One side is the royalist faction, thinking that Lin Kong's failure to train and breach of contract is a problem.

On the other hand, they think that RNG is too much of a bully, and the contract terms are too exaggerated. In addition to various gossips and the confirmation of RNG players, Lin Kong was not treated well when he was in RNG.

Many people stood up for Lin Kong.

At the beginning, the public opinions on both sides were still stalemate, and each had its own arguments.

Until later, a group of RNG players revealed in the live broadcast that their contracts seemed to have some problems, and they all started negotiations with RNG.

Even uzi was included.

Public opinion completely exploded.

Who is the biggest star player of RNG? Isn't it uzi?

It can be said that in the three years from s6 to s9, RNG's fans are basically dominated by uzi's personal fans. There is no one who likes RNG who doesn't like uzi.

Uzi stood up and spoke to support Lin Kong, which showed that RNG's contract did have problems, not just Lin Kong's.

This undoubtedly made everyone point the finger at RNG's contract and their management.

RNG's management immediately took drastic measures to correct many of RNG's contract problems, which satisfied all the players except Lin Kong and Uzi.

Then they used some power to suppress public opinion.

However, RNG's title of contract team was given several years in advance.

Faced with the title of contract team, RNG's management can only be thick-skinned and wait for time to pass slowly. After RNG has achieved results, the memory of the Internet will disappear.

Although the matter seems to have calmed down, in fact, it cannot solve Uzi. If Uzi is left, RNG's management will never solve the problem.

They know very well how powerful Uzi is, and it is very important for RNG to keep Uzi.

"So, the conditions we can offer are already very good. As for Lin Kong's problem, if he doesn't want to come back, there is no way."

"We even replaced Coach FLY."

For Uzi's contract problems, all aspects, big and small, have been basically solved.

RNG management can be said to be prepared to pay a huge price for uzi.

However, uzi wants Lin Kong to come back and continue to substitute for the mid-lane rotation, which they really can't do.

Lin Kong himself doesn't want to go, what can RNG management do?

At the same time, while RNG is dealing with the contract issues of everyone,

On the other hand, their old rival.

EDG club did send out news.

However, it is not the transfer period news of the LOL team.

It is that EDG plans to reorganize the CSGO team.

The reason is that the EDG CSGO team coach, playing ranked in the European server, met a stunning passerby with the ID: king. After a brief acquaintance, the other party turned out to be a Chinese.

This stunning passerby soon attracted the attention of EDG e-sports supervisors.

After two days of unidentified and sneaky contact,

they realized that with this person's strength, they might be able to break the long-term domination of Europe in FPS games.

Soon, EDG supervisor posted a message on WB.

"We plan to invite this person and reorganize the team with him as the core. His abilities in all aspects are simply too terrifying."

"I believe that with him, our team will definitely achieve results in the MOJ competition next year... No! It's to win the championship directly!"

"You can't believe how powerful King is, who started from scratch and reached the top ten of the European server with a 95% win rate. We EDG must get him!"

"He will become the number one FPS in China!!!"

EDG's e-sports supervisor posted a message at the first time, and the meaning was very simple.

They have decided on this person, and other teams don't have to think about it. The king is here, and they have to take this person down.

EDG's boss Aide Zhu also said at the same time that he already knew about this matter, which was true.

After the incident, the CSGO circle was also curious about who the so-called King was.

In the end, there is no paper that can't be penetrated, not to mention that Lin Kong did not hide anything at all.

Three hours later, netizens confirmed that the king mentioned by EDG supervisor was Lin Kong, the original substitute mid laner of RNG, who was making a lot of noise in the LOL circle. For a time, public opinion on the Internet exploded again. "Fuck, it's really my brother Kong, I'm stunned, the male gun in the League killed the crown brother alone, exploded Faker in the position, and even beat the European server with the gun. Is he really the gun god in the world?" "I'm stunned, no wonder brother Kong doesn't train, he is preparing to change his project." "Is this the game genius?After that, I will never dare to touch the professional game again. One project is invincible, and the other is even more invincible. Ninety-five percent of the top ten in the European server, what kind of concept is this. "

"Haha, don't look down on the poor young man. It's only been a few days, and RNG is going to be confused."

"This melon makes me happy to death!"

"My brother Kong said that he will pay back the hardships he suffered in the league in CSGO."

However, the following reversal shocked netizens even more.

On the afternoon when the EDG supervisor posted the article, Lin Kong was actually invited to EDG.

To be honest, Lin Kong didn't know that the few colored pens he brought to the ranking these days were actually EDG people.

He brought these people just because he thought it was interesting to play with Chinese people in the European server.

When they arrived,

EDG supervisor wanted to treat Lin Kong as his own father,

"We will pay all the liquidated damages you owe in RNG. It's just one million, who are you looking down on? !"

"We will also help you solve all the unfair treatments. ”

“You can really become the number one player in CSGO. We can make you a god in this field! Do you understand? You will make a great mark in the history of FPS games! !”

EDG’s supervisor even said this.

He has truly witnessed Lin Kong’s almost invincible CSGO ability. He believes that Lin Kong can do it with his talent in CSGO.

The problem is that it’s not that Lin Kong doesn’t want to, but he can’t. He only has one month of experience left for his invincible CSGO ability.

One month of invincible gun god? Don’t joke.

“Well, but I want to play in the League.”

As soon as Lin Kong said a word, EDG’s supervisor looked uncomfortable and explained again and again.

“Oh, don’t you understand!”

“I know that you may be a great mid-lane, even world-class.”

“But your talent in CSGO is different. When the national server goes online next year, your terrifying talent will be able to drag four players and win the moj championship. You will be the number one player in CSGO in China forever. Do you understand? ”

“If your talent in the league is that of a college student in China, you are Newton in CSGO, and you will become a god in this field!”

EDG supervisor tried his best to persuade Lin Kong, almost kneeling down to Lin Kong and asking him to play CSGO.

However, the next sentence made EDG supervisor stunned.

“But, what if I can bring Uzi to EDG and win the world championship in S7?”

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