
"Where's the jungler!"

"No, they're playing Graves in the jungle!"

"Is there a way to play it like this?!"

SNG was also shocked.

The sudden selection of Clockwork was indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

The three people on the commentary desk almost couldn't react.

"Ah, it turns out that Graves is the jungler!"


"Was it a trap from the beginning?"

"Clockwork against Viktor, which is not only a guarantee for the early stage, but also for the late stage."

"EDG's lineup was built very well in an instant."

"This move, a secret move into a warehouse, is quite interesting!"

The three commentators were also amazed by EDG's BP.

I thought Graves would be Lin Kong's ultimate move, but I didn't expect a Clockwork to escape in the middle.

Graves is the jungler.

The fans at the scene were a little dissatisfied.

"Hey, what are you doing?!"

"Why don't you play Male Gun, why don't you play Male Gun!"

"Isn't it Male Gun? It would be much more fun if it was Male Gun."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a pity, if it wasn't Male Gun, the fun would be reduced by half."

"Brother Kong, how could you let us down!"

"Damn, why is it a clockwork?"

"Clockwork is fine, as long as it can win, this BP, SNG will definitely not think of it."

"That's absolutely true, how could SNG think of it, they were all deceived!"

"It's hard for the world's No. 1 Male Gun to not play Male Gun!"

The fans at the scene felt disappointed at first.

Then they felt that the game could be easily won.

This BP can be said to have killed more than half of SNG's BP methods.

In the end, SNG had no choice but to take out a single prince as a strong opening lineup.

Otherwise, once the game enters the teamfight between Clockwork and Ezreal, the game is simply unplayable.

"The lineups of both teams are determined."

"EDG top lane Gragas, jungle Graves, mid lane Clockwork, bottom lane Ezreal with Karma."

"This is a very classic three-core system that can quickly exert its strength in the mid-term!"

"As for SNG, it is a very classic pure late-stage lineup."

"Top lane Prince, jungle Spider, mid lane Viktor, bottom lane Kog'Maw and Lulu!"

"If the game goes on for more than 35 minutes, SNG's chances of winning will be infinitely magnified."

"The problem is, in this game, can they face EDG's strong attack and last until 35 minutes!"

The explanation of the lineups of both teams by Colonel Guan on the commentary desk was quite good.

Faced with this sudden change of tactics, EDG laughed loudly.

The microphone inside was very friendly.

"Wuhu, this is a trick for the opponent, they definitely didn't expect it."

Uzi said with a smile, and the factory manager nodded immediately.

"Well, if there is a clockwork, the mid-term team battle will be much easier to fight."

"We still have to rely on team battles to win, and everyone must be careful in the line."

"We can't give Spider a chance. SNG's jungler, this one called Tian is not simple."

Before the game, the factory manager also began to make arrangements.

Lin Kong smiled and said nothing. The winner of this game.

It's nothing more than the confrontation between their mid and jungle and the opponent.

The early suppression is crucial for both sides!

"The game begins!"

"Both sides are ready."

"Let's look forward to the fifth game between SNG and EDG!!!!"

The bp ended and entered the loading event, and the war song sounded again.

The explosive BGM echoed in the venue, and everyone was immersed in it.

The fans at the scene couldn't help it, and the whole audience began to cheer.




All the members of SNG reached a climax under the rendering of this war song!

Zuo Shou touched hands with Fury and Xiao Tian beside him!

"No matter what, we have reached the last game against EDG!"

"Now, do your best!"

"Try your best!"

"Yes, try your best!"

"Try your best!"

SNG members waved their hands together and cheered synchronously.

The game started, and it was proved that SNG's strength was really there.

Both sides started to bring out their own rhythm in the early stage.

The design started at level 1. Both sides calculated each other in the wild area, and the factory manager was thinking about how to invade the spider's wild area.

Xiao Tian protected the wild area while ganking.

He took the lead in making his first wave of ganks in the top lane.

However, theshy is not the 41 gank now, for gaNK is quite sensitive.

With an extremely exaggerated reaction speed, he flashed to avoid the Prince's EQ flash, and this killer move was flashed away.

Wawa: "Wow, such an exaggerated reaction speed!"

Miller: "I have to say, being young is good. TheShy's reaction speed is really a bit exaggerated. The Prince's sudden EQ flash was reacted to instantly."

"Xiaotian is behind and can't launch subsequent ganks!"

Colonel Guan: "This is Brother Shy, always extremely confident in his own operations!"

"This position is still suppressing!"

The first wave of Xiaotian's gank failed, and his jungle was entered by the factory manager and Lin Kong at the same time.

Lost two groups of wild monsters, starting from here.

The jungle began to pull down.

As for the left hand in the middle, he was restricted by Lin Kong and had no way to move.

The basic skills of the left hand in the middle lane are still extremely strong, coupled with his genius-like various powerful operations.

Even though they were at a disadvantage in the front, they still caught up quickly.

The two sides began to enter a 50-50 battle, and the factory manager relied on the advantage of the jungle to continuously invade Spider's jungle.

It was also difficult for Xiaotian to deal with. He lasted a lot and was exhausted, and he never made an effective gank.

In the first ten minutes, the three lines of both sides were developing peacefully.

In 10 minutes, no one was killed.

It's not that the factory manager didn't gank.

It's mainly because counter-jungle is generally lower risk and medium reward than ganking.

Compared with ganking, which is a high-risk and high-reward thing, the factory manager chose the former, which is true.

However, SNG's lineup is more biased towards the late stage, so it would be a bit bad to play like this.

"It's okay, mid-term team fight!"

The factory manager is still the commander-in-chief of the overall trend. If he said team fight, then wait for the team fight.

Anyway, after 10 minutes, Zzitai was 33 hits ahead of Spider, which was quite a big win.

He was ahead by a lot in terms of equipment, so when it came to teamfighting, the male gun was equivalent to two Spiders, and the winning rate of teamfights was very high.

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