Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2079 Nightmare Reincarnation (4000 words)

The past self did not refuse the young man's request, and accepted his proposal very calmly and simply.

Firstly, he, who has no feelings or feelings, needs a goal, he needs to make himself feel something, and only the goal can make him feel something,

It should be something like gratification and exhilaration.

He needs such emotions, otherwise, one day, he will really feel that he has become a robot, only knowing that mechanically complete the repetitive labor of surviving in these nightmares.

This soulless feeling, even the past self who can't feel feelings and feelings, is uncomfortable all over.

And this young man can just give him a goal, a long-term goal, a goal that can make him feel alive.

Second, he has no other choice. Although this young man has a sincere face and a sunny smile, it makes people feel that this is a person who can discuss everything with him. Even if he refuses, it should be fine. Don't worry. .

However, this guy, within ten minutes, had the terror of annihilating 10,000 people without changing his face, completely overturning his common sense.

What's more, he was the one who was able to show a sunny smile covered in blood in the sea of ​​corpses behind him, with almost no ripples in his eyes, and no emotion other than calmness.

At the same time, this place is still a slaughterhouse of human nature, a nightmare of reincarnation.

On the surface, kind and sunny?

Do not make jokes!

If I don't agree, my past self believes that within a second, this young man can kill him instantly, just like he wiped out all these ten thousand people.

It seems that he has many choices, but he doesn't have any choices.

The young man also said that he had observed himself in the past for a long time, and that as soon as he entered the stage, he would wipe out 10,000 people as a so-called meeting ceremony, which was already a solicitation that could not be refused.

The 10,000-year extermination of this group can be said to be a "gift" given to the past self, but it can also be seen as a deterrent and show off of force, or at best, it is a kind of proof.

It means: You will be safe if you follow me, because I am so powerful, and I am the one standing at the top.

You follow me, there is everything.

But, if you don't follow me, look at the 10,000 people behind here.

The past self, no choice!

Third, what the young man wanted to do, the past self did not reject it, not at all, and even, not only did he not reject it at all, but after the youth proposed it, he was even a little "urgent", he had no feelings or feelings, I really want to get this done.

Leave this nightmare reincarnation!

He didn't want to repeat the labor like this any more.

At the same time, from the perspective of luck, maybe, in another environment, he can regain his feelings and feelings.

Although he can't feel feelings and feelings, his past self doesn't like the current feeling quite much. This kind of situation where he can't feel anything makes him have the illusion that although he is alive, he is already dead.

He instinctively disliked it, especially disliked it.

Therefore, no matter in terms of preferences or personal interests, the past self will definitely agree.

Moreover, it was a rather straightforward agreement.

Of course, my past self did the same.

As for experiencing this scene, Qianye was somewhat unable to react. As for the reason why he could not react, it was naturally the strength of the young man in front of him.

Even if it were him, he would not be able to achieve this kind of strength that is one against ten thousand and understated.

That is to say, the young man in front of him is even stronger than the first-class or even top-notch him in the Naruto world.

Even, much stronger.

And this kind of power, in this nightmare reincarnation, he has hardly seen.

Indeed, in the reincarnation of nightmares, there will be some individuals with particularly strong fighting power. For example, my partner who was a mother in the past, she seems to have some kind of great strength, or something that can exert 100% muscle strength and easily lift her body. Pick up the car and throw it out to smash people.

However, there will be severe side effects, and there is a time limit for use. If the time limit is exceeded, sudden death may occur. Therefore, this mother has always been in her team in the past, as the last one to exert her full strength.

The existence of showing off when it is determined that the number of survivors is almost the same.

Although there is no time to rest, the nightmare reincarnation will heal the human body during the coma. No matter how serious the injury is, it will be cured. When the coma wakes up, it will be a complete self.

Every now and then, that mother would turn the tide.

This can be regarded as an extremely rare superhuman power in the nightmare reincarnation.

It is precisely because of such a guarantee of force that the team of the past me, who was not top or bottom, was able to survive so many scenes without incident.

But even so, the mother's combat power is still limited, maybe one against ten can do it, no matter how strong she is, she won't be much stronger.

Even, Qianye is sure to behead the mother in one encounter.

Therefore, this kind of one against ten thousand has never been seen before. Even Qianye feels that this is the power system of this nightmare reincarnation. This nightmare reincarnation tests people's hearts, not human strength.

And seeing such a character now, it can be said that it completely subverted Chiba's perception of the nightmare reincarnation.

Naturally, some of them couldn't react.

However, after reacting, Qianye's first reaction was that he was exactly the same as his past self. Obviously, this powerful young man would not give his past self any reason to refuse.

Moreover, the young man said that he had been observing his past self for a long time.

Then, it means that this young man has the skills or things or ability to spy on a person. In short, the past self cannot escape.

At the same time, now that the survival mission is over, the past self has not fallen into a coma. In other words, this young man has a way to interfere with the rules of the nightmare reincarnation. Although, it cannot be completely controlled, and there may be quite strict time limits or conditions. However, what is certain is that if the past self does not agree, then this young man has plenty of means to make the past self regret,

As for the past self, although he has reached a terrifying situation on the side of wisdom, in terms of strength, he is just a strong ordinary person.

And the power of this young man to destroy thousands of people by himself, unless his past self can predict the future, otherwise, no matter how smart he is, he can't hide it.

This is no longer a strength gap that wisdom can level.

Your past self, you have no choice.

However, apart from these considerations of interests, this young man appeared at the right time. If the past self, if he can no longer find his goal, he may be lost in this nightmare of reincarnation and completely reduced to a thinking walking dead.

And if things become like that, then the past self has no meaning of existence, and it is no different from death.

In the end, the best result is to become some kind of terrorist threat that can wander in various scenes of the reincarnation of the nightmare, and be killed by stronger survivors.

And the worst result is to keep wandering like this, without purpose, with thinking, but a walking dead.

It is almost impossible to survive, and impossible to die.

Because he didn't have feelings and feelings, his past self basically didn't think of death, and it might even be Xiaoqian's entrustment before his death. In his subconscious, he didn't have the word death.

In other words, the four words of active death.

In other words, he will not choose to die.

In this state, it is quite a sad thing not to seek death, but not to be regarded as truly alive.

In a sense, this young man may really have brought light to his past self like his sunny smile.

Although it is a situation that can only be agreed to, the past self is undoubtedly lucky.

And then, everything was exactly as Chiba expected, after meeting this young man, everything about her past self seemed to be on the right track.

During that questioning and team formation, the two were not assigned together in the second thousand-level nightmare scene. It seems that the team formation rules of the thousand-level nightmare scene are not much different from ordinary games, and , that young man, it seems that there is no way to form a team immediately.

Or, you haven't trusted your past self to the point of forming a team immediately.

However, although they were not assigned together in the second round, the past self still had enough time to survive the second thousand-level nightmare scene.

Even so, superhuman powers have begun to appear frequently in these thousand-level nightmare scenarios.

However, the devil-whispering control of the evil of human nature by my past self is also a kind of superhuman power in a sense.

But after the second scene, after the task survival was confirmed, the past self did not pass out immediately as usual, but stayed in the second scene for a while, and at that time, he saw the girl again. youth.

But this time, the young man brought him a communication tool, saying that he could communicate in different scenarios.

At the same time, as long as the communication tool is on the body within 10 games, then the two of them will be considered as a team.

And next, maybe they won't be assigned together within 10 games.

After explaining this, the past self passed out.

Then, after getting the communication tool, the past self started to get busy in every scene.

Busy looking for special places in each scene, the scope of thousands of scenes is already huge, in addition to terrorist threats, props also basically have some superhuman things.

Even terrorist threats can be countered, even killed, by these superhuman beings.

At the same time, the past self began to rely on his control over the evil of human nature to blend in with the evil crowd. Gradually, after helping several teams survive successfully, his reputation gradually rose.

Even, faintly, some villains have begun to follow him willingly.

And as his fame grew, his past self collected more and more information, and the information about this nightmare reincarnation became more and more clear, and the effectiveness of assisting those villain teams became more and more obvious.

Since one wants to leave this nightmare of reincarnation, one must first have a comprehensive and clear understanding of it, the more comprehensive and clear the better.

The busyness of my past self was to gather information.

And after 10 games, he and the young man were assigned together again. As a teammate, he already had a preliminary understanding of the entire nightmare reincarnation, and he had already touched the essence of this nightmare reincarnation.

At the same time, after being assigned together as a teammate this time, the past self met another teammate, who was also well-known as a relatively capricious guy in the entire thousand-game team.

That is the owner of that frivolous voice.

This person's strength, in the entire nightmare reincarnation, is also an existence that can squeeze into the top ten.

Without too many pleasantries, the three of them completed the scene under the leadership of the young man without any difficulties.

But this time, the past self also had a considerable understanding of this young man. This young man may really be like his sunny smile. Although he acted decisively and fiercely, he was a guy with a sense of justice in his heart. Belongs to the kind that has its own principles and acts basically aboveboard.

That frivolous guy is the opposite of the young man, he is duplicity, he looks frivolous, but he is jealous, and seems to be a bit extreme in justice, anyway, he can't rub a little sand in his eyes.

In a sense, the two of them still gave their past selves a sense of security, otherwise, their past selves might not be able to blend in so quickly.

And the three of them have a tacit understanding. After listening to the advice of their past selves and collecting information, under the strong combat power of the two, each scene was completed quite smoothly, and many of their past selves depended on themselves forever Impossible to get information.

Also during this period of time, the past self began to understand the nature of the so-called world.

In other words, the essence of the universe of nightmare reincarnation.

Yes, Nightmare Reincarnation is a universe.

A universe with strange cosmic rules!

And the rules of nightmare reincarnation are the cosmic rules of this universe!

At the same time, after several scenes in which even the young man was seriously injured and narrowly escaped death, the frivolous guy almost died, and even the past self almost died, the past self was giving hundreds of nightmares the wisdom of reincarnation. After the think tank forcibly read the memory and turned them into idiots, they finally came to a conclusion.

This nightmare reincarnation universe has a core.

The core is similar to the main god in the infinite flow novel.

Moreover, it may not be the core of the original universe of the Nightmare Reincarnation universe!

And this core is the key to leaving!

After that, it was an adventure that made Qianye dizzy, dumbfounded and even unimaginable.

Finally, the three of them came to the core.

Then, under the full blow of the young man, the core was split into three, and the moment the core was shattered, the body of the past self was crushed into powder by the powerful energy.

In the end, along with one-third of the core, the past self fell into this Naruto world.

The other self, since then, has left the nightmare reincarnation!

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