Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2078 Fangs (4000 words)

The so-called killing and punishing the heart, after driving the strong man who tortured and killed his partners crazy, after driving such a seemingly silent and invincible strong man into a lunatic who rolled his eyes and drooled, after the past self left him to fend for himself, but Still no return of affection and feeling.

And Chiba finally understands that revenge is not the key. For her past self, after losing her feelings and feelings, revenge is just a goal, not an obsession. The reason why she can still feel revenge when she thinks of revenge To what, but only because this is the goal.

It's just a dispassionate sense of urgency to accomplish a goal.

Not feeling emotions or anything else.

Then, at this moment, the feeling of detachment from the soul, which troubled Qianye so much that it might irreversibly change his state of no emotion and no feeling, suddenly faded away.

After seeing the scene of revenge, he seemed to feel a sense of relief. Although his past self still hadn't recovered his feelings and feelings, for Chiba who still had feelings and feelings, the way his past self dealt with it, His revenge method is even more able to vent the backlog of emotions than Qianye himself thought.

In the process of going through this with her past self, Chiba, as a relatively independent consciousness with normal feelings and feelings, and completely empathizes with her, it is basically a personal experience. Ye naturally also has feelings. Even if he has no feelings, he will be affected by his past self. When his partner died tragically, Xiaoqian entrusted his life and gave hope of life. In a sense, it was also a great emotional impact on Qianye. Even, the negative emotions caused by the emotional impact he received were more and deeper than his past self.

After all, struggling in a treacherous world, experiencing life and death, and living to the present, Qianye is superior to her past self in terms of force and intelligence, or in terms of adaptability and vision. The past self who has not lost his feelings and feelings, when he sees the past self making obviously wrong plans, he can't speak out, can't control the situation at that time, and can only watch the past self make mistakes, causing unforeseen consequences. salvage consequences.

That anger is not even less than the negative emotions of losing a partner.

Therefore, Qianye has accumulated quite a lot more dark emotions than her past self, coupled with the influence of her past self's mentality of being emotionless and feelingless, in the long run, Qianye's psychology will really be distorted somewhere stand up.

Inflict irreversible changes in his character.

It is indeed quite dangerous.

But now, with the solution of the past self, seeing that damned guy begging for mercy, begging for mercy, and begging for help, Chiba is really relieved. The best way to kill people is not necessarily to use a knife. The past self Undoubtedly, he used an invisible knife called rumors to cut the spirit of this damned guy bit by bit, and finally made his life worse than death.

A crazy lunatic continues in this cruel reincarnation. If he does not die and has a chance to wake up again, if he thinks back to this paragraph, will it be another torture, a torture that will remain in his heart forever.

Would it make him tremble all over, terrified, and humiliated to immediately dig a hole and bury himself alive just thinking about it.

Or, even if he regained his sobriety, he completely lost his courage and became an existence that could never be in this nightmare of reincarnation.


Letting others be slaughtered and not daring to resist, in the end they can only become slaves without any dignity, and in the end they may not even be called creatures by a single person.

This is where the past self was truly scary.

People are not afraid of dying humblely, they are afraid of living humblely.

If this person continues to go crazy like this, maybe it is a good thing for him. Once he wakes up, the spiritual and spiritual damage caused by his past self will accompany him for the rest of his life and make him suffer for the rest of his life.

This is the real cruelty.

If the past self had killed him with the butterfly knife left by Xiaoqian, it would have been a kind of happiness for him.

However, this is also the karma of this damn guy.

If he simply killed his past partner instead of killing him, how could his past self accumulate so many dark emotions, and after the detonation, how could he touch the body's defense mechanism and lose his feelings and feelings.

And if the past self still had even a trace of feelings and feelings, how could he use such an extremely vicious way to retaliate?

This kind of revenge method can only be imagined by the past self who is essentially the same as Qianye after losing his feelings!

In the end, everything is just the damn guy's own fault.

And it was this lifetime of torture and this sense of self-inflicted retribution that completely released the negative emotions accumulated in Qianye's heart.

After all, the current empathy, everything the past self did is basically equivalent to what he did.

He can feel the reality of hands-on.

And after these emotions were released, the feeling of being separated from the soul gradually faded away and was completely suppressed.

Moreover, Qianye's mind seemed to have stabilized after this hearty revenge.

At the same time, everything he experienced in the past came to his mind, and he subconsciously changed his way of thinking about these things, which was also his thinking habit, and he subconsciously began to analyze these things.

Gradually, some comprehensions that he could not have based on his experience in the Naruto world slowly poured into his heart.

And his state of mind began to become more and more stable.

That sense of soul detachment is getting weaker and fainter.

At this moment, Qianye knew that he had already begun to transform, by absorbing the cruelty that he experienced in the past.

That is to say, he has overcome these cruelties.

At the same time, he also deeply understood that the fear of these cruelties before was just that he was really frightened.

The other self must let himself experience all this, not to change him, but to let him experience it.

His mind is not strong enough.

At least, until the other self is as strong as the other, he can't meet the requirements of the past self.

But now, he finally understands that as long as he can hold on to this cruel memory and the revenge ends, he will have a great harvest, and he can continue to experience it safely.

This cruel memory did not require as much mental power as Qianye had imagined.

The purpose is not a trial, but an exercise!

After her mood stabilized and she felt that her heart was free, besides slowly absorbing the previous experience and lessons and experiencing the training of her mental endurance and tenacity, Qianye did not passively accept everything about her past self. .

It's just that, for the current Chiba, these influences on his mind are no longer very strong. Slowly, Chiba has been able to look at things from the perspective of a bystander in this forced personal experience up.

And after the revenge, after the past self found that his feelings and feelings had not recovered, he wanted to understand that the things that were lost at the beginning were his feelings and feelings, and there was no drop of these things left.

The defense mechanism is not to shield the feelings and feelings, but to abandon the feelings and feelings.

He wants to get these things back.

After revenge, he had no goals, and then, he began to feel that he had no emotion and feeling, as if he was a walking dead, a machine, doing repetitive labor aimlessly in the cycle of nightmares.

This situation made my past self very uncomfortable.

Therefore, he set another goal for himself.

Find those lost.

Then, he began to implement all the plans he came up with to restore feelings and feelings, for example, killing those "partners" who were "manipulated" by him, and bringing together these villains who could accept his behavior style. One kill.

To be honest, for the current past self, the difficulty of reincarnation in nightmares, scenes with less than 500 people can be completely controlled or most of them can be controlled. Killing a few people is not a big problem at all.

Even, it can be said that it is easy.

Then, after losing his partner, he was sent to a 30-person scene where only one survived.

Of course, for him, this kind of scene given to the loser, he can do anything except change the rule that only one person can survive.

After surviving this scene, he was beaten into a scene with 30 people or even 20 people. Then, he gave up the liberating talent, or nature, of whispering like a demon, and tried to be an image of a person full of emotions , appearing next to some people who are also still human, and becoming their partners.

Even, as before, became a second-in-command to the charismatic captain.

Everything is beautiful.

However, he still hasn't regained his feelings and feelings.

Even after hundreds of scenes, the team was destroyed, and he didn't regain his feelings and feelings.

During this period, he also tried tens of thousands of big methods in this team, and changed a variety of angles, just like Chiba was thinking about what would happen in the night of the nine tails, trying everything he could try .

However, he still hasn't regained his feelings and feelings.

Even the destruction of these people could not arouse any waves in his heart.

Then, the past self finally understands that once you give up something, you can never get it back.

He will never be able to get his feelings back.

To be honest, he didn't even feel disappointed.

Because he has no feeling, he also doesn't feel tired. Although the body will be tired, in his concept, it's just a concept that the body needs to rest.

So, he started to repeat everything before.

Because he can't feel disappointed, knowing that he can't get back his feelings and feelings, he just killed a goal.

There was no disturbance at all.

There is no such desperate feeling of wanting to die.

In a sense, the past self, even Chiba whose mood has risen to a higher level, felt a chill down her spine.

Such a person is too scary.

He has no emotion, no feelings, but he has the talent to bewitch people, and he has mastered human nature to the point of being able to control it. If such a person is included in the prophecy of annihilation, then he is definitely the end of the world. A class of existence.

Moreover, it is the kind of existence that is hopeless and has no weaknesses.

At least, human beings can't think of the existence of its weaknesses.

However, the aimless reincarnation of the past self did not last long, and the number of reincarnations he had reached 1,000 times.

And from here, the nightmare reincarnation began to change again, and the scope was expanded again. It is already the size of a complete world, or a world about half the size of the previous earth, and the number of participants is no longer limited to one person or one. In the team, you can be one person or tens of thousands of people.

At the same time, terrorist threats have also begun to escalate. These terrorist threats have begun to be extremely aggressive. They are no longer passive or semi-passive, but proactive. In these scenarios, terrorist threats have begun to look for survivors , Hunting and killing survivors, at the same time, the types and levels of terrorist threats are becoming more and more complex and powerful.

And the lower limit of ninjutsu has risen to 500 people.

At least 500 people participated in each scene.

And the upper limit of the number of people is none.

That is, there is no upper limit.

The number of surviving people comes according to the unit. If you come alone, it is a unit, and if you come in a team, it is also a unit.

The number of survivors is only three units.

This nightmare reincarnation, from here the real fangs are bared.

Just looking at the changes in these conditions, you can tell that every scene will be a bloodbath.

And the past self should be considered lucky.

His first thousand-level nightmare scene was a 10,000-level nightmare scene.

That is, more than 10,000 participants.

And they are all one of the millions of people who have experienced a thousand nightmare scenes.

This is definitely not good for my past self, it should be said to be very unlucky.

It is very difficult to find the survival qualifications of those three units among ten thousand people. After all, in this scene, there are not only people, but also various terrorist threats. They all actively seek people to kill them, and these terrorist threats There are still many unknown abilities, and he may not even know how he died.

However, the past self was lucky.

Because, in his first thousand-level nightmare scene, he has seen what is the real supreme powerhouse in the entire nightmare cycle.

Ten thousand people, ten minutes, all wiped out.

by one person.

All destroyed!

The surviving unit, all of a sudden, falls on the body of the past self.

However, this time, he did not fall into a coma directly after confirming that the survival conditions were completed.

Instead, his whole body froze in front of the young man who smiled brightly at him and was older than himself.

"This first thousand-level nightmare, this is a gift for you, I've been paying attention to you for a long time, do you want to get rid of this nightmare reincarnation?"

Then, the young man who appeared suddenly stretched out his hand and said sincerely.

Then, the past self found his purpose again.

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