Turning to look at the soldiers in the bottom lane, they were in a state of hoarding, which was suitable for crossing the tower.

But Wolf and Bang's flashes were still there in the bottom lane, so it was not so easy to cross the tower.

Mata shook his head again and again when he heard it, "I can't cross, they have skills!"

"Jyra doesn't have level 6, but she has weakness."

"Not enough damage!"

Mata was right, S6 is a version with high HP of heroes, and it is definitely not that easy to cross the bottom lane with double flash and weakness.

"Yes, go back, I can't cross, I'll squat and find an opportunity to catch the flash."

"No matter what, there is a flash that can't cross."

Xiang Guo also frowned, wanting Lin Kong to go back.

However, Lin Kong had made up his mind. In his male gun sensor, Spider had just returned home in the field of vision.

With the 1300 Storm Sword in his hand, as long as he can operate it, he will definitely succeed.

"No need to say more, I've already activated my sprint, we'll definitely cross this wave."

"The troops are about to enter the tower, Xiang Guo is coming!!"

Under Lin Kong's shouting, Xiang Guo was also dumbfounded, isn't this just kidnapping him?

There was no other way, Lin Kong had already activated his sprint, he could only follow.

Xiang Guo bypassed the vision, touched the ward from the dragon pit, and quickly joined Lin Kong.

In the God's perspective, Wawa and Miller on the commentary seat were also in a state of confusion.

"What? What do King and MLXG want to do this wave? They both came to SKT's bottom lane at the same time."

"Is this a four-on-two attack? But is it possible? Both Jyra and Jhin have flash."

"I feel something is wrong with this wave, something is going to happen."

"They want to cross the tower? Graves even activated his sprint, coming so fast, and the troops are about to enter the tower!"

In the God's perspective, it is easy to see the intentions of Lin Kong and Xiang Guo.

However, this time, no matter from any angle, it is basically impossible to successfully cross the tower.

Jhin and Zyra have double flashes and weakness.

It is extremely difficult to cross the tower.

In the live broadcast room, LPL fans are also anxious.

"Fuck, stop it, can this wave cross the tower?"

"How can we cross the tower, Jhin and Zyra both have flashes."

"It's the end of crossing the tower."

"It can't be crossed."

"GG, RNG is starting again, classic anxiety, is this operation not good?"

"Yeah, Uzi has taken the first blood, can't hurt people!"

The audience in the live broadcast room are very anxious, and they judge the situation basically according to the commentator.

The commentator said that it is impossible to cross the tower, of course most people are anxious.

This is the match point game!

If RNG loses, everything is over.

"What kind of operation is this?"

"Running over, trying to cross the tower? Can this be done?"

Fly saw the situation on the field, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if RNG's collapse was imminent.

Similarly, after the RNG soldiers entered the tower, SKT was stunned for a moment when they saw the RNG mid and jungle behind them.

Bang: "Are they crazy? Are they planning to cross the tower?"

Wolf: "Be careful, watch the good guys, I have weakness, we double flash, they are looking for death this time!"

Blank: "I'm on the way."

In the voice chat of SKT, there was a fierce exchange.

Faker was also shocked. He missed just now, but who would have thought that RNG was planning to four-on-two, and that was the bottom lane with two skills.

Back to the bottom lane, Xiang Guo took the lead.

"Watch AD!"

In the voice chat, Xiang Guo said, and then touched the wall to accelerate with the help of Fanzi Ma's RE, and flashed R to hit Jhin.

Synchronously, uzi followed qwr and hit Jhin who was controlled in the air.

Synchronous Mata also added a small Q.

Xiangguo's Lee Sin was still fine, he hit with his ward and flash R, but he was weakened by Wolf in the process, so he didn't do much damage.

After taking so many skills, Jhin still had a quarter of his health left, and when Xiangguo Red him, he pressed Flash, turning Xiangguo's R into a boost, and moved towards his second tower.

At this moment,

At this time, Lin Kong finally made a move.

When the control chain hit Jhin just now, he didn't do it, for no other reason.

He didn't intend to kill only one Jhin, he wanted to kill both!

Wolf also planned to kill Jhin, who ran ahead of time, so he didn't attack Jhin, but instead attacked Jhin twice on the side.

In the 2S time when Xiangguo went up just now, Lin Kong adjusted his position again and predicted and used the W skill in advance.

It seemed that he knew that Jhin could flash out and would be t into the tower.

W just hits Jhin and Jyra who is next to him and uses E to interrupt the second stage of Xiang Guo's Q.

Lin Kong has noHesitation, eaqr, instant burst, all hit wolf.

Wolf only had level 4 Zyra, who was melted in an instant.

As for Bang?

With a quarter of his health, he couldn't even withstand a QR from Lin Kong.

In the smoke bomb, he couldn't even see how he died.


"Ah? How can his damage be so high!"

Bang cursed, and wolf was confused, as he was full of health just now.

Graves killed his own people with one set?

"Double kill!!!"

"King's Graves' damage is too exaggerated, and Jhin who was Red by Xiangguo and Zyra who was watching on the side were melted in an instant."

"It really succeeded in crossing the tower, RNG is too daring!"

"Incredible, King seemed to have guessed where Xiangguo's blind monk would T people, and Bang obviously flashed out, and he put down W before everything started."

In the commentary booth, Wawa and Miller screamed excitedly.

The RNG fans in the audience were also excited.

"Xiang Guo! Xiang Guo!"

"King! King!"

The RNG fans in the audience were cheering for the four-on-two operation in the middle and jungle, which could be called perfect.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was also excited.



"Fuck, Kong is so cool, one-on-two, I didn't expect that Jyra could be killed in this wave."

"Four-on-two, so cool, who commanded this wave, I want to give him a big kiss!"

"That must be my Kong, didn't you see my Kong start sprinting halfway through the run, and came to the bottom lane at the fastest speed to four-on-two."

"Haha, Kong is directly up this time, isn't it easy to take down?"

"Kong should have been put on a long time ago, didn't my Kong explode Faker? He directly made Faker's Ahri earthbound spirit."

"Someone is going to be popular, I won't say who it is."

"Ah, you won't hint that I am the world's number one mid laner again, watch out for the truck!"

There was laughter in the live broadcast room, RNG's advantage in this wave was too big.

Four-on-two in a wave, it's not just as simple as taking two heads.

The bottom lane tower was also taken down.

The speed of four people destroying the tower is enough for two waves of soldiers!

This is not the S13 version with coating. The scene of breaking the first tower in 89 minutes frequently appeared.

mata: "nice!"

Xiangguo: "Lin Kong's command was so good this time. I didn't expect to be able to cross it."

Lin Kong: "Hehe, that's because you are a good tank, Xiangguo. I predicted it."

"How is it, am I awesome?!"

uzi: "Awesome, your Graves is really good. Faker can't move under the tower."

All RNG members are really impressed by Lin Kong's performance just now.

Not only the command, but actually there is no prediction skill like Lin Kong just now.

Take away the SKT bottom lane duo just now. When Faker and Spider arrive, the bottom lane tower will definitely not be taken.

At that time, it will be RNG that suffers the most.

At this moment, watching the public opinion fully leaning towards RNG and Lin Kong.

Some people are really red warm.

In the preparation room, fly is staring at the screen in amazement.

"Something's wrong. If we keep fighting like this, something really bad will happen!"

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