This time, Lin Kong said he didn't want to play, not only Uzi, but other players also disagreed.

As a jungler, Xiang Guo knew very well that if it wasn't for Lin Kong's Graves, the situation would not have been opened up in the mid-jungle confrontation.

"No, you have to continue. We can only win if you can play such a big advantage against Faker."

"That's right, the role of the mid laner is very important."

"Yeah, I think so too."

"Lin Kong, how can you not play? You played so well just now. It's reasonable for you to continue playing this time. Even if Graves is banned, don't you still have Zed?"

Not only Xiang Guo, Mata, Looper, and Uzi are all speaking for Lin Kong, wanting Lin Kong to stay.

Xiaohu on the side blushed when he heard it.

As for fly, he was also furious after hearing what Lin Kong said, pointing at Lin Kong's nose and scolding,

"What did you say?!"

"Do you really think the club is your home? You can play if you want and not if you don't want?"

"You won't play in such a crucial decisive game now?!"

"If you dare not play, just wait for the end of the world game and get out!!!"

Fly slammed the table, and the RNG people were also shocked and dared not speak.

Realizing his own loss of composure, he quickly retracted his angry expression.

Lin Kong in front of him, under his scolding, was calm instead.

It can even be said that he was frighteningly calm.

"I can't play. I said I only know how to play Graves. They didn't ban it in the last game, so I can play it out."

Lin Kong said, turning his head to look at uzi, who was panicking at the moment, not knowing what to do.

"I'm sorry, Brother Jian, I really can't play in the last game."

"You saw it too."

"I don't want to play and win for a coach who threatens me to leave, nor do I want to play for a club that wants to fire me and make me live in the basement."


Lin Kong walked in front of fly with a cold look in his eyes.

"Leave, leave!"

"I know how disgusting this club is!"

"I'm very happy that you let us leave. Even if you don't let me go, no matter how much it costs, I won't stay here any longer!!!"

Lin Kong threw down a sentence, turned around and began to pack up his things, ready to leave.

He didn't plan to play in the last game at all.

Waste his proficiency card to beat SKT for RNG?

He didn't have such a saintly heart.

What RNG did to him, living in the basement, withholding salary, suppressing popularity, opposing public opinion...

And that damn contract.

It's only a matter of time before the showdown is complete.

Fly's outburst just now was the final trigger.

He played the final decisive game for RNG, and played an extra game for RNG in the group stage. No matter which one, he played for UZI.

From the beginning, he had no good feelings towards this club, and only felt disgusted.

After packing up all his things, Lin Kong walked out of the back door of the preparation room under the gaze of the RNG people, and left a last sentence.

"Brother Jian, this is the last game, play well, maybe you can succeed today."

Leaving the RNG people in shock.

Fly never thought that Lin Kong would explode at this time, and it was completely reckless.

He knew the contracts of everyone in RNG, and if something like this happened.

After the withdrawal from the club, I'm afraid the transfer fee that Lin Kong has to pay will be extremely terrifying!

"Lin Kong..."

UZI looked at Lin Kong who was leaving, and didn't know what to say.

He didn't chase him out.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he can't. RNG can't even play without his substitute if he leaves RNG.

And what Lin Kong said, the chance to defeat SKT is just one step away...

"Asshole, without him, our RNG can't play?"

"Xiaohu, I'll put you on, I'll do BP, get you the version hero Dragon King, take him down and show him."

Fly looked very angry about Lin Kong's departure, but in fact, he was very happy.

Of course, he was happy that the thorn was gone.


"Ding, the host's slacking behavior in the key game of the S game was detected."

"Reward the host with permanent male gun proficiency max!"

Lin Kong, who had just walked out of the competition field, heard the voice from the system and was quite amused.

"This is not slacking..."

"It's RNG that's too disgusting."

"But, hahaha!"

"Permanent male gun proficiency maxed out! Am I the real world's best gunner now?!"

"Wait, RNGG, next season, I will let you know what a gun god is! "

Lin Kong walked out of the stadium and booked a flight and car to go home.

On the way, he also watched the final game between RNG and SKT.

People on the Internet expressed that they could not understand why Lin Kong was replaced again.

SSG was like this, and SKT was like this again.

In addition to fly's post, Lin Kong left the scene for some reason.

Even a fool knows that there is a problem between Lin Kong and the club.

Combined with the previous public opinion, many netizens went to Lin Kong's wb to eat melons.

The protection filled the entire dynamic of Lin Kong's last post.

The final result of the game also made Lin Kong was pushed to the top.

Fly did get the Dragon King that he promised, but Faker's Malzahar led the whole game.

Just like the fourth game of S6, Faker ended RNG.

RNG lost, and the gap in the middle lane was again. Lin Kong completely beat Faker and won the fourth game of SKT, which was even more valuable.

The public opinion on the Internet exploded, the game was lost, and Lin Kong left the field, and the exaggeration of Fly.

RNG's management was furious.

The game just ended,

Early the next morning, Lin Kong was fired by RNG. Notification.

RNG also spread the news at the same time.

The outside world was shocked, and rumors began to spread.

However, the schedule of the World Championship was still the hottest, and people did not pay much attention to it.

Until the World Championship was completely over and SKT won the championship, everyone's attention returned to RNG.

At this time, RNG basically confirmed several points.

RNG's first point was that Lin Kong did not train enough, which violated the contract. Lin Kong left without getting a single point of salary before RNG never paid him.

Second, Lin Kong's live broadcast time was not enough, because of the contract, No matter where Lin Kong goes, all his live streaming income will belong to RNG, which completely cuts off Lin Kong's possibility of being a live streamer.

The third and most serious one is leaving the game, for which Lin Kong has to pay a penalty of one million.

That was in 2016.

E-sports had just started, and one million!

It can be said to be the annual salary of countless star players.

As for Lin Kong's level, he only makes a few thousand yuan a month.

How could Lin Kong possibly make one million?

Lin Kong did not respond to any of this.

He just posted a message on WB.

"Don't bully the poor young man!"

The message was posted, and it also caused a huge uproar.

There are two kinds of public opinions on the Internet.

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