already thought about it.

In this way, Spider's most threatening flash was used.

Without flash E, Spider's gank in any lane will be extremely difficult.


"He didn't flash, we can control the dragon."

"Lin Kong, come and help me."

"You did a great job this time, calculating the time and position of his F6."

The factory manager was also happy, but he didn't expect Xiang Guo to fall into the trap.

Just now, Lin Kong told him to come and squat, and he was still confused.

But Lin Kong calculated the traces of Spider's jungle brushing, and even how much Spider's F6 brushed, and the factory manager really admired it.

Obviously, Lin Kong had to put a lot of energy in the middle lane, and the movement of the jungle was also perfectly controlled.

After Xiang Guo's flash, the little dragon was also controlled as it should be.

The outsiders also praised Lin Kong's jungle catching operation.

"This wave of Graves made a great judgment. He lured Spider to the front and made Spider flash."

"The little dragon was controlled, and EDG took the initiative in the early stage."

"It's too difficult for Spider without flash to find an opportunity now."

Colonel Guan also saw the current situation clearly. If this situation continues to develop, wouldn't it definitely be EDG's advantage?

The other EDG players also saw the situation clearly. Now they just need to stabilize the line well, gradually suppress the knife, and be careful of Spider without flash.

This time they can win most of them.

However, Lin Kong's plan to play jungle has just begun.

His 1100 serrated dagger is not randomly released.

In order to get the first piece of equipment in 10 minutes, he even let the factory manager fight the little dragon alone for a long time, and he went to eat the stone man in the RNG jungle.

Then TP back to the middle to eat the push back line pushed by Xiaohu, and raised his last hit to an extremely high level again.

92 knives in 9 minutes

With 92 dollars of economy, he successfully made a complete set one minute before the second dragon spawned.

No one would make the first piece of equipment,

3100 yuan of Night's Edge!

After having a set, because he had pushed the line of soldiers in advance, Lin Kong did not go online again,

and turned around and went into the jungle.

From the perspective of God,

When everyone thought that Lin Kong would go to the bottom lane to gank, Lin Kong was stuck in the bush that RNG had to pass through to F6, which was also the place where Xiang Guo would pass!

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