HP solves the mystery

Chapter 51: Obsessed with trivial matters

The greetings about the Owl exam were belated. Regulus seemed to be talking a lot these days in order to make up for his neglectful attitude towards his roommates in the past few days.

Severus thought his attitude was very strange. Whenever he had time, he would approach him and talk, as if he wanted to finish everything he said in the future; sometimes he wished he could lock himself in a cage without saying a word.

He tried to talk to Regulus several times, but he was ignored all the time. Even if he did start a conversation, he would be diverted to other topics, and finally the conversation would be nothing.

It is worth mentioning that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has changed. She is now a tall, middle-aged woman with a weathered face. I heard that she comes from that magic school in the United States, but she is extremely serious during class.

There are not many descriptions of silent spells in "Standard Spells, Level 6". The new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor began to explain the pros and cons of silent spells. It requires strong willpower to use them. Not all wizards can do it. Arrived.

Her eyes wandered between the young wizards in Slytherin and Gryffindor. If it weren't for lack of money, she would never come to such a dangerous area as Hogwarts.

Peter, who was hiding in the corner, shrank under the professor's stern gaze, like a mouse afraid of cats, hiding behind the tall Lupin.

"Okay, now you are divided into groups of two and communicate with each other for silent spells," she said, tapping her wand in the air. "One will try to cast a curse on the other, and the other will try to repel the curse. Okay. Try to read it quietly first, and then gradually get used to not speaking aloud. But my suggestion is to start without speaking aloud from the beginning. "

Some students quickly found partners to practice together, and they all chanted the spell in a low voice.

Severus was alone and had to team up with the little wizard from Gryffindor.

The man was also an acquaintance, it was Peter Pettigrew, who was looking at Severus in surprise.

"Snape? No, no! I don't want to be in the same group as you!" His small eyes looking left and right were full of fear, as if he was expecting someone to save him.

However, Potter had already been close to Lily, and even though Lily didn't give him a good look, he still licked his face and formed a team.

Lupine and Sirius were in a group, currently practicing, and did not pay attention to the movements of their good brothers.

"Okay, Pettyru, don't worry, I won't let you go to the medical room too sad..." Severus sneered. No one could have imagined that the cowardly young man in front of him would eventually frame his friend and even harm his friend. He was admitted to Azkaban, and he also received the Order of Merlin, First Class.

Hearing Severus say this, Peter's legs trembled, he picked up the wand tremblingly, and began to read dryly.

Severus clenched his wand and responded, his lips moving quickly. He had experience in casting the silent spell 'Shadow's Edge' before, so it would be much easier to practice other spells.

As expected, by ten minutes into the class, several people from Slytherin to Gryffindor had successfully practiced and repelled the curses uttered by the other party.

The professor added points to their respective colleges and stared at Potter several times. During this period, the boy cast several evil curses on others, but they were all harmless ones, such as the Soft Legs Curse and the Hairy Curse...

For a moment, she didn't know whether to say that he was talented, or that he shouldn't attack his classmates?

The new professor quickly adapted to the teaching schedule and gradually became like a fish in water. She even appointed Lupine as her assistant.

Although she is strict, she teaches with real talents.

Severus and his sixth-grade students, except for those who failed the exam, most of them had a good impression of her, because they were about to learn Apparition, and having a strict teacher had many benefits.

But the other grades didn't think so. Andre, who had average grades, was tortured so hard that his hair was messy every time after class, and he had a mask of pain on his face.

"Oh, Severus... This is really too bad... I would rather you tutor me..." Andre ate the syrup cake in his hand in one gulp. Little Barty and Regulus didn't know they were conspiring. What, he hurriedly finished his dinner and left.

"It's so verbose. A troll's brain can't learn to be normal. Fortunately, you didn't scream like a mandrake..." Severus complained unceremoniously and turned the pages of the book next to the dinner plate. , what I did to help him with tutoring before was really unbearable to look back on.

Andre ate another apple pie in frustration. What an amazing brain!

"Study hard, Andre, and use your intelligence!" Severus sighed to comfort him, giving up hope on him. Barty Jr. and the others were not aware of their recent whereabouts at all.

However, it is worth mentioning that Voldemort seems to have disappeared recently. The Daily Prophet published a report that he summoned (perhaps threatened) Mr. Ollivander, the wand maker in Diagon Alley, although Mr. Ollivander was safe in the end. Returned, but people have different opinions about what happened to him.

Since then, little has been reported about Voldemort.

Most of them are Death Eaters. What have they done, what crimes have they committed, what terrible remarks have they spread, etc...

The two exchanged some useless information and speeded up their meal. Their homework had to be checked in the library.

Sixth grade students are not given enough space to relax. Not only do they have to study hard every day as if they are preparing for exams, but the homework itself is much more difficult than before, and they also have free time to complete a large amount of homework assigned by the teacher.

The use of silent spells is not only required in Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, but also in Charms and Transfiguration classes, which makes many students miserable.

When passing by the common room or when eating, you can often see some students holding back their faces till they turn red, and they look like they are constipated. They are actually practicing silent spells hard, but their faces look a little weathered. .

The days gradually passed, and the Quidditch game between Gryffindor and Slytherin ended with their curses.

Thanks to the practice of silent spells, the little wizards cast evil spells on each other more frequently.

For unknown reasons, James Potter and Sirius Black cast an illegal jinx on fellow Gryffindor student Bertram Aubrey, causing his head to double in size.

The end result was confinement for both, with Aubrey spending a few days in the hospital wing.

It was a dark, overcast day. A thin layer of snow began to fall outside the window, and people also put on thicker cloaks.

As a forest guard, Hagrid put on thick leather clothes early and carried a bow and arrow on his back to patrol the Forbidden Forest, or bring some giant grubs to feed Aragog.

Severus came to the restaurant early. Today is Saturday, the day when the little wizards go to Hogsmeade.

After school started, he took the pineapple preserves to see Professor Slughorn, and asked him to sign the consent form to go to Hogsmeade Village, thus gaining the opportunity to visit.

Andre covered half of his face with a scarf, and rubbed his thick-gloved hands together. There were too many people going to Hogsmeade, and Filch was only one person, so he was too busy.

The lovers stick together in pairs. They are going to Mrs. Puddifu's teahouse, which is a favorite place for happy lovers.

Severus squinted his eyes and looked around, seeing several familiar figures, especially the fiery red hair, which was even more conspicuous in winter.

Not far from her, she found Potter who was following her, and his good brother was also with him.

Apart from the reluctant Peter Pettigrew, Sirius was the happiest person, and they spent another full-moon night together.

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