Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 178 Preparations before the Expedition

After Strange handed over the information, T'Challa also talked about his own equipment.

There are indeed many weapons and equipment in Wakanda that are beyond the times.

In terms of vehicles, they can provide a [Royal Talon aircraft] with space navigation capabilities. This is the flagship aircraft of the Wakanda flight fleet. It is only equipped by the royal family and the Dora Guards, and its number is extremely rare.

It has the functions of both a transport aircraft and a fighter jet, and has a very high vibranium content in its body.

Therefore, its protective capabilities are very strong.

Two large sonic cannons are installed on the nose of the machine, which are powerful weapons for clearing out miscellaneous soldiers.

The bottom is equipped with three anti-gravity thrusters, and the tail is a horizontal horizontal thruster.

All you need to do is convert the sonic weapon into an energy weapon and you can put it into use in this battle.

Each Royal Talon aircraft can carry a combat team of fifty people.

They have three such aircraft in total and can provide two.

In fact, they also have a Talon fighter, which is a standard fighter in Wakanda. It has a low vibranium content and is not suitable for space combat environments.

After T'Challa proposed it, it was quickly rejected.

In addition, Wakanda can also provide a large number of standard vibranium spears-a standard equipment that has the functions of both cold weapons and energy rifles.

Since it is made of vibranium, it has almost indestructible offensive properties when used as a cold weapon.

As an energy rifle, because energy weapons are different from kinetic energy weapons, the energy beam has almost no weight, so it can easily hit the target even without a sight.

It can almost be said that it means hitting wherever.

In addition, there are vibranium daggers, vibranium rings, protective clothing made of vibranium fiber containing a small amount of vibranium armor, vibranium cloaks that can release energy shields, and so on.

T'Challa's introduction made Peter, Stark and others feel a little eye-opening.

Vibranium metal, which is priceless outside, is actually equipment owned by every soldier here!

A vibranium cloak that can create an energy barrier to protect oneself, and an indestructible vibranium spear that can fire energy beams - this is the standard equipment of a Wakanda warrior.

Captain America looked at it and tears of poverty were about to flow from the corners of his mouth.

He is just a shield!

Stark was even more excited after seeing it.

He had long wanted to use vibranium to make a set of steel armor, but he just suffered from the fact that there was too little vibranium in the world and it was simply not enough.

Moreover, the vibranium smelting technology has been lost to the outside world.

Back then, his father Howard Stark was able to create Captain America's shield, but it was somewhat accidental and not replicable.

However, when Stark quietly asked T'Challa to buy some vibranium after the meeting, T'Challa refused.

T'Challa tactfully told him that the reason why Wakanda has hidden itself over the years is because it has seen the endless wars and disputes between outside countries and people in order to plunder resources.

The preciousness of vibranium resources can be imagined.

This time, if it weren't for the Secret Avengers, the Avengers, and the Master Supreme, there are so many positive figures, and the lives of hundreds of thousands of citizens are at stake. T'Challa would never let so many outsiders Entering Wakanda, he also revealed to them some of Wakanda's weapons and equipment.

As for selling it to external parties, don't even think about it.

Hearing this, although Stark was disappointed, he had no choice but to give up.

After all, he is not a robber or bandit.

Peter had no interest in vibranium, he was just curious about those vibranium equipment.

And now he finally understood why Strange had such a strange expression when he introduced Wakanda's vibranium equipment.

Is it not strange to use the most advanced technology to make the most primitive weapons?


Next, they discussed some tactical arrangements.

According to Strange's information, there are about two days left before the prophesied Ragnarok.

By then, both Thor and the Hulk will return from unknown lands and appear in Asgard.

By then, Asgard will be destroyed.

Then the refugees from Asgard landed on the spacecraft, went to the nearest star field portal, and then transferred to Earth to settle down.

The whole process takes about 90 days.

If Thanos is going to attack the Asgard refugee ship, it will definitely be during this time.

In other words, they have 2 to 92 days to prepare.

To be on the safe side, be sure to make all battle preparations after two days!

As a result, T'Challa issued a summons to all tribes belonging to the Kingdom of Wakanda.

In this way, Wakanda's own permanent army, royal guard, and warriors from various tribes can form a total army of nearly 10,000 people.

Compared with the armies of other countries, which often number in the tens or millions, this number of only ten thousand people is naturally small.

But considering that almost everyone inside has two sets of vibranium weapons. When this army is assembled, it should be enough to defeat the entire earth's civilization.

However, T'Challa is not prepared to take all of these warriors to the space station.

They were gathered together just to arm and train them in advance. If their expedition failed, they must always be prepared for a second battle.

Then the next step is to discuss and decide who will participate in this space battle.

The superheroes (super soldiers) gathered here today are:

Affiliated to the Avengers: Iron Man, War Machine, Vision, Spider-Man, Taskmaster.

Affiliated to the Secret Avengers: Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon.

Affiliated to Wakanda: Black Panther, Dora's Guardians of Ten

The Free Ones: Doctor Strange, Hawkeye, Wanda

In addition, there are two others floating around: Thor and Hulk.

Among these people, those who are in the first echelon of combat power are undoubtedly Iron Man, Vision, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Wanda, Thor, and the Hulk.

It was Stark's suggestion to put Peter in the first echelon.

Others were puzzled.

But only Stark knows how strong Peter is now.

Even if he puts on his venom suit, his single-target combat power will rank among the top three!

He has personally experienced the power gap between Hulk and Venom Peter, and he is very knowledgeable on this point.

He thinks Venom Peter is stronger than Hulk!

Because Hulk hardly has Dr. Banner's rationality when fighting, and relies entirely on recklessness.

But Peter is different. After taming the Venom suit, Peter can still maintain his clear mind in this state and can use what he has learned!

A reckless man who only knows how to use strength, or a fighter who knows martial arts, which one do you think is stronger?

Not to mention, the "fighter" may be stronger than the "reckless man"!

As for the rest, they can all be regarded as the second echelon.

According to Strange's description, Thanos and his four Obsidian generals need someone to deal with them.

And the first echelon is used to do this!

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