Chapter 1227 Coldness

"Yes, how are your eyes adapting?"

Hearing Hirohiko's slightly startled words because of surprise, his clenched fists were clenched again, and while taking a slight breath, Chiba threw out the words that he had thought about a long time ago.

Regarding Hirohiko's eyes, in fact, when he narrated with Kushina and Yukina, he concealed the relevant part. Kushina and Yukina didn't know about it.

After all, it is about Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Chiba absolutely trusts Kushina and Xue Nai, but there are some things that cannot be said because of trust.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan is too sensitive after all, and there are perverts and careerists who are particularly interested in Sharingan in the village. Chiba doesn't want to see Hirohiko being targeted, and if Hirohiko is targeted, I'm afraid this pair of Nao Eyes cannot be kept. After all, he is now in prison. No matter how Minato Namikaze protects him, he is still a criminal who has proven evidence of attacking his own family. Whether it is a pervert or a careerist, if you want to deal with him, he has no resistance at all. Power.

Moreover, there are too many places that can be used by perverts and ambitious people, and they succeed.

Chiba, you can't take this risk.

Moreover, when the eyes were transplanted, Hirohiko was in a coma, and he didn't know the origin of the eyes, and Kushina and Yukina didn't know about it, and he had no way to know that the eyes belonged to Nao .

Chiba's plan is still applicable, as long as the origin of the eyes is revealed, Chiba can guide Hirohiko to find a vent.

And as long as he finds an outlet and has a goal, Hongyan should not have too much personality change, and he can also avoid blackening.

The difference between whether there is a catharsis or not is like the comparison between Obito and Sasuke in the original work.

The two belong to the Uchiha clan, one watched Lin commit suicide and lost her true love, and the other was that her elder brother, whom she had always loved deeply, suddenly slaughtered the whole clan, and even her own parents were born of this blood relative.

The two of them can say that they both watched their "love" disappear, and even Sasuke was even more miserable. His parents and relatives were all killed by his beloved brother. The "hate" transformed from this loss "In the contradiction between parental hatred and love for elder brother, I am afraid it will be deeper.

But the results of the two are quite different.

Obito directly blackened, his temperament changed drastically, and he even assisted Madara in trying to destroy the world.

But Sasuke is not the same. Although his character has been silent a lot because of this incident, it has not changed in essence. It is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. It can be seen from the mission of Naruto, before Sasuke blocked Naruto. You can see that his heart is still hot. In the end, the rebellious village went to Orochimaru because he gained power for revenge, and he did not become black. The battle of the Valley of the End shows that he still values ​​Naruto very much in his heart. Even if he became colder because of Itachi's truth in the end, he still maintained his sanity in the end, looking for Orochimaru, Naruto Hokage, looking for the truth, and he was "the most cherished person" to Naruto from beginning to end, even if in the end Zhan wanted to kill him because of different understandings of the word "Hokage".

It can be said that Sasuke's actions and goals are changing, but his essence has not changed much.

The difference between the two is obvious.


That's right, it's the outlet.

In the case of Obito, Lin actually committed suicide. He also knew that Lin committed suicide. It was not his best friend Kakashi who killed him. He knew that he could not blame Kakashi. His pain, his sadness, his There is no way to vent the darkness and hatred for him, and there is no place for him to vent it. It has been backlogged in his heart, which eventually led to a great change in personality. Although there is still Madara's guidance, if there is no such darkness that cannot be vented, even Madara will It is impossible to wake up Kakashi by saying "In the world of ninjas, Jiahui who does not obey the rules and discipline will be called trash, but a guy who does not cherish his partners is more than that!" The hot-blooded boy, even Madara, might not be able to achieve his goal.

Sasuke is different, his hatred and darkness, at every stage, he has a vent.

Itachi's parental hatred, Danzo of Itachi's truth, and after Danzo, Sasuke has already started thinking, and it cannot be said that after Danzo is pure hatred and darkness.

It is precisely because of the two vents, Itachi and Danzo, that his hatred and darkness can be vented, avoiding any distorting influence on his own character.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, although Sasuke's thoughts are changing, his essence has not changed.

He has always been a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Even in the final battle with Naruto, he still did not abandon his friendship with Naruto, and always regarded him as his best friend.

none of them.

And now Hirohiko's situation is actually similar to Sasuke's. As long as Chiba finds that outlet and guides Hirohiko to that outlet, with this as the goal, the danger of Hirohiko's blackening will basically disappear.

"Really? Is it the eye you transplanted for me?"

At this time, when Chiba was thinking secretly, Hirohiko's clear words came.

However, these words were still calm and rational, completely different from what Chiba thought "No matter what, he will always be a little touched".


And for these unexpected words, Qianye was so full of thoughtful and seductive words, but he couldn't open his mouth in a daze, so he had no choice but to respond immediately.

what happened?

Hirohiko was too calm!

In his heart, his brows were already furrowed wildly.

"Then, are these eyes Nao's?"

However, at the moment he responded, another unexpected sentence from Hiroko came from inside the door.

In the tone, it was just peaceful and rational, with a trace of inexplicable emotion.


Hearing this, Qianye simply spoke this time.

This sentence undoubtedly stole Chiba's words. Originally, Chiba wanted to start with the eyes, draw Nao, and then make up a lie that Nao gave the eyes and could give Hirohiko a spiritual sustenance, so as to lead everything to Hirohiko's older brother's.

However, although he was robbed of the topic, Chiba's goal was still achieved.

Next, he just needs to say the reason he made up a long time ago!

"Sure enough, you still hid something."

However, Hong Yan's next words were once again beyond his expectation. He only heard the words of Hong Yanai: "Then, how much do you know about these eyes?"

In the voice, it was already icy cold, no longer the peace and calm just now.

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