After hearing Xiang Guo's words, everyone's eyes also moved to Lin Kong's equipment column.

The three-piece set was so dazzling that the RNG players couldn't open their eyes.

At the same time, in the commentary booth outside, Wawa and Miller had just finished watching the replay and were eager to know why Lin Kong's male gun had such high damage.

Only after looking at Lin Kong's equipment column did they react.

"Oh my God, King has three pieces of equipment in his hand, and it's only been a little over 20 minutes."

"230 knives?! How is it possible."

"How did he make up 230 knives in 20 minutes and make a big rhythm roaming in the middle?"

"20 minutes, 230 knives, suppressing Faker by 40 knives, incredible! King, you have brought us too many surprises today."

Wawa and Miller couldn't understand how Lin Kong made 230 knives in 20 minutes.

He had three sets of equipment in his hand.

Similarly, the LPL fans in the live broadcast room couldn't understand it either.

"230 dollars in 20 minutes, three pieces? I'm dumbfounded."

"How did he develop? He must have eaten wild monsters, right?"

"Eat, eat hard, you eat wild monsters for 20 minutes and get 230 dollars, I will let you eat too."

"What nonsense, 20 minutes is basically 2 pieces, my brother Kong has 3 pieces, you don't let him eat, are you still human?"

"One person eats three lanes, one against three in team battles, who doesn't let you eat?"

"That's right, that's right!"

"Three pieces in 20 minutes, my brother Kong is so awesome, he directly exploded Faker, what's the use of Faker's Ahri now?"

"Uh... lead the line?"


In the LPL live broadcast room, there was peace, as if the oppression after Xiangguo's mistake just now had never existed.

People's fear will appear, that is, insufficient firepower!

When the firepower is bursting, people's confidence surpasses everything.

Are you kidding? A three-piece suit of Graves in 20 minutes, isn't it easy to play in a team fight?

As it turned out, Lin Kong's outburst immediately made RNG realize who they should focus on in the team fight.

"No way, why does he have a three-piece suit?!"

In the voice chat of SKT, Wolf shook his head with a look of discomfort.


Twice, he even saw the people, and a smoke bomb, everything was gone.

The vision was gone, the health bar was gone, and the team fight was gone.

"Don't be nervous, Graves is well developed, and we should seize his chance in the team fight. I don't believe that he won't give us a chance. The LPL team makes a lot of mistakes."

Blank asked everyone to calm down, they are SKT.

After a short complaint, SKT did not say anything else.

Just command to continue the operation and arrange the vision.

I don't know if Blank's words worked, or if he continued to talk, he would talk about a big brother in the team later.

Lin Kong is his opponent at the moment.

Saying that Lin Kong is awesome, isn't that a hint...

SKT didn't dare to think about it any further, and refocused on the game.

However, the three-piece set of Graves cured RNG's phobia.

They were more confident when walking, bolder when doing vision, and even more arrogant when eating the line.

Under the might of Lin Kong's Graves, RNG controlled the vision of the big dragon and prepared for the big dragon team battle.

SKT was forced to join the team battle.

SKT's goal was also clear, find Lin Kong's position, and then attack.

But what made them even more desperate was that after 5 minutes, Lin Kong took out another resurrection armor! ! !

It was only five minutes, and SKT really didn't know where Lin Kong stole the 3,000 yuan!

In fact, everyone calculated it carefully and understood.

3 kills, 280 knives in 25 minutes.

Really one person eating three lanes, oh, and even the jungle.

Lin Kong turned into a pure dirty Jarvan, and asked Xiang Guo if he could eat him when he passed by the jungle.

Even in UZI's mid lane, he couldn't help but put a Q,

He said: "I'll help you push the line, afraid of their big dragon."

Uzi and Xiang Guo dared not say anything, after all, the whole team was counting on Lin Kong's Graves to perform in team battles.

Lin Kong did not disappoint everyone. At 25 minutes, the Graves with four pieces of equipment, holding the resurrection armor, could kill a squishy with two shots.

The nature of the game changed.

It's no longer a five-on-five, but a battle to defend the Graves.

When it comes to fighting, LPL has never been more cowardly than LCK!

Xiang Guo: "I'll find a chance to look at the other side's bottom lane."

Looper: "I'll see you, protect the Graves!"

Uzi: "Well, Lin Kong finds a good position to output, don't worry about itMe."

mata: "Surround Graves, look at Graves!"

Lin Kong: "Look at me, look at my position, we can fight! We can fight!"

RNG's internal voice chat was extremely intense. On the field, they were pulling the position of the dragon with SKT and madly competing for vision.

Both sides filled the river channel of the dragon with wards.

bang: "Look at Graves' position!"

faker: "Graves! Graves! No, Kennen!"

SKT's eyes were all focused on Lin Kong, and Faker's Ahri was also thinking about how to kill Graves all the time.

As a result, looper's Kennen entered the field to start the team fight.

Lin Kong entered the field at the second time, truly showing what it means to kill one with two shots and qr instantly.

Under AOE, SKT was instantly defeated.

Lin Kong cut down a triple kill.

After a wave of fighting, 1 for 5, the dragon was taken, and victory was in sight!!!


"RNG! ”


The whole audience cheered for RNG.

In the end, at 28 minutes, Lin Kong held the six-god male gun, and RNG was completely unstoppable with the big dragon buff.

Xiang Guo flashed to kick people to start a team fight, and without hesitation, Kennen entered the field, and the male gun and EZ double C easily harvested.

Killed 3 kills and double kills respectively!

Completed 2 for 5, Lin Kong successfully completed the super god 8-0-4!

SKT's crystal ended under his big gun.

Lin Kong and uzi clapped and celebrated each other, talking and laughing as they walked to the preparation room.


“2 to 2, RNG is awesome!!!”

“Could it be today!!!”

“8-0 vs. 0-2, Brother Kong, you are really my brother!!!”

“The reincarnation of the gun god, simply invincible!!! Invincible! ”

When the game was won, the few RNG fans cheered loudly.

Many LCS fans, driven by this sentiment, became optimistic about RNG and cheered for them.


“Next game…”

“I can’t play again.”

In the RNG preparation room, the RNG players who were cheering looked at Lin Kong in shock.

Fly’s face also darkened.

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