"I can't handle Galio."

"Graves, maybe we can restrain him."

"Previously, his Graves was against slow-pushing heroes like Viktor and Leblanc. If we switch to a fast-pushing AP hero, I am confident that I can beat him."

When the atmosphere of RNG was low, Xiaohu also responded to Fengge's words.

There was no other way, Fengge had already said that he would say that.

If he couldn't beat any of them, he wouldn't have to play in this game today.

The team's morale was low first, and coupled with the need to double-lock the mid-lane and release the EDG version of the hero in the BP, RNG would only be beaten into a human machine by EDG in the end.

"Okay, everyone just believe in Xiaohu, we will release Graves, suppress Galio, Mantis, and Maokai."

"We must defeat EDG today!"

With Xiaohu's words, Fengge's heart, which was still hanging, was finally relieved a little.

However, the pressure on Xiaohu became even greater.

Once his mid-lane could not restrict Lin Kong's Graves, he would be the biggest sinner.

After the ten-minute break, the game started again. Because RNG lost the last game, it was their turn to choose a side, and Feng Ge naturally chose the blue side with a higher win rate. In terms of banning, the discussion continued, releasing Graves and choosing to ban Maokai, Galio and Kha'Zix. EDG banned Varus, Warwick and Jayce. Seeing Graves being released, Guan Daxiao and Wang Duoduo on the commentary stand were also quite excited, "Oh, that's interesting, RNG didn't choose to ban Graves!" "RNG's first choice is Elise!" "Then, EDG..." "Will King be confident in using Graves?" "RNG hasn't released a mid laner yet, and Graves who takes the initiative may be countered!" "Choose!" "Release my Graves? Can I not take it?!" Seeing that his Graves was not banned when banning people, Lin Kong had no other options. If he had killed both Graves and Galio,

he would probably have been able to just play Malzahar,

but it would be different with Graves outside.

What is a gun god?

Or why can he be called a god? !

A gun god is, no matter who comes out first or last, he is still a god!


"Choose Graves first, and the jungler will take Ekko."

"See how they go in the top lane."

"Trust Lin Kong's Graves!"

Abu didn't waste words. In the first game just now, Lin Kong had proven his strength. Since Lin Kong is confident, he should take it!

The BP on the field may depend on the version and team cooperation, but the players are the ones who play on the field.

Lin Kong's Graves is like Uzi's Vayne, Zz1t's Widowmaker, and Faker's Leblanc. How can you not take it when it is released?

This is a unique skill.

This is a unique skill, which is often designed.

Lin Kong's Graves was selected, and Xiaohu targeted the so-called father of the Graves in the middle lane.

Little Mage!!!

"Little Mage!"

"This is indeed a serious counter!"

Seeing Little Mage, the factory manager frowned first.

The strength of Graves in the middle lane lies in two points.

One: The line is pushed very quickly. There is no mage in the middle lane who can push Graves before level 6.

Two: There is a passive pure man. All physical assassins and warriors in the middle lane are not easy to fight Graves. The easy ones have to be after level 6. Even if they are easy to fight, such as Kled, it is extremely difficult to suppress Graves without the cooperation of the jungler.

These two points made Graves the dominant force in the top lane in S11.

After all, the warriors in the top lane have no good way to deal with Graves.

So what is Graves afraid of?

Like other ADs in the top lane,

they are most afraid of junglers!

The mechanism of Graves's basic attack means that he will push the line when attacking soldiers. No matter how skilled he is, he cannot help but farm soldiers.

As long as he pushes the line, and the opponent can block the line or stabilize the line, Graves will always face the danger of being ganked.

With only the short displacement skill of the E skill, Graves can also be ganked at 41.

Facing this weakness.

LeBlanc is the best choice.

First, LeBlanc's E skill can be used for self-protection or to cooperate with the jungler to kill Graves.

Second, after the equipment and Q skill of the little mage are stacked up, the speed of pushing the line will gradually catch up with Graves and even surpass him.

Third, Graves is a mid-lane who relies heavily on development. If there is no burst in the mid-lane position, it is useless. Anyone who has played against a hero like LeBlanc knows that he cannot play without mercury shoes. Graves has a very good saying that Graves with straw shoes is the strongest, which is enough to prove that Graves is about the same as Draven in the bottom lane. Without advanced economy, he is almost useless.Existence.

With the same equipment burst, the little mage can definitely beat the male gun by several streets.

"Lin Kong, you have to be careful that their mid and jungle will definitely attack you together. This time, you should first buy Mercury and stabilize the line."

"For the bottom lane, we will buy Caitlyn and Nami to fight against the fast push and the speed dragon."

Zizi's understanding of the game is still in place. When he saw RNG's Xiaofa, he roughly knew how to play this time.

"Well, they can't beat me in the bottom lane!"

Uzi also nodded, very confident.

In fact, it was the same in the previous game. Even if his Ashe didn't have the help of Lin Kong, the 2v2 situation was completely suppressed.

That was Ashe against Tristana!


"What's the use of a mere counter!"

"Brother Kai, don't worry, I have my own way this time!"

Seeing the mid and jungle combination of Xiaofa and Elise, Lin Kong was not afraid at all.

Even the outside world was a little riotous at this moment.

As for the counter relationship between LeBron James and Graves, Colonel Guan was the first to explain it to the audience.

This immediately aroused the excitement of the haters.

"Wuhu, I let you pick Graves, but I didn't expect that my brother Tiger also has LeBron James?"

"Spider LeBron James, how can you play in the middle lane without Mercury and Boots?"

"Graves James with level 2 boots has no damage, how can he push LeBron James?"

"I declare BP gauze! Kongchu still wants his Graves to send EDG to end the winning streak."

The haters are naturally omnipresent, and they made a lot of comments on the counter relationship.

They didn't notice that in the lineup of both sides, EDG actually got the policewoman system that they are more proficient in and usually play the most in training.

This is also the BP advantage brought by Lin Kong.

In the end, the lineups of both sides were finalized.

RNG, top single Qing Gangying, mid single LeBron James, jungle Spider, bottom lane Ezreal Karma

EDG, Gragas on the top lane, Graves in the middle, Ekko in the jungle, and Nami in the bottom lane.

After RNG selected their lineup, Feng Ge felt something was wrong.

Their lineup was indeed aimed at Graves, but they also relied heavily on the rhythm of Elise and Fabregas.

Once Elise's rhythm was not up, they could not put enough pressure on the middle and bottom.

When Graves and Fabregas started to mix up in the mid-term, EDG's lineup was much more solid than RNG's.

In the top lane, Shen was countered by Gragas and could not lead the team to victory alone. In the bottom lane, Ezreal and Karma suppressed Fabregas in the early stage. In the mid-term, without a jungler, Fabregas could still rely on her range to act recklessly.

RNG suddenly entered the stage of trusting Xiang Guo.

"With this lineup, their jungler can forget about playing this game!"

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