Chapter 1229 Unexpected...Successful!

The success since coming back is really...

Very good!

Forcibly suppressing the corners of her mouth that could not help but rise, after returning, Chiba expressed positive emotions for the first time that everything went smoothly like a psychological shadow. Although the tone of Hirohiko's words was not good, the meaning in it was It made Chiba almost ecstatic.

Hongyan's request for help now means that he has found his way, and he is very clear that he needs help in this matter, and with his current tone, it can be seen that although he is in a violent mood However, Hirohiko still maintained the most basic rationality.

That is to say, Hirohiko was not crazy about it. After finding the target, Hirohiko was no longer blindly silent in grief.

In this sentence, his plan was at least half successful.

"Is it something related to that person?"

But thinking of this, Qianye did not simply agree, but asked. After all, if you simply agree now, it will easily give people a feeling that you have planned it. After all, what he asked just now was about brother Hongyan. According to the situation, if Qianye is secretly planning from time to time, directly The promise is clearly suspicious.

Although Hirohiko would not be aware of it now, Chiba couldn't take the risk.

Now that the key sentence has been said, Hirohiko already has the answer in his heart, and it is basically certain that he is going according to Chiba's plan, but it is not the time to relax. This matter must be perfect, so that Hiroko will not notice A flaw.

It also avoids any unexpected problems or even counter-effects after being noticed.

"Yes, that person is my older brother, Nobuhiko Uchiha, who killed my best friend, Nao's elder brother's village, and a family of traitors when I was young!"

But after this sound, Hongyan's hoarse voice was gnashing his teeth, full of hatred, and sounded from inside the door.

this disgust...

No mistake, Hirohiko has found a vent!

Darkness, it has been successfully guided!

Hearing Hirohiko's words full of hatred, the stone in Chiba's heart has basically fallen to the ground, and the purpose of this trip has been achieved.

"Killed my best friend... Could it be?"

But when he was ecstatic in his heart, Qianye's face was not happy, and even a little dignified, and even what he said in his mouth was full of dignifiedness.


Just wait for that sentence!

And after these words came out, Qianye's heart also began to become serious.

"That's right, for the sake of the kaleidoscope Sharingan, a stronger Sharingan, I have never understood why he would do this before. Now, I understand, the pupil power of this kaleidoscope Sharingan..."

Hearing Chiba's words, Hirohiko's hoarse voice continued, this time, amidst the strong sense of disgust, his tone was a little softer.

Chiba could hear that this was slightly soft, the tone that Hirohiko would use when talking with Hirohiko before.

That is to say, on the matter of revenge, Hiroko is willing to discuss with him!

"So, what do you need me to do!"

But this time, after hearing these words, Qianye stopped beating around the bush, and straightforwardly agreed to Hirohiko's request for help.

Sure enough, Hirohiko has obtained the pupil power of Nao's Kaleidoscope Sharingan, no, it should be said that he has used Nao's Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and he is now also a Uchiha clan with Kaleidoscope Sharingan the ninja.

During the words, Qianye thought so.

As for Hirohiko's words implying that he didn't know the existence of Kaleidoscope Sharingan before, Chiba didn't find it strange.

In the original work, there are actually very few people who know the kaleidoscope sharingan, and the eye-opening information of the kaleidoscope sharingan is not widely circulated, but only spread among individuals or a few people. Most or even most of the ninjas of the Uchiha clan don't know how to open their eyes, and people outside the Uchiha clan can count on the palm of their hand.

After all, in the original work, the origin of the kaleidoscope Sharingan was revealed from Itachi's mouth at the beginning, and Itachi learned about it from Shisui. As for how Shisui knew it, the original work did not mention it, plus The number of kaleidoscopes of the Uchiha clan, from the beginning of Madara to the end of Sasuke, is not a few pairs. It can be seen that the method of opening eyes is probably known to only a few sharingan eye-openers.

Otherwise, if Uchiha wants to rebel and knows how to open the eyes of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, I am afraid that Itachi may not be able to exterminate the clan.

Here, it is normal for Hirohiko not to know about the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

That sentence!

Speak up!

That sentence!

At the same time, after confirming that Hirohiko had acquired the power of the kaleidoscope, Chiba's heart began to hang, eagerly looking forward to something.

It seems that there is a strong expectation for Hirohiko's next answer.

"Help me, get out of here."

At this moment, amid strong expectations in Qianye's heart, Hirohiko Monuchi said without much hesitation, directly and even in a firm and somewhat commanding tone.

help me get out of here!

But as soon as these words came out, they seemed to be imprinted in Qianye's mind, almost echoing in his mind again.

"I see."

Following the echo of the words in his mind, Qianye nodded, without much excitement, but said very seriously and firmly.

Just waiting for your words!

Just wait for your words!

Although his tone was serious and firm, his heart was already ecstatic.

What he was waiting for was this sentence!


Hearing Qianye's words, although he was very calm, but agreed with the speed almost without thinking and the firmness in his words, there was a moment of silence inside the door, and it took a long time for a hoarse and astringent sound to be heard.


However, after this sentence, the second half of Chiba's sentence came: "After you come out, if you want to kill that Uchiha Nobuhiko, I must also join."


And upon hearing this sound, there was a hesitation from inside the door.

"Nao is also my family."

However, Qianye didn't tell the door about the rejection after hesitation, and directly cut off the sentence.

Use one reason that Hirohiko will never refuse.

Nao is also my family!


Hearing this sentence, the inside of the door couldn't help murmuring, but seemed a little stunned.

"I know, this Uchiha Nobuhiko, you will definitely seek revenge from him, I am not worried about your strength, nor your determination, but, I must participate in this matter, and I can give it to you in the last blow, but, To avenge Nao, I must not stand by, she is also my family!"

But Qianye didn't seem to care about these things, and said in a single-minded way, with no room for change in words and tone.

This matter is not negotiable!

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