HP solves the mystery

Chapter 52 Unexpected People

Severus and Andre showed Filch the signed list, and after Filch's impatient urging, they went to Hogsmeade.

During this period, Regulus and the others were nowhere to be seen, and they had no idea where they were. Quidditch training had been suspended a few days ago, all because England, which had been dry for nearly a year, ushered in a heavy snowstorm.

Potter and his party obviously didn't notice Severus, who was laughing and talking loudly not far away from them. The tickling of flying snowflakes flying into his throat could not stop Potter's happiness. He was about to successfully date Lily. .

Lily has restrained herself a lot because of Potter. She is no longer as arrogant and rude as before and participated in the prefect election. In addition, there is no hostile relationship with her Slytherin friends. Their relationship warms up quickly and they begin to accept gifts from Potter. Some small gifts.

At least now, Potter will no longer cast evil spells on people at will. Even if he casts a spell, he will not use an eye disease curse. The ear folding curse can also make people uncomfortable for a period of time.

Heavy snow fell on the ground, and the footprints left by the little wizard who went to Hogsmeade Village were quickly covered.

Andre gasped in a low voice. He came to Hogsmeade Village to replenish the snack store at Honeydukes and go to the second-hand bookstore to look for books. He was about to take the Owl exam. If he didn't work hard, it would be too late.

"Ugh, Severus, it's so cold, I should stay in the common room and warm myself by the fire," Andre complained loudly as he folded his scarf. His magic power couldn't sustain the warmth spell for long, let alone this one. His face hurt from the wind, "But I heard that Duke Bee has released a new product. It would be a pity to miss it..."

Severus hummed noncommittally and sighed inwardly, silly boy, have you forgotten the owl messenger?

"Perhaps you could go to the Three Broomsticks for a glass of butterbeer or firewhiskey first?" he suggested. As for mulled mead and red wine? Sorry, minors are not allowed to drink.

"Good idea, the environment there is better, but I don't know if I can see little Barty." Andre couldn't be more willing. He picked at the threads on his scarf and answered in a muffled voice, recalling the last time they shook hands. scene, I was debating whether to tell Severus or not.

Severus didn't know the entanglement of the people around him, so when he saw that he stopped talking, he concentrated on walking.

After they arrived at Hogsmeade Village, they were handed out flyers, which were about special training courses in Apparition. The price was favorable and the students were safe.

Andre looked at the flyer and muttered something. He hadn't even passed the Owl exam yet.

Severus remembered the Apparition exam. You have to be seventeen years old or above to sign up for the twelve-week course taught by the Apparition instructor at the Ministry of Magic. Of course, you have to teach twelve gold galleons. .

He frowned. Although twelve gold galleons was not a lot of money to him now, he thought about Zhang Mingyuan's previous letter informing him of the food shortage and price increase, and also advised him that if he had any spare money, it would be better to exchange it for US dollars, and the drought would The impact goes far beyond that.

The economic crisis has not yet passed, the pound continues to depreciate, the government wants to seek help from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the power of labor unions has expanded and high welfare has been implemented, the government cannot make ends meet, and people's lives are becoming more and more stressful.

"Okay, Severus, let's go drink butterbeer first. I'm freezing to death." Andre looked at Severus in a daze and spoke. The cold wind blew his legs cold, so he took the lead and led the way. .

A few minutes later they entered the inn.

The beautiful Ms. Rosmerta was sitting at the bar as usual, greeting the drinking guests, pouring mead into a large wine jug, and taking care of a group of noisy wizards.

The Three Broomsticks bar was overcrowded. Some wizards sat around the table in twos and threes and talked unbridled, while others drank in silence and listened to other people's interesting conversations.

Severus even heard some people talking about Voldemort and the Minister of Magic's incompetence, which caused so many Dementors.

"Beautiful lady, bring me two glasses of butterbeer. I want it hot," Andre ordered eagerly. In fact, that's all he could order, but after walking in the snow for a long time, his My throat is about to smoke.

"Oh, welcome to the Three Broomsticks, two cups of butterbeer, right? Okay, wait a minute." Ms. Rosmerta replied with a smile, waved the wand in her hand a few times, and handed over two cups of slightly steaming butterbeer. past.

Andre thanked him and picked up the beer and went to the back of the room, where Severus took a seat by the window.

"Thank you, Andre." Severus took the butterbeer and took a sip, feeling his body warm immediately.

At this time, Andre was taking a swig from the wine glass, nodding randomly at Severus, thinking about bringing some butterbeer with him when he went back.

There was a strong wind and snow outside the window, and the room was warm and comfortable. Except for the loud voices of the wizards, everything seemed so harmonious.

Suddenly a gust of cold wind blew in from outside, the door of the Three Broomsticks was opened, and snowflakes flew into the tavern with the corners of the little wizard's robe.

Severus looked there habitually, and when he saw the face under the scarf clearly, his eyes were full of surprise.

It was Regulus who was wearing a thick deerskin cloak, followed by Sirius who was wearing a horsehide leather jacket with a wild look on his face. The two of them had relatively calm expressions and walked to the bar to order drinks together. There was no tense atmosphere.

Andre had his back to the door and couldn't see, but looking at Severus' stunned look across from him, he turned around and saw nothing except the other little wizards from Hogwarts School.

At this time, Regulus and Sirius had already sat aside with butterbeers. The position was in another corner of the room, which happened to be blocked by the potted plants in the shop. Moreover, there was some distance between them, and Severus could only sit there. You can see the top of your hair.

"Severus, what's wrong? Do you want to go to Honeydukes with me? There are free tasting milk fudge there..." Andre wiped the foam from the corner of his mouth and asked strangely. He planned to go now and buy it. Just go back to school, this damn storm.

Severus came to his senses after being called, smiled apologetically at him, took another sip of butterbeer, and then answered, "I won't go with you, Andre, I'll go to the Literati later." Ju buy some things...you know..."

Andre felt a headache when he heard this and pressed his forehead. Quill pen, ink and parchment... Since he entered the fifth grade, he has used these things much more than before. For this reason, his mother also sent a lot of things made of fig bark. Paper, god knows he was almost starved for it when he smelled the fruity smell while doing his homework.

"Okay, okay, I'll go now, rich gentleman, see you in the lounge!" He spread his hands helplessly, put on his scarf and rushed out in the snow.

Severus hadn't even taken out the wand from his waist when the person opposite him disappeared. He even said that he was going to be strengthened with a warming spell, and wasn't it just a cup of butterbeer? He can afford it.

The snow outside gradually became lighter, and the small tavern was occupied by more and more Hogwarts students. The wizards who were originally surrounding Ms. Rosmerta had to make room for the young wizards. Went to the Pig Head Bar at the end of the street and continued to have fun.

Severus took advantage of the crowd and went to pay. Unexpectedly, the price of butterbeer had reached 300ml. No wonder someone slipped away so quickly. He took the opportunity to look around and saw that the brothers were still in the corner.

From here, Regulus was drinking butterbeer calmly and dignifiedly, but Sirius was very impatient, scratching the back of his head from time to time, making the chain on his leather coat rustle.

Severus didn't stay long before leaving, there was still a lot he needed to do.

People were coming and going on the streets, and some carriages were driving among them. A few young children were playing with their sleigh shovels, and their little faces were red from the cold, which could not stop their enthusiasm.

He walked aimlessly, but to his surprise, when passing by Zuko's Joke Shop, he saw an acquaintance, followed by a tall man in a cloak.

He squinted his eyes and stared at the platinum color emerging from the hat. The alarm bell rang in his heart. What is this person doing here now?

Severus ducked into Zuko's joke shop to avoid meeting the man.

While looking at the burping candies, he thought about what there was in Hogsmeade that was worthy of those people's plans. He estimated that it was almost time for those people to leave, so he took a small box of burping candies and paid for it. .

I just didn't expect that I was stopped not long after I walked out, and the tone was quite surprising...

"Severus, well, it's been such a long time!"

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