Colonel Guan: "SNG found an opportunity this time."

"Spider's jungle area has been invaded again and again, and catching the bottom lane is their only way."

"The speed of this combo is really fast enough, it kills Meiko instantly, and he can't use any skills!"

Miller: "It's like this, SNG found a good opportunity this time, and the factory manager is still in the top lane."

"There is no way to defend, the bottom lane tower should fall."

"Under constant operation, SNG's attempt to break through is still good."

SNG has four people in the bottom lane, and seeing the situation, Uzi has no choice.

He can only quickly use E to pull away and can't continue to fight.

The E skill pulls away and arrives in front of the second tower first, and does not give Zuoshou and Xiaotian the opportunity to continue chasing.

In this wave, because the top lane tower was pushed down at the same time, the factory manager was in the upper jungle and had no way to go to the bottom lane.

"Let's destroy the middle tower."

"I'll take all their jungle in the upper half."

Zz1tai responded calmly. He and Lin Kong started to attack the middle tower.

Zuoshou and Xiaotian quickly rushed back to the middle lane.

Left behind the bottom lane's Kog'Maw and Lulu to continue to suppress the next tower.

This quick return to the line was still a very fast action. Xiaotian circled a little further back at the first time, blocking the route of Lin Kong and Zz1tai to return to the middle tower.

A person walked out of the grass position in the river in the bottom lane and came to the middle lane.

The instant flash E skill was used, hitting Lin Kong at an incredibly fast speed.

Zuoshou released W stance, ultimate, and eq synchronously to hit Lin Kong.

Seeing this situation, the live broadcast room exploded all of a sudden.

Lin Kong was controlled by both sides, and his health was concentrated by the two people and began to explode instantly.

His health dropped to less than 200.

"It's over, this time Kong didn't react!"

"It's not a matter of not reacting, Spider's E was too fast when he flashed close to his face."

"It's terrifying, Zuoshou and Xiaotian, the coordination speed is too fast, just now they were in the bottom lane, and in the blink of an eye they reappeared in the middle lane, and came over to be outflanked by Kong and Zz1tai."

"This time Kong must be dead."

"Absolutely, didn't you see that Kong only had a skin left?"

"Damn, it's a big mistake to kill two people in a row!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was complaining that Lin Kong didn't dodge Spider's control skills just now.

As a result, he was beaten by the two together and only had skin left.

"Kill, Viktor!!!"

In the panic, Lin Kong's unusually calm voice appeared in EDG's microphone.

When he was controlled, he shouted to Zz1tai to attack Viktor.

Zz1tai was carrying a Hexdrinker and Mercury's Boots, so he would definitely not be threatened by the remaining damage of Viktor and Spider.

Hearing Lin Kong's words, the factory manager did not hesitate and immediately flashed EQ to Viktor's face.

Zuoshou saw the situation and felt something was wrong.

The factory manager, who had been invading and developing, had developed very well. Not only did he have the Shadow Blade in his hand, but the jungle knife had also been upgraded to the maximum level.

In addition, the basic value of the male gun in this version was originally very high.

This wave is likely to be killed by him in one second.

Without hesitation, Zuoshou pressed the flash and flashed to the position of the middle tower, intending to dispel the factory manager's idea of ​​chasing him.

However, he was dumbfounded the next second.

Lin Kong, who had less than 200 blood left, immediately cast the E skill on himself on the spot, and the last bit of blood blocked his own basic attack.

With a little bit of blood left, he released the ultimate move.

Seeing the situation, Xiaotian did not see Viktor's basic attack at the first time, and saw that Lin Kong still had a shield that could not be killed by his basic attack.

He quickly pressed his E skill to fly up, fearing that he would be caught by Lin Kong's Clockwork, and then flashed to escape.

As a result, he flew up to avoid Clockwork's skill.

But at the same time, Lin Kong chose to flash and pull up his left hand directly!

His left hand was pulled up, and his mind was confused.

The factory manager was also stunned for a moment, and quickly turned back to attack Viktor and released his ultimate skill.

"The Outlaw killed the Mechanical Pioneer!"

"Oh my God!!!"

On the commentary desk, Colonel Guan shouted excitedly, and Miller and Baby were also shocked.

"Can he kill him back?!"

"No way!"

"He killed one back!"

Just now, Lin Kong was controlled by Spider's E skill, plus Viktor's W skill, and the control time was so long.

He also took the burst of the two people, and it seemed that he would not survive.

As a result, Lin Kong survived, with less than 50 health points, but he flashed and killed Viktor in seconds.

My left hand was dumbfounded, looking at my gray screen.Speechless.

Just now, they were about to win a great victory, but they were reversed like this!

"I'll kill!"

Xiaotian was also anxious when he saw this situation, and he quickly pressed his E skill, wanting to land on Clockwork to kill the opponent.

However, after he landed, he regretted it.

Just now, the position of the left hand was inside the first tower, which meant that Lin Kong was originally targeted by the defense tower and was about to die.

When he landed, Lin Kong was killed by the defense tower.

The problem was that his position was exposed to the male gun.

The factory manager didn't waste time talking to you, and first destroyed the low-health defense tower in front of him with one shot.

Then he started to chase the spider.

After the next EQ was ready, Xiaotian's spider was killed in the middle second tower.

"Double kill!"

Lin Kong made a perfect counterattack and got a double kill for the factory manager!


"I'm Kong!!!"


"Zizichang played well this time, he just killed Viktor in an instant!"

"Awesome, EDG is awesome!!!"

This reversal of the mid-jungle cooperation also excited the fans at the scene.

This was the first real 2v2 confrontation between SNG and EDG, a mid-jungle duel.

It ended with EDG's victory!

All of a sudden, SNG, which had just had some signs of a comeback, had its fireworks extinguished by half.

Originally, they wanted to use this wave to kill Lin Kong's spirit and increase their prestige.

In the end, they didn't kill the opponent, and they were shown off by the opponent.

Xiaotian and Zuoshou's hearts also began to get a little confused.

SNG's heart was the same.

Originally, they were in a very uncomfortable situation of being operated by EDG.

Obviously, there were not many disadvantages in terms of heads, but in the whole situation, there was no advantage.

There was no need to guess the economy, they were thousands behind.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case.

From the perspective of the gods, after demolishing the three outer towers, EDG is 4,000 ahead of SNG in economy.

EDG's extremely strong operational ability is demonstrated to everyone.

And this is just the beginning!

After 20 minutes, the big dragon refreshes,

It is really EDG's turn to perform operationally!

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