The arrangement of the factory manager is basically fine. As long as they wait until the mid-term team fight, they can definitely suppress the opponent easily.

Similarly, SNG also felt something was wrong.

At present, the situation of the left hand in the middle is not bad. 95 knives are only three knives short of Lin Kong's clockwork 98 knives.

Lin Kong also had to admit that the left hand is a real genius!

"This guy is really good at laning."

"He doesn't give any distance at all. He can be just right every time. There is no chance at all."

"I can't consume him at all."

"The same is true for last-hitting. This guy's basic skills of last-hitting are simply natural!"

The real new-age genius stood in front of him, and Lin Kong realized it again.

The world of professional players is determined by talent.

If other people's talents are benchmarked in learning, everyone is a top student who can go to Harvard University.

Then the talent of the left hand is the first in the first grade!

"He is really a genius!"

"Who was the last genius who felt that the mid laner could do so well?"


"It seems to be godv?"

The factory manager also saw the situation in the middle lane. In a BO5, he also had a new understanding of SNG's mid and jungle.

The opponent's jungler is the brain, and the mid laner is the operator!

There are not many people in the world who can do a 50-50 match with Lin Kong.

And Zuoshou's fourth and fifth games were completed very well.

As for Xiaotian, the factory manager did not feel how talented the opponent was, but his basic skills were also very solid.

The blind monk also played very creatively.

"Am I really old?!"

The factory manager questioned himself in his heart.

Suddenly, the bottom lane SNG rioted.

Colonel Guan: "They are planning to attack!"

"Fury and Yoon launched the attack first. Lulu put on the shield and used the W skill to speed up."

"Use the W skill to attack Meiko's Karma and start to output tons of damage."

The sudden fight in the bottom lane also made Lin Kong and the factory manager think alike.

The two of them started to move towards the bottom lane together.

Seeing the situation, Meiko did not hesitate and immediately chose to fight back.

Although the first wave of burst was eaten, his Karma had been hit to half health.

But it was Karma after all!

With the W skill, he immediately used the W skill to recover health.

Uzi understood clearly, "You can fight!!"

"He can't hold it!"

"Lulu has no blue!"

Uzi's judgment was very fast. He quickly determined that although Yoon's Lulu was level 6, she did not have enough blue to release the ultimate move.

Immediately, Meiko also understood and did not choose RE, but chose RQ skill instead.

He blasted at the Mouth.

When Fury realized something was wrong, Uzi's Ezreal jumped in his face.

Yoon's mana was not enough to release his ultimate.

After a wave of cooperation between the two, the Mouth was killed by Uzi instantly!

The first blood was successfully obtained!


"Brothers, you played well."

"This, a genius and a fool are combined together!"

Lin Kong and the factory manager saw this, which was also the most difficult episode.

Indeed, SNG's mid and jungle are really powerful. When they are in good condition, they are definitely world-class.

But their bottom lane is a bit...

not very healthy.

"Is it really a game of genius?!"

The factory manager sighed. The bottom lane got the line right, so there was no need to go for this wave of ganks.

Lin Kong returned to the middle lane.

Suddenly, Lin Kong shouted to the factory manager,

"Be careful!"

This shout was still a little late.

Zweitsal met Spider in the middle river, and the two sides fought each other.

As a result, Zuoshou, who was originally going to support the bottom lane, was just next to him.

Xiaotian's seduction was successful.

Although he was almost killed in the first wave by Zweitsal's explosion,

but it was Spider after all, and he locked Zweitsal with his E skill in the backhand, and cooperated with Viktor's burst.

He took Zweitsal directly in one wave. Zweitsal wanted to run away and was next to Lin Kong.

Lin Kong could hear that Zweitsal's flash was almost on fire.

Unfortunately, when he flashed out to kill you and wanted to press the ultimate move.

Viktor just saved the killing blow of the Q skill.

He released it at Zweitsal.

Zweitsal's flash turned into a death flash.

"Accurate barrage!"

Uzi in the bottom lane was quick-witted and released his ultimate move at the middle lane.

Unfortunately, Xiaotian saved his E skill, and with an extremely exaggerated reaction speed, he reacted and pressed re.

He went up to the sky.


"What a hand speed!""What a reaction!"

Colonel Guan on the commentary desk was also amazed by Xiaotian's amazing hand speed.

"Oh my god!"

"What a hand speed reaction."

"Awesome, awesome!"

Wawa and Miller had the same expression.

And the operation was not over yet.

At 14 minutes, the confrontation between the two sides was still developing. This left hand kept laning in the middle lane and successfully restricted Lin Kong's roaming.

Although the upper and lower positions were originally advantages, Lin Kong did not need to roam.

As for the four-pack two, it was even more unnecessary.

The factory manager has been invading the wild area.

At 18 minutes, the factory manager reached 126 knives, which crushed Xiaotian's spider in quality.

126 knives vs. 62 knives.

Xiaotian can be said to be quite uncomfortable being brushed.

As for the top lane, it was 172 knives to 162 knives, Uzi in the bottom lane was 178 to 174, and the middle lane was 205 to 187.

EDG suppressed all three lanes, and the bottom lane even took down a tower.

The top lane was also half wiped out, and the middle lane was in a similar situation.

At 18 minutes, EDG relied on top-level operations and last-hitting suppression to get a 3,000 economic lead.

It also proved to the world.

EDG is not a team that only knows how to fight, and its operations are also extremely strong.

Basically, SNG was extremely uncomfortable with the operations.

After 20 minutes, I am afraid that after all the outer towers in the three lanes are lost, it will be even worse.

If the big dragon is lost by EDG's operations, the game can be said to be over on the spot.

"I don't know, I have any way."

"We must break the game!!"

Xiaotian shouted in the microphone of SNG, and the game has reached this point.

Even if all the members of SNG were wooden, they could still feel the gap with EDG.

They had to develop unexpectedly in other places.

Seeing the situation, Zuoshou nodded, and then began to cooperate with Xiaotian to start four-on-two in the bottom lane.

This time the four-on-two was a little different.

He found the opportunity when Uzi was about to switch lanes.

He suppressed them.

Uzi and Meikou also knew that the opponent was about to come.

He retreated in a hurry, and after reaching the first tower, he was still worried and prepared to look at the stone man.

Xiaotian once again showed his terrifying reaction.

The moment meiko entered the bush, the E skill was thrown out.

Meiko had no time to react, and the moment he ate E, Zuoshou was also on the side.

The two reaction monsters pressed all their skills in an instant, and meiko was killed instantly!

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