Marvel's Spider-Man: Web of Destiny

Chapter 177 Wakanda Experience

After briefly getting to know each other, the topic returned to the matter "that concerns the entire universe".

So Strange opened his mouth and told Thanos, the Dark Order and his purpose of collecting the six Infinity Stones.

"Wait a minute, this guy named Thanos, what is the purpose of collecting six Infinity Stones?" Falcon asked, who is the overlord of the universe, the mercenary of the universe, the Dark Order, and the Infinity Stones? Something like that, the amount of information poured in so much at once that his CPU was burned out.

So Peter refined it for him and said simply and clearly: "Due to his childhood experience, Thanos's purpose has always been to reduce the life in the universe in order to achieve the so-called 'balance'. And when all six Infinity Stones are collected, the theory You can do anything in this universe!"

"Then, Thanos' ultimate goal is nothing more than two. The first is to wipe out all life in the universe. The second is to wipe out half of the life in the universe!"

"Why is there a second one?" T'Challa asked.

"It's still because of balance," Peter spread his hands and said, "The first one is more like extinction, but if you remove half of it, it's more like balance, right?"

Stark and others were thoughtful.

Peter's guess is not unreasonable.

Of course, the first scenario is also very possible.

Because originally "balance" was just their guess about Thanos's behavior all along.

According to the travel manual of the former Supreme Master who likes to travel, Thanos once did similar things when he invaded certain civilizations.

After he captures the planet, he will randomly divide the remaining residents into two parts, kill half of them, and leave the remaining half to fend for themselves on their planet.

It's just that they are not sure whether Thanos treats every planet like this, or if he is in a good mood and only leaves half of it for them.

But no matter what, they were prepared for the worst.

Moreover, even if Thanos only destroys half of them, who can be sure that they will not be included in this half?

No one they know?

Also, no one knows how this half is calculated.

Should the total life in the universe be cut in half, the total intelligent life be cut in half, or each planet should be calculated separately, with one planet directly cut off by half.

No one can be sure about this kind of thing.

No one can guarantee this, right?

Therefore, the best way is to prevent Thanos from getting the six Infinity Stones!

T'Challa listened silently, and his expression became more serious the more he listened.

Compared to Peter and the others, he was more anxious about the seriousness of this matter.

Although Peter and the others were also worried, they were only individuals after all.

Even if Tony Stark has a large number of people under him, to put it bluntly, the relationship between him and his employees is just an employment relationship.

But T'Challa is different.

He is the king.

He needs to be responsible for his own people!

The population of Wakanda is not that large, but there are millions. (I’m not sure how many there are, but after looking at the city in the movie, it seems quite small. If anyone knows more, let me know and I’ll change it.)

Even if half of the population is calculated randomly, more than 500,000 people will be lost.

This is extremely fatal for Wakanda!

Imagine a family of four missing two members. This situation spreads across the country, the world, and the entire universe!

T'Challa turned his head and glanced at the black girls standing behind him.

The one with short curly hair is called Nakia. She is Black Panther's lover and bodyguard, and she will most likely become the future Princess of Wakanda.

At this time, Nakia reached out and grabbed one of T'Challa's arms tightly, obviously frightened by the scene described by Peter and Strange.

On the other side of him was a woman with a vibranium spear in her hand, a fierce face and no hair.

She is T'Challa's personal bodyguard and captain of the Wakanda Royal Women's Guard, Okoye.

The so-called Royal Guards of Wakanda are actually the harem of the King of Wakanda, the Black Panther.

Everyone inside is an elite woman sent from various tribes.

Their allegiance is only to the Black Panther.

In Wakanda, Black Panther is actually an inherited title, synonymous with king.

Okoye was able to stand out from many elites and become the captain. Her mind and methods are obviously extraordinary.

Aware of the king's gaze, Okoye straightened his chest and raised his head with a firm gaze.

Although she was also shocked by Peter's description and Thanos's sinister nature, as a warrior, she only needed to obey the king's orders and fight with all her heart!

For the next section of the journey, everyone fell into silence.

No one spoke anymore, obviously they were digesting the information just now.

Peter took the opportunity to start looking at this mysterious country that was almost hidden from the world.

After flying over the plain just now, a curved river appeared in front of them.

Looking straight ahead along the river, you can see a city built among the mountains on the alluvial plain of the river.

This is Birnin Zana, the capital of Wakanda.

The structure of the city is quite strange. Some buildings are quite modern, even ultra-modern - with a hint of futuristic science fiction, but underneath there are many low-rise bungalows that look very backward.

It's like a village in the city.

There is a weird collection of advanced and backward.

Mastering the strategically important mineral veins of vibranium, possessing an optical simulation camouflage layer similar to holographic projection that can cover the entire country, and even preventing detection by outer space satellites and radars - Peter and Stark quietly discussed the need to To achieve this effect, the simulation layer above their heads must at least prevent internal and external infrared detection and communication detection, so as to avoid being noticed by the mainstream outside space powers due to industrial production activities and radio communications.

Even this camouflage layer should theoretically be able to reflect signals to achieve the effect of short-wave communication like the ionosphere - in short, the technical level must be very high.

Peter really didn't know what to say about how there were so many backward bungalows in such a sci-fi place.

Is this a return to nature?

He suppressed the desire to complain, it was too impolite to complain in front of the king.

As the little frog aircraft approached, the city's lineup gradually appeared in front of everyone.

Like Peter, they were attracted to the city.

Soon after, the aircraft slowly landed, and Peter followed Stark and stepped off the aircraft.

T'Challa guided them into a large conference room.

After all, Strange had only given a verbal description before. Now, they need to exchange information properly.

It's not just information about Thanos and his Dark Order, but also what they should do here!

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