Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2081 The Third Thing (4000 words)

Have you finally got to the point?

However, there is nothing to hide anymore, the matter explained by the ontology can finally be completed.

I also have no position to intervene in the affairs of the fusion body. All decisions must be made by the fusion body itself.

Whether it fails or succeeds!

My duty is nothing more than to inform the fusion body of what the main body has explained.

Hearing Qianye's question, this time, the backup youth didn't have any surprises. Although he was still wondering why the opposite fusion body asked such a question, he couldn't continue on this topic.

There is only one thing he can do now, to answer this question according to the instructions of the ontology.

And after completing these, his mission is completed.

"Are you sure you want me to answer this question and not ask any other questions?"

However, even though he thought so, after inadvertently seeing the ball of light floating in mid-air in the opposite fusion body, the backup youth seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly asked his past self to confirm.


At this time, Qianye, who had been paying attention to every move of the backup youth, naturally noticed the backup youth's look at the light ball, and was slightly taken aback.

He is, he still cares about why I asked the ball of light... No, it should be said that it is the core of the nightmare universe?

Or, did he actually know the core of this nightmare universe, but he didn't tell me?

Or, the ontology won't let him tell me?


He is also very interested in this ball of light.

Although under the setting of the ontology, he should be more of a program than an independent consciousness, but under the influence of this light sphere, what changes have taken place?

Then, with the extension of thoughts, such a series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind.

"What? Is there any difference here?"

However, although many thoughts flashed through the picture, on the surface, Qianye did not show any abnormality, but responded with interest.

without showing any trace...

After experiencing that cruel memory, can the fusion body grow so much?

At first, I didn't believe it, but...

With the body of feelings and feelings, can it have such a strong growth potential?

Compared with the current fusion body, the main body is probably a little inferior. Whether it is mentality or strength, there is also this stable temperament that comes naturally from the mentality of the strong. If used properly, even if it is In his Naruto world, he can also be invincible.

Does the ontology know that if it gains feelings and feelings, it will produce such a chemical reaction?

However, can such fusion be able to fulfill the real purpose of the ontology?


I couldn't see it after all.

I really hope that I am not a backup body!

But upon hearing this sentence, for some reason, an indescribable emotion suddenly surged in the heart of the backup youth.


It can't be called emotion, he is another Chiba, the clone of Chiba who has only experienced the cruel loss of emotion and feeling, even if 70% is a program, only 30% The consciousness of another Chiba only carried a part of the personality and thoughts of another Chiba, but after all, it had no feelings or feelings.

It's an intellectually disliked situation or fact that resembles disappointment, or the inability to get a goal.

Although he couldn't feel any real emotion, the backup youth quite didn't like this situation or fact.

"Because, if you ask this last question, and I will tell you the last thing that the ontology told you, then my task will be completed, and I will disappear completely."

And it seemed that he was driven by this disliked situation and fact, uncharacteristically, the backup youth opened his mouth and said.

At the same time, from Qianye's point of view, when he said this, the gloomy look on the back-up young man's face, which seemed to have remained unchanged for thousands of years like the other one's, would only be more gloomy, but it was mixed with some other things.

This is……

Faint, affection?

Almost subconsciously, seeing this change, such a thought flashed through Qianye's mind.


No, I am not reconciled!

I know, if my fusion body fails and I can't live through that period of memory, then, very likely, this backup will occupy my body and become "me"!

This backup is another backup that I set up.

Maybe this backup hasn't noticed it yet, but the deletion of certain parts of his memory, as well as program settings, are actually similar to seals.

In fact, he is a complete backup of another me, with 100% memory and 100% consciousness, but it is sealed and sealed by another program that I created with a light ball.

In other words, I used a program to create a false personality, which is similar to a robot, and temporarily sealed my original independent personality.

And as long as I fail, then this backup will become me, mingling in the world of Naruto.

It is equivalent to the fact that another attempt of my plan to acquire feelings and feelings failed, and the other I can still use this backup to try a new plan to acquire feelings and feelings in Naruto World.

And if I succeed and successfully obtain the nourishment in the cruel memory, then this backup will be deleted.

The other me really entrusted everything to me.

And this third thing should be another entrustment from me to me.

After all, if the blank soul, that is, me, has no way to see through life and death in the world of Naruto, and go through the necessary life and death, it is absolutely impossible to get through that cruel memory.

Indeed, this memory is nourishment.

However, it must be me who has gone through the necessary life and death situation and has seen through life and death.

Otherwise, it is poison!

Emotional breakdown is inevitable.

And when the time comes, this backup youth can use the power of the light sphere to erase this memory and collapsed consciousness again, and then the sealed personality will disappear, and another independent personality of mine will wake up in the backup again, thus Take over.

Behind this backup youth, there are many layouts of another me hidden!

This backhand...

I can only say that it is true that I have lost my feelings and feelings...

Pretty scary!

Seeing these changes in the backup youth, Qianye did not answer the conversation immediately this time, a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

However, even if it is another me who has such a meticulous layout, after all, people are not as good as God!

The backup youth in front of him, after all, for some unknown reason, has something that should not be possessed by a sealed personality similar to a robot program.

Including, the emotional change just now... No, it should be said to be a change in attitude. This backup should be the state of lack of feelings and feelings with the other me.

The other me has arranged everything, but in the end, it is still no match for the unknown variables.

If this continues, the sealed personality will completely collapse. At that time, will the other personality of me wake up completely? One person is unknown.

After all, nothing in the world is 100% successful.

No matter how much work is done and how much effort is expended, there will still be a possibility of failure after all.

God willing……



Is that right, I have been fighting against such things before!

Then, following his thoughts, the calm look on Qianye's face gradually became serious.


So why...why?

There are so many traversers, every traverser carries power from the outside world, and most of them know the established route of this Naruto world, why, why until now, nothing has changed?

Even the reborn Uchiha Nobuhiko, the existence chosen by this world to deal with us traversers, can really completely obliterate all factors of change?

Could it be that the other traversers, like Nobuhiko Uchiha said, all have abnormal brains?



It is also unlikely!

There is no such absolute thing, here is also reality, and the people here are also human beings, and as long as there are people, as long as there are emotions, then there cannot be such an absolute thing.

I also don't believe that after experiencing life and death, there are still people who are so brain-dead that they don't feel the danger of this world at all.

Regardless of whether their minds are abnormal or not, every traveler should have felt the danger and cruelty here, and their actions may make people look quite naive and simple-minded.

However, after knowing the danger, even if you regard yourself as the protagonist because of the influence of the fanfic in the previous life, you will not die if you have the aura of the protagonist, but it does not mean that everyone will not stay behind. It is brainless, and the various plots have obvious ingenuity around the protagonist. Basically, with a little brain, they will arrange backup for the protagonist, and the protagonist arranges the backup for himself.

They will not be ignorant of the importance of the second hand.

There must be someone who will arrange a backup, and these people have all sorts of strange power systems from the outside world, and they may even have systems and the like.

There should be something left in this world, and as the backhand of the traverser, generally speaking, it will be related to the power of the foreign world, and since the power of the foreign world can be used in this world, then, if it survives, it must be Not without any possibility.

And the power of this foreign world can basically make the traverser quickly become a peak ninja...

Why...why didn't a single aborigine come into contact with this foreign force.

Could it be that the traverser was killed after using his second hand?

And as long as an aborigine is exposed to this power, it will be like a butterfly effect. Even if the aborigine has no way to learn or obtain this power, this power will slowly spread.

Until someone masters this power.

Even, develop this external force.

And as long as this power is mastered, even if it is only spread, and ninjas know that there is a power that is different from Chakra, or can increase the power of Chakra, then the ninjas will never stop developing it.

At that time, the so-called pulling one hair to move the whole body, and even the external power of the traverser, will not be as simple as one blow.

This is bound to cause huge changes in the world of Naruto, and eventually lead to a complete disruption of the process.

The power system is the foundation of a world.

Even almost rooted.

And the foundation of this Hokage world is Chakra, the sacred tree, and Otsutsuki... It is these that have developed this world.

As long as the foreign power spreads and is developed, then this world is bound to be greatly affected.

It is absolutely impossible for the current situation to be calm and nothing has changed, at least the general trend will not change!

And with so many traversers, it is absolutely impossible for them all to be completely careless.

Someone always leaves something behind!

So why...why hasn't anything changed?

In this, besides Nobuhiko Uchiha, there must be something deeper, even, this is the trump card of the will of the world!

It is this trump card that maintains the progress of this world and the balance of this world!


And as his thoughts spread, Qianye's thoughts had already spread out, and in the end, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his chest suddenly became clear, as if he wanted to understand something.

Just at this bright stall, Qianye was already in a cold sweat.

"Tell me, tell me, answer me, this question!"

But in this cold sweat, Qianye didn't have time to think about anything else, and the sentence came out of his mouth.

There is no longer any room for backup youth.

Right now, he wants to know the third thing about his other self!

At this moment, he seemed to feel that huge shadow again, that just thinking about it gave him an endless fear, just like in the cruel memory, in the nightmare scene he experienced for the first time, the fear that the fog gave him Same.

The only difference.

That is, the past self was just an ordinary person.

But now, Qianye's mentality has already experienced the desperate situation of life and death, and lived through that cruel memory. In the assumption of another self who has no emotion and no feeling, it is the most perfect mentality he can think of.

This kind of fear and pressure that made him unable to breathe just thinking about it almost made him unable to think!

Nobuhiko Uchiha!

Uchiha Nobuhiko must have noticed it too!

But in the cold sweat, for no reason, such a thought flashed through his mind.

"Really? Has it been decided? Well, then I'll tell you!"

At this moment, it seemed that he sighed slightly, and the back-up youth stopped beating around the bush, and after taking a slight breath, he spoke simply.

"The last thing, you can't use the light sphere."

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