Looking at the screen, Lin Kong's powerful Graves, who was hitting two in a row, and showing his power, fly's face immediately became strange.

Looking at the public opinion on the Internet, some people even started to brag that Lin Kong was the world's number one mid laner.

Fly just felt a headache.

"How did this guy's Graves suppress Faker's Ahri?"

"Ahri should be very restrained against Graves, and it shouldn't be possible to exchange blood."

Fly couldn't understand why the director didn't show Lin Kong in the video.

What kind of basic skills did he use to suppress Faker perfectly?

Without Lin Kong's perfect suppression, there would be no four-on-two. This four-on-two simply created a second famous scene for Lin Kong.

Fly could predict that no matter what the result would be tomorrow, Lin Kong's Graves would be on the hot search of public opinion on all major platforms.

Now, we can only silently hope that the final winner of this game will still be SKT.

That way, Lin Kong's influence can be compressed to the extreme.

Otherwise, Lin Kong might be able to shit on RNG and him in the future.

"Keep calm, we can still fight. Their lineup can't be pulled up, so they can only charge. As long as we operate well, we still have a chance."

SKT is worthy of their reputation as the world's No. 1 team in S6, under the mobilization of Blank.

Soon, everyone in SKT calmed down and continued the game.

The bottom lane tower was gone, so they changed lanes and let Bang and Wolf in the bottom lane go to the middle lane to develop.

Faker's Ahri continued to lead the line in the bottom lane with Lin Kong.

In the mid-term, Ahri was something Lin Kong could not do, as both sides operated the same line of soldiers.

Although Lin Kong suppressed Faker and made him silent, he had no way to make a better rhythm.

He could only watch SKT continue to operate in the middle lane and make up for the economy that was lagging behind.

Facts have proved that the ability of SKT to develop and make up for the economy is terrifying.

There was a problem in the middle and bottom lanes. Blank's Spider quickly adjusted and cooperated with Bang's Jhin and Duke in the top lane to successfully kill Looper under the tower.

Bang's Jhin got a kill, which also alleviated the situation in the middle lane that was still suppressed to death by Uzi.

The middle tower could not be demolished, and SKT directly gave you the dragon to exchange economy.

The gradual operation and cannibalization made RNG more anxious.

Xiang Guo wanted to open up the situation, but Faker's Ahri was too flexible.

He could only look for opportunities in the middle lane.

As a result, Wolf seized the opportunity, and Zyra flashed E to tie up the crouching Xiang Guo.

Get another kill.

The kills were recovered to 2-3.

The economy was completely flat.

What's more dangerous is that this wave of dragons will refresh soon, and SKT will move the dragon!


Xiang Guo apologized faintly in the voice chat, and his guilt made him unable to say more.

This wave of mistakes is definitely a huge mistake.

Before the dragon refreshed, Xiang Guo, as a jungler, died. If it was normal, he would have lost the dragon.

RNG still wants to operate with SKT? That's impossible.

With the dragon buff, with SKT's operating ability, a few thousand yuan can be easily obtained.

There is no way to play at all in the follow-up.

In the venue outside, everyone was also excited.

"What the hell? Xiang Guo, what are you doing?!"

"Wolf's flash e was too decisive, Xiang Guo didn't react and was killed in seconds!"

"It's over, the dragon is about to refresh!"

Wawa and Miller were stunned for a moment when they saw Xiang Guo's blind monk being killed in seconds, and then they all had bad expressions on their faces.

In the voice chat of SKT's team, all of them meant to gather at the dragon.

In the live broadcast room, Xiang Guo's mistakes were also scolded and bleeding, and they wished to peel Xiang Guo's skin.

The fans of RNG in the venue were also dejected.

They had such a good advantage in the early stage, but now they were going to ruin the good situation because of a mistake...


Fly laughed secretly in the RNG preparation room. SKT won, and Lin Kong's brilliance was still overshadowed. It didn't matter...


"It doesn't matter!"

"I will take action!"

Lin Kong's voice came from RNG's voice.

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Kong walked straight towards SKT's jungle from the river grass near the dragon in the middle lane.

From the perspective of God, everyone was quite anxious.

In front of him were three people from SKT!!!

Spider, Zyra, and Jhin were all in front of him, walking out of the red buff path.

Lin Kong knew thisYes, when SKT passed by just now, they cleared the wards placed by RNG, and the most important thing was that the three of them were because of the ward removal.

All stand together!

In addition, they all have level 2 shoes, and their movement speed is almost the same.

Lin Kong is on the road, blocking the vision. In his impression, SKT only has two wards here and does not cover the entire dragon area. No one knows his position.

He counted down silently in his heart and calculated the time when SKT would come.

Lin Kong did not hesitate and used W to start with a smoke bomb.

The operation that shocked everyone appeared.

Lin Kong's W hit three SKT players!

Lin Kong did not hesitate at all, e flashed, and came directly in front of the three SKT players, blocking the vision of the smoke bomb.

Find the right position, Q wall, rebound Q, A Jyra, ultimate, trigger thunder.

Instant triple burst.

"Outlaw, killed Jyra."

The moment he killed Jyra, Lin Kong immediately pulled back without looking back because of the knockback effect of his ultimate.

Blank and Bang did not dare to continue chasing him. Lin Kong's E skill was almost 100% certain to be pressed, and if Lin Kong pressed sprint, there would be a bonus to his movement speed, so they could not catch up at all.

And their health points, which had dropped by more than half during Lin Kong's QR just now! ! !


The moment Wolf was killed, his body shook, and he was really scared.

Who would suddenly get a smoke bomb flying over when he was concentrating on the operation?

The screen went black for a moment.

Then in a second, he died.

I still don't know how he died, who wouldn't be scared?

"How is it!"

"Does my wave count as a dragon? I'm just playing with them haha!"

On the scene, Lin Kong killed Jyra in one second, and BANG and Wolf were half-health. SKT had no chance to continue to move the Baron.

Uzi and Mata in the middle took the opportunity to destroy the middle tower.

It was a bloody profit.

Mata and Looper were very nice.

Xiang Guo shook his head and expressed his incomprehension.

"How dare you? And how did you kill him in one second? Is your damage so explosive?"

"Fuck!!! How did you get three pieces?"

"Where did you steal it?!"

Xiang Guo looked at the time, and then looked at Lin Kong's equipment to make sure he was not mistaken.

Just after 20 minutes, Lin Kong had three pieces of equipment.

Straw Sandals, Bloodthirster, Infinity, Whisper, all expensive attack equipment.

Now he knew how Lin Kong dared to kill Graves with three pieces of equipment. Who wouldn't be killed in one second?

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