Chapter 1228 Changed

Hirohiko, it's changed!

Hearing Hirohiko's suddenly cold tone, Chiba's heart almost jumped.

Even through the door of the confinement room on the first floor, he can still feel the coldness and hatred in it. It is obvious that when the eyes are mentioned, Hirohiko's mentality has undergone a great change.

From this sentence, Chiba also noticed that Hirohiko was really taking care of his mentality just now, so he pretended to be peaceful and calm, but in fact, his heart was already full of hatred.

Darkness has already entrenched in Hongyan's heart.

Even, Hirohiko has been locked in the confinement room for the past six months, and has not been in contact with it for most of the time. In addition to the emotional upheaval caused by Nao's death, this kind of hatred and darkness of killing his beloved with his own hands is constantly in the void. One person, Chiba, was a little scared, afraid that Hirohiko had reached such an irreversible level.

At this moment, with this "click", his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.


Hirohiko is irretrievable, so what should we do?

And in his mind, there was also a thing he didn't want to think about.

Then, for a moment, he froze on the spot, with a look of stiffness on his face, and a frozen slightly surprised smile.


Hirohiko's essence has not changed!

At least, he was still taking care of my emotions and my mentality at the beginning, he was still the Hirohiko who would consider us for our sake and treat us as a close friend.

When something like this happens, his personality will definitely change, and when it comes to Nasu's eyes, his emotions will definitely not be calm. I think too much!

Hiroko is still Hiroko in essence, he still has that "love" in his heart, but now he has "hate" in his heart.

Isn't this hatred just what I want to use!

What are you panicking about!

However, after just one thought, Qianye put that fear behind him. He and Hirohiko have been together for so many years. Ye knew Hong Yan very well.

Compared with Obito, Hirohiko and Sasuke are more similar, both are cold outside and hot inside, while Obito without blackening is hot inside and outside.

But now, the hot part of Hirohiko's heart hasn't changed, and as long as this part doesn't change, then Chiba still has a chance.

"I only know that these eyes are the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and the Sharingan above the Sharingan is the evolution of the Sharingan Xueji Boundary, and it is also... a curse!"

Thinking of this, Qianye was no longer afraid, let alone hesitated, and said directly.

"Kaleidoscopic Sharingan... how do you know about this?"

And hearing Qianye's straightforward words, the red-eyed voice in the door still carried a kind of hatred and coldness, and even mixed with this feeling of gnashing of teeth.

However, Chiba knew that this tone of gnashing teeth was not aimed at him.

"Nao told me. When she was dying, she used the pupil power of this pair of kaleidoscope Sharingans and told me."

To this, Chiba replied truthfully, regarding the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Nao mentioned it once when he entered his sealed space. At the same time, he didn't want to expose his identity as a time traveler.

"So, she...did she say why, did she have a kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

Hearing this, the door was silent for a while, and after a while, Hong Yan's hoarse voice rang out.

This time, the cold feeling of hatred and the feeling of gnashing of teeth have faded a lot, more of it is a kind of trembling.

"Witnessing the death of my dearest relatives and friends with my own eyes..."

But upon hearing this, Qianye was also silent for a while, before speaking, in the words, for some reason, there was something trembling like Hirohiko's voice.

Chiba is very clear about the meaning of the trembling in Hirohiko's words, and he also knows the harm this hidden meaning will do to Hirohiko, but now, he must ignore this kind of harm, or let Hirohiko be hurt like this.

Because, only to let Hirohiko realize how many sacrifices Nao has made for her, and what kind of "deep love" attitude he used to throw everything away, willing to be disgusted by his tribe, and depend on him, the younger brother who killed his own brother. of.


And hearing Qianye's words, Hirohiko's voice completely lost that hatred and coldness, instead it was a feeling of guilt, so much so that his voice seemed to have a feeling of being pulled away.

It can be seen that when he said this sentence, Hirohiko's spirit was being greatly impacted. So much so that talking, I can't take care of it.

As for what kind of mental shock he received, Qianye is very clear, and at the same time, during this shock, it is also the most critical sentence and the most suitable time for him to say.

"Hirohiko, there is one thing, I want you to tell me, who is that person? Nao said at the end, let me be careful about that person, that person is the source of everything, the source of all tragedies that happened to her and you, is The dark center of the Uchiha clan, but she didn't tell me the identity of that person. I checked, Uchiha, and there is no one who can cause your tragedy. Is this person no longer in the village? You... know that person Who is it?"

At this time, Qianye did not miss the most suitable time, and said the most critical sentence.


Hearing this sentence, Hirohiko in Neri seemed to be stunned for a moment, or suffered another huge shock in the huge mental shock, but the original sentence stopped abruptly halfway through.

Then, there was a silence.

Get it, Hirohiko!

Be aware of the source of that hatred, and transfer all the hatred there!

Although I don't know how Kushina and Xue Nai told you about Nao, how they solved you, and how you thought about this matter during this time, it doesn't matter.

Next, you only need to think about one thing.

Thinking, just kill your brother!

I will spare no effort to help you until you take revenge and vent that darkness and hatred!

But in this silence, Qianye's fist was clenched tighter and tighter, and the nails were almost embedded in the flesh.

Now, it is the most critical period. The reason why guidance is guidance, Qianye can't tell him to take revenge, only Hirohiko can think about it and make the decision that Chiba wants.

The most important thing has been said, and then, Qianye also resigned to fate.

Everything depends on Hirohiko himself. .

But this time, the silence lasted for a long, long time, and even a depressive atmosphere escaped from the door.

Chiba could almost feel what kind of spiritual shock Hirohiko was experiencing inside, what kind of grief, anger and hatred in his heart.

I am afraid that "heart-wrenching pain" and "bone-cutting hatred" cannot describe Hongyan's current heart.

Then, after a long, long time, a slow, faint, gloomy, hoarse voice rang out from inside the door.

"Chiba, please help me!"

But this shuddering hoarse voice conveyed a request.

However, at this moment, Qianye didn't seem to feel that chilling feeling full of hatred, but smiled instead.



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