Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2080 Success (4000 words)

The following memories no longer belong to this cruel memory.

The nightmare reincarnation is the cruelest experience in my life that I have experienced in the past.

This experience caused great harm to his past self, that is, the other self, and made him permanently lose his feelings and feelings. Although he obtained quite terrifying skills because of this, it is like a demon whispering to human nature. The control of the evil, but compared to the loss, it is much more worth the loss.

And after coming out of this memory for the first time, Qianye understood why the other self showed such a gloomy feeling, and at the same time, her mood changed drastically, and she experienced this seemingly endless nightmare memory , Many hurdles that were difficult before, still feel that it is not a big deal now.

Just like after experiencing the Naruto world, he looked at what he did in the previous life, as if looking at dark history.

Chiba's heart became more stable.

It is also more firm and unshakable.

Then, next, he went through this memory more than a dozen times. Before the memory was fully integrated, he could still experience it himself, and absorbed and consolidated his own state of mind and everything that could be absorbed in this nightmare reincarnation. for a moment.

And with these more than a dozen experiences, Qianye became more and more interested in the huge ball of light in the last scene that exuded a warm and soft light like a star, the core of this nightmare reincarnation, or , if the nightmare reincarnation is compared to the world of infinite flow, then this core has a familiar name.

Lord God.

Yes, although it doesn't have any exchange function, this ball of light is really too easy to associate with the main god.

Moreover, according to the young man's observation, the strongest existence among them can basically crush this core with a single blow. This core, similar to the core of the main god, does not seem to be the original core of this nightmare universe .

In short, it should not be the core of this universe.

This made Qianye very interested in this core similar to the main god. Coupled with the characteristics of the nightmare world, it is very likely that this universe is a very special infinite flow universe.

However, after more than a dozen experiences and repeated observations, Qianye did not see any clues.

In the end, nothing could be done.

Then, there is this question.

The back-up youth in front of him, who was exactly the same as himself, asked the question for a while.

I am the ball of light in the spiritual space, that is, the ball of light that appears in this space is a question of whether it is the fragment of the main god, that is, the core fragment of the nightmare universe.

To be honest, Chiba is still quite curious about what the nightmare universe looks like after the core is shattered.

However, he knows how the Nightmare Universe is now, and he is destined to be impossible to know, even if he asks the backup youth, it is impossible to know.

Because, the other self doesn't know either.

After the sphere of light, which is the fragment of the core of the nightmare universe, carried the soul of the past self, that is, another self fell into the world of Naruto, and under the illumination of the sphere of light, the other self maintained the stability of the soul. Although it is said that it cannot leave the illuminated area of ​​the light sphere, it can still survive.

In the attitude of the soul.

Then, in the posture of the soul, the other self, who can do nothing, began to study the light sphere continuously. At the same time, the soul also slowly burned the ball of light in the process of fragmentation, as if it was falling from the atmosphere. The few light spheres were swallowed up.

Twenty days after the fall, another self swallowed the ball of light into his soul, and then he also understood what this core fragment could do and how to operate it.

At the same time, I also understood that thanks to the fact that he can't feel anything now and doesn't have any emotions, otherwise, when he devours this ball of light, he might die suddenly due to too many emotional outbursts.

In this ball of light, apart from the power to use the rules, there are also various emotions, intense gloomy, negative emotions!

It seems that all the dark emotions in the nightmare of reincarnation are being absorbed by this light sphere. If it is any normal person, even if he has the mentality of a strong man, or even the strongest youth, all kinds of dark emotions, It may not be able to bear it either.

I'm afraid, this core fragment didn't expect to create such a human being without emotion or feeling.

Perhaps, it can be regarded as a cause and effect.

Originally, no one's soul could swallow it, and these dark emotions could destroy anyone.

However, it is impossible to destroy a person who has no feelings and feelings.

Because, for a person who has no feelings and feelings, these negative emotions are at most just an image, an impression, which has no effect on his heart, and how can it have any effect if there is no heart touch?

How can one destroy a person psychologically?

This can be regarded as its own evil fruit.

And after absorbing this sphere of light, the other self found a new target.

One, possibly the most important decision he ever made.

He decided to regain his feelings and feelings.

Perhaps, during the reincarnation of the nightmare, he couldn't do it.

Perhaps, with his own strength, he couldn't do it.

However, the current him has absorbed this sphere of light, and he can do it within the range allowed by the energy of this sphere of light.

Through the inspection of himself by the light sphere, there is nothing abnormal about his soul, it is complete and complete.

That is to say, his loss of feelings and feelings is not due to physical and spiritual disabilities, but due to some other reason.

Of course, he didn't find out what the reason was.

However, it doesn't matter if you know the reason or not.

He doesn't need to know why.

Because, his solution doesn't need to know the reason.

And the way he regained his feelings and feelings is the reason why Qianye exists now.

The other self, using the power of the light sphere, separated this cruel memory and the memory of the previous life.

During this period, the Sage of the Six Paths who came to check just because he found another wave of his own fusion of the light sphere found another existence from outside the world, and had a frank exchange.

After all, the other self with core power, even without a physical body, can still have a huge impact on the world, and it is not a problem to destroy the Hokage world if it is operated properly.

Otherwise, in the end, the Sage of the Six Paths would not be forced by another self to agree to another self's conditions.

There is no option between them other than friendly and frank communication.

Or, the world is destroyed.

And neither the Sage of the Six Paths nor the other self who had managed to escape the reincarnation of the nightmare, did not want to see the world of Hokage destroyed.

This Naruto world is still the key to regaining feelings and feelings, and the other self is naturally polite.

Although, in the end, the world threatened the Sage of the Six Paths.

After threatening the Sage of the Six Paths, the other self separated his own consciousness and memory after the cruel memory, allowing the Sage of the Six Paths to use the supreme power of the Naruto world plus a part of the power of the light sphere to successfully create a spirit. The body, the mental body that carries the memory and consciousness of the past self without emotion and feeling.

Then, using the power of the sphere of light, the blank soul, the soul with a series of obsessions and consciousness reflected only because of residual emotions, was put into the baby in Sarutobi Komachi's belly that was completely transformed into his own body.

Then, next, he just had to wait for this blank soul that had never lost its feelings and feelings to come back and accept his memory.

In this way, he can get back his feelings and his feelings.

After all, his soul is not damaged in any way, and his soul actually has feelings.

This can be seen from the fact that after he stripped away this cruel memory, the blank Chiba has feelings and feelings after birth.

His soul is whole and has feelings and feelings.

However, he has no feelings and feelings, and the consciousness that has experienced cruel memories has no feelings and feelings.

Of course, in the end, he succeeded.

He successfully regained his feelings and feelings. Although his independent consciousness disappeared, along with this part of consciousness, the skills or skills and talents controlled by the devil's whisper-like evil of human nature also disappeared, but, Undoubtedly, the Chiba who now has feelings and feelings, also has the memories and experiences of another self, and the Chiba who has a stronger mentality than the other self is more perfect.

It is also more in line with the expectations of another self.

It can be said that the current situation is completely in line with the expectations of the other self.

As for Qianye, he also fully understands his other purpose and his expectations. At this moment, Qianye, after asking such a question, is actually quite fortunate, fortunate to have experienced that period of cruelty now. memory.

It is precisely because of this that he can truly understand the purpose of the other self, and it is not in vain for the other self to sacrifice so much. Even if his own consciousness is wiped out, he must complete this plan and regain his feelings and feelings .

After thoroughly understanding the other self, which is also the past self in memory, for some reason, Chiba always has a sense of relief, a feeling of living up to what was entrusted to her.

It's as if the past self and the other self are all satisfied with the present self.

Now this self has completely absorbed that cruel memory and perfected his state of mind.

Before he knew it, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a faint smile that was barely noticeable.

"What, the fragment of the Lord God?"

But at this time, the back-up youth was astonished and brought him back from his memory with some incomprehensible words.

"Uh... You know infinite stream novels, right?"

Qianye was slightly taken aback by this, apparently he did not expect that the backup youth would answer his question like this.

"I know."

Hearing this, the backup youth said as a matter of course.

Of course, he knows about infinite stream novels. Ontology likes to read this kind of thing very much, but his eyes are very picky. Except for the book that pioneered the genre, there are basically very few that can make Ontology fall in love with.

He also understands that the main god mentioned by the fusion body in front of him is naturally the light ball of the main god in the infinite flow novel.

The so-called fragment of the main god is naturally a fragment of the core of the universe.

Fragments of the core of that nightmare universe.

However, the Lord God has nothing to do with the core of the universe!

What he doesn't understand is why the fusion body asks this question, the memory of the core of the universe has not been deleted in any way, and even the fusion body in front of him may know more than he knows.

For the backup of itself, Ontology has also made quite thorough consideration.

In fact, he has vaguely understood this point, but, as a program-based existence, he doesn't care so much.

"Then, this ball of light..."

And hearing the words of the back-up youth, Qianye sighed slightly, maintaining an attitude that exuded a stable atmosphere, and asked.

"No! There is even no comparison between the two. The main god is not the core of the universe, and the core of the universe is not the main god. Moreover, you should also be able to see that whether this ball of light is the core of the universe is still a question."

However, before he finished speaking, the backup youth raised his hand and stopped him.

I just heard the back-up youth say with a gloomy face and some helplessness.

"I mean, why are you asking that?"

Then, after being helpless, the backup youth said.

After going through that cruel memory more than a dozen times, it came up with just such a question. Compared with the question itself, the backup youth cared more about why the fusion body asked such a question, and what was the reason for asking such a question.

He was confirming whether the fusion body in front of him was normal.

Although the aura exuding from his body is impossible to deceive him, the state of mind of the fusion body has risen several steps, and is even a little more stable than the original state of mind of the main body, but this opening is the main god and not the main god, backing up the youth's feeling , there may be a problem with the fusion.


When he heard the question of backing up the youth, Qianye was also slightly taken aback.

Feelings, what he cares about is not the question itself, but... my motivation for asking this question?

He is doubting me, is there something wrong with my head?

And Qianye couldn't help but think of such a thought.

"No, I'm just curious."

Then, he spoke.

"Since you have merged that part of the cruel memory and other memories, you don't know, do you think I will know?"

In this regard, the back-up youth glanced at the corner of his mouth, and said a word he especially wanted to say.

Nonsense, how did he know!

Memories are all the same!

Although there are deletions, as well as some manipulations done by the main body, some parts of the fusion body and his memory are intersected. For example, he knows this part, but the fusion body does not know that part, and the fusion body knows it, but he does not know it.

However, in general, the memory of both parties is the same.

The main body has not been deleted too much.

One thing is certain, that is, if the fusion body doesn't know, then he must not know.

Except, a few things explained by the ontology.

There are only a few things that he knows, but the fusion body doesn't know.

"So, the third thing, tell me?"

And at this moment, as soon as the voice of the back-up youth fell, Qianye no longer struggled with the issue of whether the main god is the main god or not, and said straightforwardly.

Asked the most important question.

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