As for the second echelon, they mainly lead the remaining elite warriors of Wakanda to deal with the Dark Order soldiers under Thanos.

Their task is equally heavy.

According to intelligence, there are three main types of miscellaneous soldiers in the Dark Order under Thanos.

The first is the Chitauri Legion, the second is the Sakaran mercenaries, and the third is the Dark Vanguard.

Among them, the Chitauri Legion comes from the Chitauri planet.

The Chitauri are a technologically advanced, cold-blooded race that is somewhat akin to a cross between reptilians and humans.

On this point, Stark has a say.

Because after the Battle of New York, the damage control department he formed single-handedly found a large number of Chitauri soldier corpses in the ruins of New York.

After research, it was discovered that these Chitauri soldiers were equipped with an electronic neural network similar to a honeycomb structure, which could promptly exchange and share combat intelligence during large-scale battles and enhance battlefield situational awareness.

This means that they do not need to deploy additional detection equipment before the battle and can quickly grasp the battlefield situation during the battle.

This is very suitable for the invasion and blitz warfare methods of the Chitauri Legion, because in an invasion war, if detection equipment is to be deployed, a lot of preliminary work must be done.

However, one disadvantage of this is that the Chitauri soldiers may suffer heavy casualties in the early stage.

But according to research and analysis, the Chitauri soldiers at the lowest level are likely to be a kind of mass-produced "cannon fodder."

As long as the purpose of war is achieved, it doesn't matter how many people above them die.

Thinking about it this way, this design is not difficult to understand.

The terminal of this hive mind network is located in the Chitauri mothership.

Therefore, when Stark brought a nuclear warhead through the space wormhole and drove the nuclear warhead into the Chitauri mothership, all Chitauri soldiers were "disconnected" as the mothership was destroyed.

In addition, in terms of hardware, Chitauri soldiers also have exoskeleton armor that is fully integrated with their bodies, making them half-mechanical and half-biological.

Residues of many unknown chemical agents were detected in the biological part.

This suggests that Chitauri soldiers should have undergone physical development with chemical agents, which gave them greater strength and agility.

However, it is not certain whether this is a temporary "stimulant" taken before combat or a permanent amplification agent used for a long time.

But no matter what, judging from the original image analysis and subsequent biological structure anatomy results, the physical strength of each Chitauri soldier is equivalent to the peak of ordinary humans!

At least comparable to Black Widow and Hawkeye!

Therefore, if a fight breaks out, the best way is to spread out and conduct small groups of special operations.

If you find a way to break into the Chitauri mothership and destroy the mothership's terminal, you can destroy the Chitauri soldiers belonging to that mothership. This is much faster than attacking them one by one.

And this kind of combat method is exclusive to Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye and others.

In stealth combat, they are professionals.

In addition, according to previous research on the remains of the Chitauri Legion in the Battle of New York, it was found that there should be hierarchies and branches within the Chitauri Legion that are similar to those on Earth.

For example, low-level Chitauri infantry armed with energy rifles, high-level infantry armed with energy cannons, air force squads driving flying chariots, elite combat squads with commanders, etc.

This information was also extracted by Stark from the damage control department and the Avengers database, and sent to the combat bracelets of Captain America and others.

What also needs attention is the large, semi-mechanized, whale-like reptilian beast that exists in the Chitauri Legion - Leviathan.

Its surface is covered with bone plates and scale-like strong alloy armor plates, which are defensive enough to withstand the bombing of small missiles. The mechanical fins under the body contain the Chitauri's anti-gravity flight system, which is predicted to have the ability to fight in space.

In addition, it is also a large troop carrier, with a large number of openings in the scales under the body, which can allow Chitauri soldiers to eject and land.

If Captain America and the others want to conduct special operations, they must avoid these Leviathans as much as possible and not be entangled by them.

Once entangled, you will face an attack by hundreds or thousands of Chitauri soldiers!

In addition, according to the records in the "Travel Diary", there is also a biological weapon called "Chitauri Great Ape" in the Chitauri Legion. They generally have a body size of five to six meters and have also undergone semi-mechanical transformation. , is not only extremely powerful, but also possesses extremely strong defense. It is a force that cannot be underestimated.

However, the Chitauri Great Apes did not appear in the previous Battle of New York, so their data could not be analyzed in detail, and they could only let them pay attention to themselves.

The second type is Sakaran mercenaries.

This is a native of the garbage star Saka. It is a humanoid insect life with four fingers, hermaphrodite, and its offspring are hatched by a queen in a hive.

Saka is the fourth satellite of Taiyou star located in the Fornax star system - Taiyou planetary system. Due to some special reasons, there are many cosmic channels distributed on the surface of the planet. Therefore, a lot of garbage from all over the universe will pass through these. Channels were thrown onto this planet intentionally or unintentionally.

Gradually, Sakaar became a "junk star".

The garbage planet sounds very dirty, but it is a treasure for many space scavengers.

A lot of garbage from higher civilizations can be picked and repaired, and then placed in lower civilizations as treasures, which can be sold for sky-high prices.

Just like the war debris left by the Chitauri Legion after the Battle of New York, Tums picked it up and repaired it, and didn't he create big mechanical wings and become a vulture?

His subordinates also produced many beggar's version of energy weapons and the like, making him rich overnight.

As indigenous people, of course they hate this, so they constantly fight with these scavengers and kill each other.

Later, a being named Gao Tianzun came.

He carved out a territory on Sakaar and established the Sakaar Arena. Under his introduction, the people of Sakaar became cosmic mercenaries, also known as Sakaran mercenaries.

Later, the Sakaran mercenary accepted Thanos' long-term employment to find Infinity Stones for him (the ones that appeared when Star-Lord got the Cosmic Spirit Ball in Guardians of the Galaxy 1), and even conquered other planets.

Because they feed on the corpses of life on other planets and reproduce with parasitic eggs on their corpses, their favorite thing to do is to invade.

Sakaran mercenaries develop biological weapons technology that can integrate various equipment into their exoskeletons. Commonly used weapons are necromantic blast rifles, necromantic daggers, V-wing aircraft, etc.

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