Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2497 This...how is it possible?

"Kakashi-sensei... this..."

After watching the smoke and dust clear in front, Naruto Uzumaki covering his back, Sasuke Uchiha frowning slightly, and Sakura Haruno with a pale face all looked at Kakashi who was still swearing in front of him.

And while they were talking, in the center of the pit, which was said to be shallow or not deep at night, the legs of the lower half of the upside-down body suddenly drooped. It seemed that the head and the upper body were buried in the ground. Chiba, at this moment, it is estimated that there is no sound.

Obviously, it's over!

This is at least a serious injury!

This might lead to death?


This is no longer a problem of passing, it is a big disaster!

And at this time, the words on the seventh class had just finished, and the other genin newcomers also saw this scene. Looking at the silent lower body, especially the drooping appearance of the feet, seeing these genin newcomers One could imagine how Chiba would look unconscious or dead buried in the soil.

"Teacher Asma!"

At the same time, watching this scene, Yamanaka Ino finally couldn't help it, and called Asma in front of him, his tone was full of anxiety and worry.

Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Choji also looked anxious and shocked just like Yamanaka Ino at this time.

"Hong...Teacher Hong, this...no...can't really happen."

Hearing that the tenth class next to him spoke, Inuzuka Ya from the eighth class couldn't help but also opened his mouth. There was also a bit of anxiety and worry on his face because he couldn't figure out the current situation.

At the same time, the oil girl Shino and Hinata Hinata beside him couldn't help but take a step forward, and the oil girl Shino in the middle also stopped Hinata Hinata from using her white eyes to observe the current situation.

Although they are newcomers to ninja, they still know the iron law that fighting between ninjas in the same village is not allowed, let alone fighting to death among ninjas in the same village is not allowed.

Although the current situation is caused by the practice of several of my teachers, it is actually difficult to define such a thing as practice. Generally speaking, there are two situations.

One situation is when there is notarization, that is to say, when there are other witnesses, and after explaining to the witness that it is duel training, due to accidents or some force majeure factors, including possible casualties caused by the failure of force majeure, Under such circumstances, generally speaking, ninjas who have not had accidents will be punished, but they will not be injured. After all, it is a pair training situation. All techniques are for the purpose of obtaining information and killing people, and accidents are inevitable. In this case, there will be small punishments, not serious crimes.

The ninja who had the accident could only consider himself unlucky.

Of course, because someone was watching, if the witness judged that the ninja's accident was caused by the opponent's deliberate cruelty, then what to do or what to do, how to deal with it, and even convict the ninja of the same village for intentional murder, When the time comes, it won't be the opponent's business alone.

And the second situation is like the current situation. Although it is a duel, there are no witnesses. They are also watching at this time, but they are definitely not witnesses. Witnesses must be qualified. Yes, at least Chunin and above. Like your own teacher's Jnin or even elite Jnin duels, witnesses may need elite Jnin or even quasi-S or even S-level ninjas.

And in the absence of witnesses, this kind of sparring is a private battle, and nothing happens if there is no accident. Although it is not a formal sparring, it is not convenient for the village to intervene and prohibit the growth of friends. Yes, after all, higher-level ninja battles require higher-level witnesses, and there are not so many higher-level witnesses in the village.

It can neither meet all the needs of sparring, nor can it dampen the enthusiasm of ninjas to compete and improve each other. Therefore, basically this kind of sparring without witnesses, or witnesses who are not qualified, as long as there are no major incidents, the village is basically Keep both eyes closed.

And this kind of sparring is basically carried out between ninjas who recognize each other or are relatively close. It is difficult to think of accidents. At the same time, higher-level ninjas are mostly experienced ninjas. Their vision experience and actual combat level have reached a certain level, and they will not easily practice duels.

After all, at that level, sparring has hardly improved against them. That's why it's almost impossible to see Jnin practicing duels in the village.

It is precisely because of this that this sparring seems so strange.

And if something happened to this kind of sparring, then the village would definitely not turn a blind eye and close one eye, severely punishing it was all about the small things, or the light things.

In other words, the current situation has serious consequences.

It is very possible that if the "Master of Konoha" and "No. 1 in Konoha" in front of him cannot wake up, even if he is only seriously injured, he will be severely punished at that time.

To be honest, part of the anxiety and worry of the ninja newcomers at this time is due to things that are beyond their knowledge. After all, it is the first time they have seen this kind of situation. to serious injury or even death, and no matter how you look at it, it was intentional. Half of them are out of concern and worry for their teachers.

"Teacher Kai..."

At this time, even Hinata Neji couldn't help but look at his teacher who failed to be cute, his face was full of some kind of unexplainable worry.

As for Tian Tian beside him, he almost had the same expression.

"It doesn't matter."

However, compared to his disciples' worries about him, the four teachers obviously didn't have any worries about him, they just said so without looking back.

It can be regarded as appeasing his disciple.

And their eyes, unblinking, looked at the half of the upside-down body in front of him, and the lower half of the upside-down body, especially at the drooping legs, and their faces became more and more serious.

In an instant, a solemn air slowly dissipated.

Following this aura of solemnity, the rookies who had heard this, looked at the silent upside down lower body and drooping feet, and wanted to say something, even some who were about to step forward Those who were impatient, stopped what they hadn't said, stopped the steps that hadn't been taken, and looked at each other and their teammates.

As those who have experienced actual combat missions, they can feel that their teachers are already in a fighting state at this time. It wasn't because of the scene in front of him that his face was serious, but because of the upcoming battle, he became serious.

That is to say, in the eyes of their teachers, the upside-down lower body in front of them may be about to launch an attack.

Is it possible, is it really all right?

Did this Chiba pose like this on purpose?

In order to... let our teacher take off his guard?

While looking at each other, in their eye contact, this is almost the same meaning.


And at this time, Asma who was beside Kakashi suddenly said with a serious face. During the speech, except for Ningji Hyuga, Shikamaru Nara and Sasuke Uchiha who responded the fastest, the other new ninjas all gave a slight smile. Leng.

Obviously, he was very puzzled by Asma's thoughtless sentence.

"Not at all."

Kakashi shook his head at this.

"It's hardening."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Kuroyuki's red pupils shrank slightly, but she frowned at the pair of black and purple feet with metallic luster.

"Well, just now I felt that Qianye had hardened."

At this time, Maitkai came up and said.


And hearing this, Kakashi and Asma couldn't help looking over.

"What's wrong? Did you say the wrong thing?"

Regarding this, Maitekai looked blankly, apparently not understanding why these two looked over with strange faces.


However, before Kakashi and Asma started complaining, a cracking sound suddenly sounded in front of everyone.

In an instant, the eyes of the four people suddenly fell on the source of the voice.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

And at this moment, the moment their eyes settled, more cracking sounds came. On the drooping feet that were exposed on the lower body of the upside-down body in front, the metallic black-purple skin was already full of cracks, as if it was about to shatter.



"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

At the same time, as the metal-colored black-purple skin on the feet was covered with cracks, the ground under the upside-down lower body suddenly began to crack, and cracks spread like spider webs in an instant.

"What happened?"

"It's all cracked!"

But at this time, seeing the scene in front of them, some of the new renowns who couldn't bear it started to shout.

"Stand back a little bit."

At this time, Kakashi and Asma, who realized that there were disciples behind them, and Kureni Yuhi, including Maitekai, all looked back and ordered to their disciples.

And hearing my teacher's words and serious expression, as well as the solemn atmosphere just now, coupled with the fact that the skin and the ground of the upside-down lower body are cracked, is also really weird. It was almost an order from the teachers. All the children retreated, because they had already retreated to the edge of the open space. At this time, after retreating again, they had no choice but to get into the trees.


And just as the children settled down on the tree, piled up in threes and threes, and the four teachers turned their heads to look, the direction where the lower half of the body was originally upside down suddenly exploded, shattering for a while. The gravel flew randomly, and another cloud of smoke and dust evaporated.

"The art of hardening."

And at this moment, although the four of them had serious faces, they didn't seem too nervous. They just glanced at each other and said in affirmation.

Between the words, it seemed to confirm everything in front of him.

"The hardening technique is fine. I'm afraid that I'll be kicked into the sky by the attack of his double as soon as I hit the ground!"

After confirming, Maitekai let out a breath and said.

Then, as soon as these words came out, three strange eyes were attracted.

"What...how? What did I say wrong again?"

Immediately, Maitekai blinked his eyes, and said with a blank face.

"No, it's just that you have started to use your brain."

But this time when Maitekai opened his mouth, he got a response, and Kakashi, Asma, and Kureni Yuhi spoke in surprise.

Responding to these words, Maitekai was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly regained his composure, but suddenly opened his mouth and was about to refute strongly.

"It's Lianhua from the beginning. If I didn't prepare a move, I would really lose my head. This time, I lost."

However, before he could express his rebuttal strongly, he was interrupted by a sigh in the smoke ahead.

Just at this time, when everyone heard the sound and looked around, the smoke and dust dispersed, but they saw that the deep hole that was smashed out in the middle of the stones had been filled up for some reason, and at this time there was a person standing on it. A white-haired young man with drooping hands and looking rather embarrassed was smiling at them at this moment.

It seems that there is no anger because of his own embarrassment, and he even looks quite happy.

"Nothing at all?"

"The head is not blooming?"

"This...how is it possible?"

But at this time, the children in the piles in the forest have already expressed their surprise one by one. At this moment, pairs of small eyes are carefully observing this white-haired young man named Qianye from top to bottom. , eyes widened.

From their point of view, after going through it up and down, they were so stunned that they didn't see any serious injuries on the white-haired man.

Although the right shoulder drooped, causing the right hand to hang down, it should be a dislocation of the right hand or a more serious fracture of the scapula, and the left hand is also concave in the forearm, and it still looks like it was broken just now.

However, the blow from Teacher Kai just now, when the head hit the ground, came down with a huge force, and the ground was cracked into a big pit, and all the other clods were lifted up by the forceful squeeze. Under the circumstances, there was nothing wrong with his head and neck, but there was something wrong with his right shoulder, his left hand was still injured from before, and apart from a little dust on his body, he wasn't too embarrassed.

This is unbelievable!

This is incredible!

May I ask, when the head touches the ground, half of the person is buried in the soil, so how can they act like a normal person?

Although his hand was broken, he looked like he was fine.

This is not right!

This is absolutely impossible!

"This guy actually admitted defeat?"

But at this time, compared to the children's gazes going back and forth on the white-haired young man, Kakashi and the other four looked at Chiba's face and the bright black left eye in surprise, His face was full of surprise, and his eyes were full of suspicion.

Although Qianye didn't like to fight, she was not someone who would easily admit defeat.

Even if he conceded defeat to them, it was only because Qianye didn't want to fight to make excuses.

Now, he admitted defeat in a serious way.

At this moment, Kakashi and the other four couldn't help but doubt their ears.

Want to fool people again?

And in their hearts, they were almost instinctively alert.

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