I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 255: Eddie Brock, you are under arrest

First release: ~【】In a bachelor’s apartment in New York.

Eddie Brock was lying on the bed, looking hopeless.

Originally this apartment was not called a bachelor's apartment, but since his girlfriend dumped him, this apartment became a bachelor's apartment.

Of course, this is not the main reason why he is hopeless. Although he loves his girlfriend very much, he does not love him so much that he would live without her. After all, the essence of human love is dopamine. The theory is that as long as you inject Adrenaline can also give you the feeling of being in love, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure.

As for emptiness, loneliness and coldness, dear, for only $200, or even less, there will be a lady to help you get rid of the emptiness and loneliness.

What really made him feel hopeless was that there was an extra tenant in his body.

A monster lodger named Venom.

Ever since this tenant lived in his body, his behavior has become more and more weird, and he has a tendency to evolve into Mr. Bei. No, he is even stronger than Mr. Bei.

Eating raw fish, eating raw crabs, etc. is all childish. Eating people is scary. Yes, since the venom lodged in his body, he looked at people's heads as if they were looking at chocolate, and he had the urge to bite it in one bite. impulse.

He dared to swear on God's ass that he had absolutely no idea of ​​eating human heads before being parasitized by Venom, so all this was Venom's fault.

If he couldn't defeat the venom that was parasitic in his body, he would have to press it to the ground and rub it.

"Now it's time to get down to business."

A ball of black liquid spread from Eddie Brock's body into the air, and then condensed into a big head that was clearly a loyal black toothpaste user.

Black toothpaste, black people’s teeth can also be very white.

"We have to stop the riots, otherwise the world will be destroyed."

There is so much food in this world, and he wants to pen them up and raise them as pigs. What if the riots come with the symbiote army? What if they come and plan to raise pigs?

"Who's rioting?" Eddie Brock asked.

"The leader of the symbiote, an ambitious guy." Venom added, "He is very strong, we have to be careful."

"He is strong? How strong?"

"If I fight him, the winning rate is [-]-[-], and I am [-]-[-] against him."

"Isn't that just rounding up to nothing? I think we should think about it before deciding whether to save the world."

Eddie Brock said that he is just an ordinary person, and it is more reliable to find a superhero to save the world.

Although Captain America's whereabouts are a mystery and Spider-Man is elusive, Iron Man is easy to find. He feels that he should tell Iron Man about the riot guy and ask how to get the venom out of his body.

There was someone penetrating his body, and it looked like he was a male. He felt weird.

"But if you don't stop the riot, he will soon come to the earth with countless symbiotes and enslave you pigs...ah, no, enslave you humans." Venom used two of himself and the spider The knight-errant's hooded eyes stared at Eddie Brock, "Don't you care about your compatriots at all?"

"But isn't it the job of a superhero to fight aliens? I am also a former reporter after all. How can I compete with superheroes across industries? Besides, with my little power, I can't compete with them even if I want to."

"But you have me." Venom said that these are not problems, "With me, you are a superhero."

"Really? Then I really thank you." Eddie Brock said but his face was not happy at all, superhero?Have you ever seen a superhero with an interest in human heads?Well, there are superheroes who are very interested in human heads, but the problem is that they are interested in human heads because they want to steal them, and he is interested in human heads because they want to eat them. The two are fundamentally different.

When he thought that he was fighting with the enemy, and the venom suddenly came out and ate the enemy's head in one bite, he felt bad all over.

If any reporter filmed his movements like Spider-Man and published them in the newspaper, he wouldn't have to wait for the next day, he would be ready to be besieged by superheroes that night.

Thinking about the picture of himself fighting superheroes such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, etc., he felt that the picture was too beautiful and he dared not look at it.

"You're welcome, let's go and stop the riot." Venom urged. If he didn't stop him, he would get on a rocket and fly to the sky to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun, and then he would drive over with his army.

Venom, who has treated the earth as a pig farm, cannot bear to have his own kind enter his pig farm.

Human beings burst into tears when fellow villagers meet fellow villagers.

But the symbiote is a fellow countryman who meets a fellow countryman and cuts him in front of his face.

Eddie Brock looked at Venom blankly, am I grateful?What I said was obviously sarcastic, don’t you understand?Do you have no brain?Oh, no, Venom seems to have no brain, and their symbiote seems to have no biological organization like a brain.

But how does he think if he has no brain?How does it transmit signals? It seems that the symbiote does not have biological tissue such as nerves.

Eddie Brock's inner scientific fire burned brightly.

"Wait, someone is coming." Venom got into Eddie Brock's body and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

dong dong...

Venom's words were like a prophecy, and as soon as he left, there was a knock on the door.


An outstanding man like him basically has no same-sex friends, and his only opposite-sex friends are divorced, so now he is alone.

So the question is, who would knock on the door of a man's bachelor kennel in the middle of the night.

The guy who distributes flyers?

"I'm delivering food."

Eddie Brock was silent for a moment, "I haven't ordered takeout."

The person outside the door immediately changed his mind and said, "Sorry, I made a mistake. I'm delivering express."

"I'm sorry, I haven't bought anything."

"Do you believe me now that I'm checking the water meter?"

"I believe it." Eddie Brock said: "The water meter is outside. You can check it yourself. Don't take it easy."

"Blast a group of Thors for me."


Super hero?

How did they come?

Venom, you really hurt me!

Outside the door, thunder roared, like a superhero who likes to appear on thundery days.


Facts have proved that anti-theft doors cannot prevent theft, because there is a kind of thief in this world called a robber, and his specific manifestation is that he will use violent means to break in.

Lu Yu walked in, followed by a dog and a robot in a tuxedo.

Eddie Brock was stunned.

What about Thor?

where is he?

When Lu Yu saw Eddie Brock, he immediately took out a pistol and pointed it at him, "Eddie Brock, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will be used as evidence in court."

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