Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2495 Explode, youth!

No... no?

In the slightly widened eyes, the shallow pit after the smoke and dust cleared was reflected. Whether it was the three of Kakashi or the other new ninjas, their hearts were slightly shocked and their colors changed suddenly.

At this moment, in the shallow pit where the smoke and dust had dissipated, there was nothing but the traces of the crash!

Originally, Qianye, who was supposed to be in the shallow pit, was gone!

"Impossible! Didn't you see any movement?"

And at this time, almost subconsciously, seeing this scene, just after thanking Sasuke Uchiha, he suddenly realized that the unconscious thank you just now seemed a bit inappropriate, Naruto Uzumaki subconsciously said it while he was shocked.

And the fact is also like this, from just now Taki Chiba slammed into the ground until the smoke and dust dispersed, in fact, it took less than a minute, and there was no movement. With so many people watching, even if you use some kind of endurance It shouldn't just disappear without any movement.


And at this moment, when Uzumaki Naruto was puzzled, his teacher, that is, Kakashi over there seemed to have a sharp light in his eyes, and he blurted out.

"Heart decapitation!"

Almost at the same time, only about half a beat behind, Asma and Yuhihong also exclaimed in unison.

While exclaiming, Asma and Yuhihong jumped up, their eyes were fixed on the ground under their feet.

Even Kakashi's eyes moved down at this time, his figure had already sunk, and he was about to jump up.


And at this moment, to their right side, where Maitekai was standing, the ground suddenly cracked open.

"Ha ha!"

Then, a few meters above the ground burst, there was a triumphant laugh.

I saw that Maitekai was surrounded by green chakra airflow, leaping up in a posture of a white crane spreading its wings, his eyes staring at the ground with a proud face.

As if, won some kind of victory in general.

"No! No!"

And at that very moment, Kakashi's expression changed when he saw Maitkai, Asma, and Kuroyuki jumping up, as if he suddenly thought of something, his figure suddenly tensed, He abruptly stopped his upward leap.

Immediately, Maitekai, Asma, and Kuroyuki were taken aback, and their subconscious eyes fell on Kakashi who was about to jump up.


But at this moment, under the feet of Kakashi's stagnant figure, a series of electric currents suddenly centered on his right foot, spreading out from the ground like a spider web, and Asuma and Kurenai Yuhi rushed under their feet. And pass.




And just after the electric current plowed away, and a spider web-like circle formed by lightning flashed across the ground, three muffled sounds sounded immediately, where Kakashi, Asuma, and Kureni Yuhi were originally standing. However, three deep pits were suddenly sunken.


That's right!

Can't jump up!

At this time, Asma and Kurenai Yuhi saw the three pits, and after thinking about the words Kakashi said was wrong, a flash of inspiration flashed in their hearts, and they suddenly understood.

"Kay! Watch out!"

Then, at this moment, Kakashi didn't even look at the pothole under his feet, turned his head directly, and yelled at Maitekai who was in midair.


And at this time, the smug Maitkai obviously didn't expect Kakashi to yell at him, and was quite eager to tell him to be careful. Dangxiang was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Kakashi.

But seeing that Kakashi's gaze was no longer on him at this time, he suddenly swept to the place where Chiba's three clones exploded.


And just when Kakashi's gaze settled, a small hole suddenly opened in the explosion smoke that had begun to dilute, and a ray of light burst out suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, it had already reached Maitekai's arrow.

Thunder escape!

But at this moment, Kakashi's eyes suddenly widened, and before he could yell out a second time, he heard a "poof". The arrow-like light passed through the body, and immediately, the pieces of clothes splashed out mixed with strands of blood.

"Kakashi, be careful!"

At this time, Kakashi suddenly heard an exclamation, and Asma's voice seemed to explode in his ears, but the words were already full of anxiety.

"Puff puff!"

And at this moment, three openings were opened in the explosion smoke, and in the thundering light, three shurikens mixed with the lightning film flew out, heading towards the shoulders of the three of them. Come.

"Can't touch!"

And at this moment, Asma's voice sounded again, and at the same time, behind Kakashi, there was already a "snap".


Hearing this sentence, Kakashi suddenly stopped the left hand that had been swept out from behind, and also stopped the castration of Kunai on the left hand.

Is it Lei Dun again...

But at this time, although he stopped the sweeping momentum and clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction, Kakashi's face suddenly eased, and in the vision of Sharingan, the point of view was fixed on that hand. On the shuriken, especially the ball of Thunder Chakra in the round hole of the shuriken.

Undoubtedly, Asma's judgment was correct. If Kunai was used to knock it down, the Lightning Chakra in the round hole would explode, paralyzing him.

Judging from the Lightning Chakra above, these three shurikens, the throwing attack of the shuriken is fake, the real one is the Lightning Chakra above, these Lightning Chakras are the real means, the purpose is Make them incapable of fighting.

"Wind escape, three blades burst!"

And at this moment, Kakashi suddenly realized that at the position behind him, amidst Asma's soft drink, three wind blades were spinning and rushing out, mixed with wind blades and wind blades. The spiral wind generated by the blade reaction roared away from his side and rear.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Afterwards, there were three sounds of metal breaking, and the three lightning shurikens were swept by three wind blades in an instant, and were split in two by the wind blades in an instant, but the incision was extremely smooth , but the thunder that exploded in the round hole suddenly disappeared in the spiral wind force.


And at this moment, on the other side behind Kakashi, there was another sound of seal completion, and a mass of blazing heat whizzed out from behind him in an instant, and a cone-shaped flame galloped past, but it was blown by the spiral wind. Draw it away, merge into the strong wind, and in an instant, combine with the strong wind, turning into a whirlwind of three-pointed flames, swirling towards the explosion smoke.


Without any suspense, the flame whirlwind did not encounter any obstacles, and pierced through the explosion smoke like a destructive one. At the same time, the wind continued to move forward.

When passing below Maitekai, incidentally, the strong and scorching updraft supported the tumbling and falling Maitekai in mid-air, but slowed down his fall. Presumably, he waited until the whirlwind of flames roared. However, this Maitkai will fall, and it will not affect Maitkai at all.


And at this moment, when the whirlwind of flames whizzed by, the three of Kakashi hadn't changed much, but the position of Maite Kaiban and the seventh squad suddenly burst out with an exclamation, which resounded throughout the venue .

But Ningji Hyuga, who had to close his eyes, and Sasuke Uchiha, who still insisted on opening Sharingan, exclaimed in unison.

And following this life, the eyes of all the ninja newcomers also moved away from the flame whirlwind, and fell on the eyes of Ningji and Uchiha Sasuke that day, and their faces changed color in horror.



And at this moment, Asma and Yuhihong both landed on the ground with their hands in the seal posture.


At the entrance of the landing, Kakashi's face was full of solemnity, and the Sangouyu Sharingan in his left eye moved rapidly in the eye socket, as if he was searching quickly, as if he wanted to catch something.

"Where are people!"

And at this time, Asma and Yuhihong, who had landed on the ground, couldn't help but blurt out such a sentence, and there was a faint look of shock on their faces like the ninjas.

At this moment, the whirlwind of flames whizzed past, and the momentum was extremely weak, but it was about to dissipate in the air, but after being pierced by the fire force of the wind, the explosion smoke in front of them had already dissipated.

However, in the shallow pit created by the explosion smoke, there was nothing.

There is no Chiba.

There is no clone Chiba either.

Nothing at all!

And the flame whirlwind, of course, was empty, except for blowing away the smoke and slowing Maitekai's fall, it didn't make any achievements.

"Above! Kay! Watch out!"

And at this moment, Kakashi's eyes froze suddenly, his face tensed immediately, and he let out a sound, which immediately attracted the eyes of Asma and Kurenai Yuhi.

I saw the two of them looked up almost subconsciously. When their eyes settled down, their faces tightened, and they immediately tensed up.

However, in the middle of the sky, while Maitekai was falling, a figure with both hands clenched into fists and turned into a hammer was already raised high, and a figure that was about to fall slowly followed Maitekai's falling trend, and was revealed in front of them. in front of you.


But at this time, in mid-air, Maitekai turned upwards, and from the corner of his eyes, he clearly saw the white-haired young man with a smile on his mouth.

If it wasn't Chiba, who else!


However, he only had time to spit out these three words, and the white-haired young man who raised his hands like a hammer without any hesitation, slammed his hands down, and hit him without any suspense. In an instant, the extremely dull sound of skin and flesh colliding spread far away.


There was only a sound of breaking through the air, and in the eyes of everyone, Maitekai's figure paused briefly, as if an invisible ripple shook away, and the next moment, Maite's figure turned into a green streamer , With a bang, it crashed into the ground, and suddenly, the ground where it landed was cracked like a spider web. In the crack, the smoke and dust seemed to be squeezed and sprayed out by a huge force. That white-haired young man, that is, Qianye's body is covered.

All of a sudden, everyone saw a column of dust rising up instantly, directly engulfing the white-haired young man.

"Teacher Kai!"

Almost subconsciously, he exclaimed every day, and the surprise came.

"Puff puff!"

And just as Tiantian exclaimed in surprise, on the column of dust and smoke that soared into the sky and had already begun to disperse, suddenly three bolts of thunder flashed away, the size of three holes. The small hole suddenly opened.


Almost instantly, there was a slight dissatisfied tongue-clicking sound that the ninjas couldn't hear in the smoke.


Among the smoke and dust, the corner of Chiba's mouth, which was about to fall, was left with the last seal in his hand, and the three Gouyu's writing wheel eyes reflected the three broken smoke and dust, facing towards Flying towards him, Kunai with Lei Guang in his pocket.

Undoubtedly, at this moment, the three kunai flashing with thunder light that were close at hand interrupted the ninjutsu he was preparing.

Can't touch!

Almost instantly, under the insight of Sharingan, he made such a decision immediately.

Following the trajectory of the thunder light, although it was only a glimpse, Qianye still saw three transparent silk threads that are almost invisible to the naked eye. No, it should be said to be transparent steel wires. These three kunai will be paralyzed by the Lightning Chakra attached to it, and there will be Lightning Chakra that will continue to be transmitted from the steel wire to restrict his actions.

Undoubtedly, this must be Kakashi's masterpiece!

Finally, I have found some feeling!

But at this time, this thought flashed through his mind.

Afterwards, the thought flashed for a while, but Qianye suddenly inhaled, and spit it out quickly without seeing the seal.

In an instant, three blackened wind blades mixed with smoke and dust flew straight towards the three kunai.

Almost instantly, the wind blade kunai collided in one place, and suddenly, a strong wind blew up, and the sound of gold and iron resounded. With a bang, the column of smoke and dust suddenly swelled up, bursting instantly, and countless small wind blades flew out in all directions, only half a meter away, they turned into flowing wind and dissipated in the air.


At the same time, the six kunai fragments, which were cut in half with extremely bright cross-sections, also fell from mid-air to the ground, carried by the wind.

And as the fragments fell, there were strands of transparent threads that had been broken into countless pieces floating in the air and falling slowly.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

But at this time, when the smoke screen fell, Chiba, who was already exposed in the mid-air in front of everyone, did not relax because of blocking Kakashi's attack, on the contrary, his face flashed The color of surprise and shock.

At the same time, amidst the astonishment and shock, his body was covered with hard lumps like black scales with metallic luster very quickly.

But his eyes looked towards his back, and there was an unstoppable solemnity in his eyes.

"Explode! Youth!"

And at this moment, behind him, two hands that were steaming with the green chakra air were like iron hoops that could not break free, firmly grasping his arms and waist.

Afterwards, under the tremendous force of the flip, his entire figure was turned upside down, and the scene in front of him also spun rapidly.

Suddenly, a falling force poured down like Mount Tai pressing down on the top!


After that, there was a low shout full of passion.


Then, amidst the sound of the ground bursting, a roar rose into the sky!

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