
In the roar of the huge impact, looking at the spider web-like cracks that suddenly cracked to the feet, and the rocks that hit the center of the bump that extended several meters in diameter, felt the strong wind mixed with soil and gravel , Whether it is a genius, a person who is naturally quiet, or a person who is bluffing on weekdays, or someone who is short-hearted, at this moment, their eyes are already wide-eyed, and they are beyond shocked.

Some of the better ones just stared, their faces were stiff, and the worse ones were already dumbfounded, with their mouths open and they retreated unconsciously, their stiff faces were already full of horror.

This... this is too much!

Can... still be alive?

But at this time, there was only one thought left in their hearts.

Although they are all new ninjas with limited vision and experience, most of them have seen the battle of Li Luoke who also used the eight-door Dunjia. seen.

Even, from Locke Li's battle, they knew the power of this move very well.

And even if you don't know the power of this move, it's not difficult to guess the power just by looking at the cracked and bulged soil in front of you.

And under such a great power, they just watched that Taki Chiba was smashed into the ground with his head on the ground.

At this moment, there was only one image in their minds, and that was the image of Taki Chiba's head being crushed into powder, and the red and white things scattered into one piece.

How does this keep them from being terrified.




But at this time, three to five meters in front of them, three figures landed lightly, but after seeing Maitekai using the Biaolianhua, Kakashi, Asma and others were withdrawn from the front to avoid the impact. Yuhihong three people.

"Anyway, isn't Kay overdoing it?"

As soon as he landed, seeing the smoke and dust soaring into the sky, Asma twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and said.

Anyway, there's no need to use Lianhua right away, and it's still Lianhua in the six-door state, which is several times more powerful than Li Luoke's Biao Lianhua during the Chunin exam.

It can be said that Kai used almost a killer move as soon as he came up.

No matter how strong Qianye is, it would be a bit too exaggerated to come up with this move.


And hearing Asma's words, Yuhihong also nodded, and there was a wry smile on her face that she didn't know how to describe.


But at this time, Kakashi put down the kunai in his hands, looked at the soaring smoke and dust, and sighed helplessly.

Anyway, don't go too far...

But at this time, in his heart, he had the same thoughts as Asma and Kurenai Yuhi.

This is……

It's been a while!

Even if Qianye is very strong, he can't use this kind of move that is almost like a killer move.

Moreover, although Biao Lianhua is a move that can be used by opening two doors, it is a very dangerous physical move in itself.

With Liumen's increased speed and strength, the power is more than doubled, and the risk is also more than doubled. If one is not careful at too fast speed, the head may be smashed to the ground with the victim.

Kakashi muttered in his heart as he passed the same thoughts as Asma and Kurenai Yuhi.

Strictly speaking, Konoha's lotus flower is risky. Sometimes it not only hurts the enemy, but also hurts himself. Otherwise, when Xiao Li used this trick, he would not be so nervous. He agrees with Kai's strength, and knows that his physical skills may have reached the top position of Konoha. Although Lianhua is risky, if Kai is concerned, the success rate should be guaranteed.

However, the enemy he faces is Qianye who also knows Bamen Dunjia and Lianhua. If there is an emergency, maybe Qianye is not doing well, and he himself may be rescued.

Besides, this is not a physical skill that should be used against one's own people, it is completely excessive!

Too impulsive!

Although Kakashi understands what Maitekai is thinking now, after all, he is facing Chiba. Even if Piaolianhua succeeds, Chiba should not die. However, in any case, this is not a technique to deal with one's own people after all. No matter whether the opponent can take it or not, it is not appropriate to use such a technique at this time.

Moreover, if they don't reach this level, then the sparring they finally met can only be at the level of playing house.

Although Kakashi complained about Maitkai's behavior at this time, strictly speaking, what Maitkai did was not wrong, and it made sense.

However, from a friend's point of view, it's somewhat inappropriate.


But at this moment, before Kakashi let out a long sigh, there was a shivering sound behind him: "Ms. Kakashi, that Chiba, won't... won't be killed by Mr. Kai, right? "

"Oh...it's Sakura!"

Hearing this, Kakashi blinked his eyes, turned around, and saw his three disciples standing one meter away behind him, and at this time, among the three disciples, the only female disciple, Haruno Sakura's face was pale, and she seemed to muster up the courage to ask herself. At the moment, he opened his mouth and said.

Was even Sasuke surprised like this?

What happened to Naruto? Is this trembling?

But after turning around, such a thought involuntarily passed through his mind.

At this moment, within his line of sight, his disciples had already walked a few steps forward, with different expressions, except for Haruno Sakura's pale face, Uchiha Sasuke's face was full of uneasy The meaning of shock that was erased is obviously the lingering shock, but Naruto Uzumaki, the No. It seemed to be frightened.

"What are you doing, Naruto shouldn't be so scared..."

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki's appearance, Kakashi couldn't help complaining after all.

"Mr. Kakashi, I'm not scared, it's... it's..."

But when he heard Kakashi's voice, Uzumaki Naruto's face became bitter, but he spoke weakly. When it came to the final explanation, his voice was getting weaker and weaker. At the same time, under his eyes Moved, a pair of hands didn't know what was going on, so they started to move towards the gear.


At this time, hearing Naruto Uzumaki's voice becoming more and more unconfident, Haruno Sakura, who was originally pale, suddenly had a blush on her face, and turned her head away in embarrassment.

"Cough...Kakashi, don't get entangled in this question, and answer Sakura's question."

And at this moment, it was Sasuke Uchiha who broke Naruto Uzumaki's siege and spoke.

"Oh, that's right... that's right!"

But at this time, watching Naruto Uzumaki's movements, Kakashi understood, suddenly understood something, and blurted out a word.

It made Yuhihong and Asma beside her also look over.

Suddenly, Naruto Uzumaki blushed.

Then, seeing Naruto Uzumaki's shyness, Asma immediately showed a clear expression, and Yuhihong was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, and after pursing her lips into a smile, she turned her head away, Look at the soaring smoke and dust.

In an instant, Naruto Uzumaki's blushing head was about to steam.

"It's okay, even if Kai faints, this guy is fine."

At this time, Kakashi didn't stay too long on this matter, and said honestly.


Regarding this, Haruno Sakura said somewhat uncertainly.

"Don't worry, no matter how you say it, Kai is also a ninja of the ninja level, and he always does things properly."

Hearing this, Kakashi said so.


Hearing this, Haruno Sakura turned around, looked at Sasuke Uchiha behind him and Naruto Uzumaki who was blushing with embarrassment, and said suspiciously.

Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto also returned doubts.

Obviously, the three of them didn't believe their teacher's words. After all, there was such a big battle in front of them, and a person was directly hit on the ground with such a force, even if his head was not blooming, his neck would not be there.

Unless, this Chiba is the same as Gaara, using a substitute.

"Did you use a substitute?"

And at this time, after seeing that his two teammates were also suspicious, Uchiha Sasuke said.

"I don't know, but, even without a substitute, he can't die."

In this regard, Kakashi responded quite positively.

However, to be honest, he doesn't know if Chiba has used a substitute, but what is certain is that even Biao Lianhua in the six-door state, he thinks it will definitely not cause any fatal injuries to Chiba.

Even, even if it caused some fatal injuries, it is estimated that Qianye would not die.

To be honest, since a long time ago, Kakashi didn't know what could make Chiba die.

So many vicious fights, so many near-death recoveries, Konoha ninjas and even ninjas from other ninja villages who have experienced that era, I am afraid, have already left a deep impression in their hearts.

That is, Chiba is impossible to die.

And this, in Kakashi's mind, is particularly profound.

When Chiba left Muye Village, his authority was actually increased a lot. At least some of the intelligence information concealed in the village, especially the intelligence information about Chiba, may be because Chiba would contact him, and at the same time In other words, the relationship between himself and Chiba sharing the psychic beast, the third Hokage is particularly open to him.

And when he knew that when Chiba was seven years old, during that invasion, he faced Yunyin Village's famous former generation Bi who even the third Hokage was particularly afraid of in the Second Ninja World War, and killed this After the previous generation competition, he was shocked beyond measure.

Kakashi can still think of those who retired from Sand Hidden Village, Chiyo Grandma, who is now a deterrent to the outside world, the current second-in-command of Yan Hidden Village, and even the third generation of Raikage, who can be called legendary figures. His mood after seeing the information at that time.

It was hardly a feeling that could be described with shock.

Facing these people, Qianye was still able to survive, so Kai, a little Biaolianhua, could kill Qianye?

Do not make jokes!

Even Uchiha Nobuhiko, known as the "second Uchiha Madara", had no choice but to fight Chiba, and was eventually repelled by Chiba.

I'm afraid that death, a word that is very close to everyone, should be the farthest thing for Chiba.

"Hahaha, Sasuke-kun."

At this time, Asma on the side also laughed, looked at Uchiha Sasuke, and said: "Death may be very close to us, but it may be the farthest thing from this guy."

In the words, Kakashi said what was in Kakashi's heart.

Obviously, as people who have experienced that era together, Asma and Kakashi have similar ideas.

Hearing what Asma said, the faces of Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, and Haruno Sakura, who were still a little suspicious of their teacher's words, all changed slightly, and they looked at each other immediately, with expressions like " Could it be that our teacher really didn't fool us? But, under such a high intensity, can that person really survive?" with an expression. It made Asma laugh again, and even Yuhihong who was next to him also smiled.

Hey Hey hey……

But at this time, Kakashi's face was helplessly bitter.


And just at this moment, just when Kakashi was about to argue for himself, a hole suddenly opened in the smoke and dust column that evaporated and faded, and a green chakra airflow was wrapped around his body. The figure landed steadily about two or three meters in front of them in a posture of turning over and retreating.

It was Maitekai who opened the eight doors and the six doors.

"Did I...did I go too far?"

But when his figure settled down, Maitekai suddenly turned his head, his face was solemn, and he said quite seriously.


After saying that, the blushing ninja with the watermelon head and thick eyebrows who looked like a middle-aged man suddenly knocked himself on the head and stuck out his tongue.

Sell ​​a cute.

Immediately, all the new ninjas who were still in astonishment, and the three Kakashi who knew this guy well, were all stunned on the spot, and the whole audience was weathered.

Even, it seemed that even the smoke and dust column that was about to fade away stopped for a while and dissipated.

"Look! The smoke has faded!"

And just when everyone was weathered collectively and didn't know how to react, another sharp-eyed man suddenly yelled out, looking past or avoiding the cute, middle-aged man who looked like a middle-aged man, and pointed at the smoke column. said the direction.

Immediately, everyone's attention was attracted by this sound. Although the instigator came out, he did not make such an outburst, but at this moment, they were more concerned about the victim after all.

Pay more attention to whether the other party is dead or alive.


And when everyone was watching, everyone was stunned except for the four guides, Jonin.

At this moment, in the hole in the center of the smashed soil clod forest, there was a person stuck upside down like a green onion, and the person was half-buried on the ground, only two feet were exposed, and the two feet shone with metallic luster. dark purple feet.

It looks like it is motionless, but it seems... that there is no sound.

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