I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 241: I’ll give you a hammer

Don’t get me wrong, this goddess of death is not the one Thanos likes. The one Thanos likes is called death. She is a goddess, so together they are called the goddess of death.

The one who crushed Thor's hammer was called Hela, the goddess of death.

Hela, the goddess of death, is the biological daughter of the god-king Odin, and the invincible god of war of the Asa protoss.

When Odin led the Æsir to conquer the Nine Realms, he made great contributions. He flattened Jotunheim, conquered Niflheim, defeated Alfheim, and beat the Frost Giants to the point where they cried for father and mother. , even the Warner Protoss trembled under the violence of Hela, the goddess of death. It can be said that two-thirds of the diamonds in Odin's crown were conquered by Hela's army.

But just like all generals who have great achievements and shock their masters, the end of the goddess of death is also extremely miserable.

Odin, who felt that his crown was dazzling, pulled a trick and sealed Hela in the underworld.

Moreover, this seal is connected to his divine power. As long as he is alive, the seal will not gradually lose its effectiveness over time. It can be said that as long as Odin does not die, she will never be able to get out.

But like all emperors who want to live forever, although Odin lived long enough, he still couldn't avoid Ragnarok.

So as soon as Odin died, Hela, the goddess of death, broke through the seal and gave her two younger brothers a severe lesson, letting them know who was the eldest daughter of the Asa clan.

"You know her." Thor, the God of Thunder, became excited when he heard the word sister. "She is not my sister, she is just a madman, a madwoman."


Thor said, "You have crushed my hammer to pieces, and you have also knocked over my gay friend Loki. Not to mention my sister, even a female can't bear it."

After Lu Yu heard this, he suddenly felt that Thor, the God of Thunder, had become enlightened.

Just saying that she is not my sister denies the inheritance rights of Hela, the goddess of death, as the god king of the Asa clan. In the future, if Hela wants to be the god king, she can, first prove that your father is your father and your mother is your mother, and then we can discuss the succession. bit problem.

If this were placed in a palace fighting drama, Thor would be a concubine who has perfected her palace fighting skills to the extreme.

Ran and egg.

This is a superhero movie, all about fighting power.

With your weak fighting ability that can't even beat a dog, you'd better not compete with Hela, the goddess of death, for the throne. I'm afraid you'll be hung on the city wall as a spectacle.

After a brief moment of excitement, Thor looked at Lu Yu and said, "Yu, help me."

"How can I help?" Lu Yu looked at Thor, the god of thunder, and thought to himself that this guy probably wanted to help him seize the throne. If he really thought that, Lu Yu would definitely slap him in the face and say "goodbye" or not.

I, Lu Yu and Lu Aotian, was favored by my brothers in the world and given the nickname "Timely Rain".

So I’m helping you with this favor.

Of course, after I finish my help, I will go to your collection to collect the Eternal Fire, the Sphere of Aegmodor, the Life Card, the Warlock's Eye, the Eye of Horus, and the Ice Box for the system master. I have no problem with artifacts and props.

"My hammer was crushed by her, I need a new hammer." Thor said.

"Yes, but you have to pay." Lu Yu threw a Thor's hammer from the system space.

"I want the golden one." Thor said again. Hela's power was very strong. His hammer would burst when he was caught. The Thor's hammer that Lu Yu took out was an ordinary Thor's hammer. His Silver Thor's Hammer is even weaker. If he uses this weapon to go to Hela, he is afraid that he will be crushed again.

His brain is all about muscles, but he is not stupid and naturally knows what is best.

"It's okay." Lu Yu opened the door and walked in. After a while, he pulled out the Shiba Inu Thor.

"Why did you call it here?" Thor, the god of thunder, saw embarrassment on his face when he saw Thor the Shiba Inu.

Matching names is like matching shirts at comic shows.

Whoever is ugly will be embarrassed when competing for clothes at the comic show, and whoever loses when competing for fame will be embarrassed.

He lost, so the meeting was awkward.

"Because the hammer belongs to it, you have to ask for its opinion first." Lu Yu said, Thor, God of Thunder, uses it, but he uses him.

"Woof woof." Thor the Shiba Inu bared his teeth at Thor, the God of Thunder, with such momentum that he almost said I will bite you to death.

"It said to fight, and if you win, I'll give it to you." Lu Yu acted as translator for Thor the Shiba Inu.

What, you asked me when I learned dog language?

Sorry, I don't speak dog language. I made up all the translations on the spot, and Thor couldn't understand them anyway.


Thor, the God of Thunder, was speechless and choked.

He is not afraid of fighting, and even likes fighting. The reason why he was kicked up to the earth by Odin earlier is because he is too bellicose, but whether he is bellicose or not, it depends on who he fights with.

When fighting a dog, winning is not worth showing off, but losing is quite embarrassing.

He lost last time and was teased for a long time. If he lost this time, he might as well find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

Thor, the Shiba Inu, clicked on his collar, and a male voice suddenly sounded, "For the glory of the Northern God."

After it was released, it stared at Thor, full of fighting spirit.

"It says that you are an eggless coward and a guy who has betrayed the glory of the gods. You are not worthy of being a god." Lu Yu continued to translate blindly on the side.

After hearing this, Thor's eyes suddenly turned red.

Who the hell are you talking about, an eggless bastard who has betrayed the glory of the gods?

Thor, the God of Thunder, rushed up and punched Thor the Shiba Inu.

Then lightning shot out, and Thor flew back at an even faster speed.

Thor, the Shiba Inu, held his hammer high, his cape rustling behind his back. He glanced at Thor, the God of Thunder, in confusion. He didn't understand why this guy suddenly became so weak. He couldn't even block his own moves.

After a moment of confusion, Thor the Shiba Inu pressed on his collar, and a male voice suddenly said, "I am Thor, God of Thunder."

Thor, the God of Thunder, got up from the ground: "."

Can I just say that I don't like this sentence?

"It said that it is impossible to give you the hammer, and it will never be given to you in this life, unless you give it your name. But it also said that it can go to the divine realm to help you beat its sister. No, it is your sister." Lu Yu Realizing that he had said the wrong thing just now, he immediately changed his words.

You did it on purpose.

Your cliffhanger was intentional.

Thor, God of Thunder, looked at Lu Yu speechlessly and choked.

"But I know there is a hammer somewhere, and it is a very powerful hammer." Lu Yu decided to give him a hammer, "That hammer is stronger than the Golden Thunder God's Hammer."

Isn't it strong? It was the hammer that almost led to the finale of Women's Federation. If Thor hadn't been stupid at the critical moment and used the hammer to chop Thanos's arm instead of his head, Women's Federation would have ended long ago, and there would be no need to play 4.

As for why it means splitting, it’s because the hammer is pronounced as hammer and written as axe.



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