Lin Kong's last hits were gradually suppressed after Nightblade appeared.

In addition, because of Nightblade and the fact that Lin Kong almost never broke the shield.

Xiang Guo's Spider could only look for opportunities in other lanes.

Since Gragas couldn't be killed in the top lane, he could only go to the bottom lane and play chess with Zz1tai.

The bottom lane was turned into a 6-man lane.

Even if it was a 6-man lane, Nami the policewoman could still continue to attack the tower, not giving any face at all.

"Nami the policewoman got the team advantage, which was still very abnormal. RNG wanted to find an opportunity."

"But they also knew that Ekko was behind them, and the two sides formed a 3v3 situation, but Nami the policewoman had at most 2 minutes to push down the bottom lane tower."

"The situation is very good for EDG. Now RNG has no chance to open up the situation."

Colonel Guan's judgment on the current situation is still very clear.

After Lin Kong's Graves played a few waves, EDG's three lanes were all advantageous, and Spider in the jungle was very troubled by the interference.

There was no chance at all.

Spider is a hero like this. If there is no chance, it is a useless hero.

"No, there is no way, we must gank!"

After a stalemate of nearly a minute, watching Uzi's policewoman shoot the tower in the bottom lane one by one.

Xiang Guo couldn't help it.

Spider flashed E Uzi, but was dodged by Uzi's flash, and Ekko appeared.

He could only return with regret.

"Oh, Xiang Guo wanted to find an opportunity this time."

"It didn't work. Flash changed flash. The factory manager's protection of the bottom lane was too outrageous. He was in a stalemate with Xiang Guo for a full minute."

"Both sides obviously had no vision."

"Alas, why did the director cut the screen directly to the middle lane?"


Looking at the 3v3 drama in the bottom lane, the screen suddenly turned.

Everyone wanted to see what was going on in the bottom lane, but the scene suddenly shifted.

One can't help but want to curse the director.

However, when everyone saw the situation in the middle lane, they knew why they had to watch the middle lane.

Lin Kong's Graves was about to kill the enemy alone, how could they not watch it!

At this time, 15 minutes later, Lin Kong had straw sandals, a night blade, and a storm sword in his hands, and his equipment was extremely luxurious.

The opposing LeBlanc had less than one-fifth of his health left.

And Lin Kong just had his ultimate move!

"The mage has only the last bit of health left, here comes the Graves' ultimate ultimate bomb!"

"It hits just right!!"

"Single kill!"

"What happened?!!"

"It's incredible, how did the Graves reduce LeBlanc to this amount of health?"

The situation on the field suddenly happened, and when the scene turned around, it was almost a single kill.

Lin Kong's final ultimate bomb was not the point at all.

Everyone wanted to know why Lin Kong's Graves could complete this wave of solo kills!

The live broadcast room immediately became boiling.


"Kong brother, solo kill!"

"RNG starting? Are you worthy?!"

"It's really not that I can't play, I just don't want to play! Do you understand, solo kill, explosion, I can beat anyone you can't beat."

"Pure explosion! Single kill in the position, the kind that has no effect at all, and it's a counter hero."

"Why do you start and I'm a water dispenser, because I don't want to play!!!"

"Heizi, please speak!! Please, speak!!"

Single kill, this is absolutely the most important news to measure the relationship between the strength of a player, at least for the audience.

For example, no one would think that Yue Lun could beat Faker. The double Jie battle that year made Yue the first one.

Single kill, it is absolutely a positive explosion in the position! !

As soon as a single kill, the live broadcast room immediately started to bring up old things.

Why did Xiaohu start instead of Lin Kong?

Why did Lin Kong beat Crown and Faker, who Xiaohu couldn't beat?

Because of the single kill!

Hu was also in the audience. With this single kill, he became the only one in Kong!

The microphone of EDG was also full of praise.

"What the hell? How did Kong get a single kill?"

Uzi was still concentrating on the game in the bottom lane, and was also attracted by the single kill in the middle lane.

The factory manager was also surprised, and Meiko couldn't understand it even more. No one looked at what was going on in the middle lane just now.

When he looked over, it was similar to the scene in the director's broadcast, that is, the ultimate bomb of the male gun killed LeBlanc in seconds.

"This wave of single kills is good!"

"Quick, the bottom lane tower can be directly demolished. They can't defend it at all if LeBlanc dies."

"Yes, Lin Kong, move to the bottom lane quickly and put some pressure!"

After the other EDG members praised, they also reacted quickly, knowing what benefits the death of the middle lane could bring.Immediately let Lin Kong move to the bottom lane, so that the policewoman system can fight faster.

RNG side, seeing Xiaohu die, Lin Kong moved over, what else can they say.

They can only retreat, and the bottom lane tower was lost.

EDG's economy is widening again!

"What's going on, why was he killed."

"It shouldn't be."

Xiang Guo and Ai Loli complained at the same time, this wave of death in the middle lane was too critical.

If the bottom lane tower is destroyed, the policewoman can go to the top lane, and the barrel has no place to hide.

The barrel can't match the policewoman.

It's just that the policewoman attacked the tower in vain.

What's more, after this wave of fighting, the policewoman can develop two sets faster.

I'm afraid that in 20 minutes, not only the top tower, but also the middle tower can be eaten!

As for how he was killed alone.

Xiaohu shut up and started to pretend to be autistic.

There is no way, after all, it's too embarrassing.

I am the counter, but I said in the preparation room that I can beat Lin Kong's Graves.

As a result, Lin Kong killed me with Night Blade. What else can I say?

Just shut up and pretend to be dumb.

Of course, I can't pretend to be dumb in the live situation.

The replay of the live broadcast showed the process of Xiaohu being killed.

It was extremely simple.

Xiaohu's flash was about 10 seconds away, and Lin Kong calculated it clearly.

Earlier, Xiaohu tried to break his shield with Q, but Lin Kong just moved around and didn't have any intention of fighting.

This gave Xiaohu the illusion that Lin Kong was playing it safe.

This was indeed the case. Lin Kong was playing it safe, but the moment Spider showed up in the bottom lane.

Lin Kong didn't need to be safe.

Xiaohu's LeBlanc went over and broke the shield with Q.

But Lin Kong's Graves was like crazy, he went up directly with EW and started A.

With the help of W's deceleration, Q hit in two stages.

He started chasing the Xiaofa point all the way.

Xiaohu was anxious and put down his E skill.

Lin Kong flashed directly.

Finally, it was stuck in the first few seconds after Xiaohu flashed.

The ultimate skill was finished.

Simple, plain, but full of details, a powerful single kill.

It made Xiaohu feel that he was crushed by Lin Kong in all aspects.

A full-blooded single kill!


"King's male gun is too bold."

"He knew that Xiaohu had no teammates and no flash, so he flashed directly to kill. Too confident!"

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