HP solves the mystery

Chapter 53 Senior’s Advice

Severus looked at someone who was still wearing a cloak. The tall man beside him had disappeared. His brows furrowed slightly and he said lightly, "Long time no see, Senior Malfoy." He didn't really want to see what was in front of him. This man, you have to know that this man has not given up on recommending him to Voldemort.

Lucius raised an eyebrow when he heard this address. This junior was as unwelcome as ever.

"I'm here to pick up some custom-made clothes. The snowstorm caused the owls at the post office to go on strike." He said casually, holding up the small package in his hand, with a slight smile on his face. "Narcissa is pregnant. These are all It’s for kids.”

Lucius got married after Narcissa graduated from Hogwarts in 1973. It has been three years now, and it was only a matter of time before she got pregnant, so he told the story easily, and everyone would know about it in the end anyway.

"Congratulations," Severus said dryly. Based on his experience of watching the movie several times and reading the original novel in its entirety, isn't there only one child in the Malfoy family? And he is a boy, who entered school in the same year as Harry Potter.

Either this child was born a Squib and was not recognized, or...

Lucius, a new father, smiled warmly after hearing this. It was difficult for pure-blood nobles to have heirs, not to mention that he and Narcissa were married for such a short time.

"Think carefully about the proposal I gave you before, Severus. You know how brilliant the future will be if you join us..." Lucius dragged out an aria, but did not say to invite Severus. Giving gifts and whatnot is just constant lobbying. Maybe this junior doesn't know how many people are secretly observing a talented future potions master.

Severus pursed his lips into a straight line at this time. If it were the original person, he might have agreed without hesitation, and even thanked Lucius for the introduction. But if he came, the established facts would no longer involve him. thoughts.

"I will think about it carefully, Senior Malfoy," he couldn't say it directly, so he could only use the dragging technique. Lucius is a close person who can call his original name. If he goes too far, he will obviously be dealt with.

Lucius noticed his younger brother's little thoughts, but he didn't care much about it. Only when he saw the benefits would he join willingly, right? For example, the Malfoy family has reaped countless benefits in the past few years since the rise of Voldemort.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a dark figure coming out of the Pig's Head Bar. He said nothing more and just smiled, "Goodbye then. Have a good time, Severus!" and then used Apparition to leave.

When the person disappeared from sight, Severus pursed his lips and looked around. The people around him turned a blind eye to the sudden disappearance of the wizard. They had long been used to this scene.

You must know that Hogsmeade is a gathering place for wizards, not the Muggle world, so there is nothing surprising.

Severus walked alone for a while, and when he saw that there was really no one behind him, he loosened his grip on the wand.

He firmly believed that the purpose of Lucius coming to Hogsmeade Village was far more than just to pick up things. The Malfoy family has been passed down for so long, doesn’t it mean that there is no exclusive tailor? As for coming to pick up things on a blizzard day? Even if it only takes a few uses of Apparition.

The herb shop was full of young wizards from Hogwarts. They were all carefully selecting potion ingredients, and from time to time they compared the price difference when buying the ingredients in Diagon Alley.

There is no way, the materials are expensive and the tasks are heavy, and besides the necessary materials in potions class, they also need to practice in private. Otherwise, after graduation, can they really wait for emergency potions with gold galleons?

Severus shook off the thoughts in his mind and concentrated on buying materials. Anyway, Dumbledore was at Hogwarts. He would hold up the sky if it fell, so why should he worry about it.

It is rare that there is no snow in mid-December, and the raging wind seems to have waited for its rest day.

I don’t know what Regulus and Sirius were talking about in the Three Broomsticks pub last time. During the game between Slytherin and Gryffindor, Sirius always focused on intercepting Regulus, even during the game. Even though he lost a lot of points in the early stage, he still enjoyed it.

Sirius became more energetic than before, or more arrogant. Unlike Potter, who had restrained his unruly temper for Lily, he simply disliked others.

He even started to cause trouble for Severus, although he always failed.

Because Severus rarely appeared in front of Lily now, Potter was less wary and disgusted with people, not to mention that he was about to win a beautiful woman, and he was even less likely to ruin the good impression under such circumstances; Lupin Because of the incident at the Shrieking Shack, he usually avoided Severus, and even if he had to meet, he would just smile gently; Peter Pettigrew had no big grudge against Severus, and the biggest Conflict means besieging others for the sake of brothers, usually hiding whenever possible.

After the game, he cast the stinging spell indiscriminately when passing by the lake, adding some KPIs to the hard-working Pomfrey.

Those young wizards dared not speak out about his actions. Even though there were private rumors that Sirius was abandoned by the Black family, there was nothing wrong with it on the surface. Even if he was abandoned, wouldn't he still have the protection of the Potter family and his friends? ?

Although everyone in the school knew that Regulus was not getting along with his brother Sirius, no precise words came out of his mouth, and everyone assumed that Gryffindor Sirius was still protected.

One morning, when the little wizards were gathering, at the table with delicious food, owls flew in from the window and flew staggeringly to the recipient.

Severus looked at the feathers and snow water among the bowl of mashed potatoes. He was glad that he ate quickly. He looked at the owl on the table who raised his paws to let the letter be received. He sighed, took the letter down, and disappeared. A black sausage.

The letter was written by Zhang Mingyuan, and it worried about the impact of the swine flu in the Free Country on the English pork market. For this reason, they had to switch to using chicken to make lychee meat, which made the food taste worse.

Severus watched at a glance, passing by the strange description of the 'Wheel Cult' that was looking for Asians. When Zhang Mingyuan said that in order to ensure that the pound would no longer depreciate, he went to Gringotts to exchange part of the pound for After returning from Christmas and discussing the ending in detail, I sighed again.

This man from China is really adaptable. After learning that Severus was a wizard, in addition to asking about the wizard's daily life, he also told him where Diagon Alley was. In the end, I don't know how he found the place. Yes, but I found it anyway.

Occasionally, I would be curious and ask what was different from Kunlun Academy in China. China also had a 'magic school', but it was not called a wizard.

He carefully folded the letter and put it in his pocket, planning to wait until he had a rest in the afternoon before replying.

Sirius was on the Gryffindor table. He took out his wand and pointed it at the letter with the Black family crest on the table. He chanted a spell to make it fall apart, and finally used a blazing flame. Burn it to ashes.

His movements were not small. Lupine turned around and pretended to chat with Peter Pettigrew to ignore the curses in his mouth.

Potter boredly poked the cereal in the bowl with his spoon. Lily rejected his request for a date again, saying that she would consider it after he stopped casting curses for no reason and became a prefect; this was really difficult. He almost straightened his hair.

"Oh, Sirius, what's wrong? What makes you so cruel to him?" Potter asked in an exaggerated tone, almost feeding cereal into his nose.

Sirius' face was a little cold, but when his good brother asked, his lips moved a few times, "One of my sisters is pregnant and asked me to go home for Christmas to celebrate together..."

Potter thought that things must not be that simple, otherwise Sirius wouldn't be so angry. He subconsciously took a bite of cereal and said, "Well, Sirius, I mean, you haven't been back for months, why don't you go and take a look? Moreover, Christmas is a time for family reunion..."

His voice became smaller and smaller, and finally fell silent under Sirius's eyes. He supported his brothers in whatever decision they made, but their parents invited Sirius back for Christmas. Wasn't it a sign of peace? Why aren't you allowed to speak out?

"Well, if you don't want to, forget it, just live in my house. My parents like you so much, I wish you were their son..." Potter muttered in a low voice. The house was almost becoming Sirius's.

When Sirius heard his good brother's words, his expression finally relaxed a little. He sighed, feeling a little helpless.

"James...it's not as simple as you think..." Sirius felt that his family had bad intentions. Did he forget that Voldemort came to the engagement party a few months ago? Now is the day when the Black family is favored. Would it be a good thing to call him, the 'traitor' of the family, back?

Potter was the only son in his family, and he was a pure-blood. His parents were not allowed to pamper him too much when they had a son in old age. Apart from the setbacks he suffered from Lily and someone, he had basically never suffered any loss, so he could not understand Sirius' worries at all.

But considering the 'pure' ideals of the Black family and the Death Eaters' fanaticism towards Voldemort, I can only pat my good brother on the shoulder sympathetically. It's really not easy to survive in the cracks.

Sirius was silent until class time was almost here, then he hurriedly ran to the classroom with his books under his arm.

Regulus received the letter while having dinner and learned about Narcissa's pregnancy. He regretted that he had to help Professor Slughorn at noon and wasted time, otherwise he could reply to the letter quickly.

He was very happy. He held the letter to the side and wanted to say something, but he saw the curious little Barty.

The smile on Regulus' lips softened a lot, and he handed the letter over to him to read.

"Wow, Regulus, Miss Carlo is going to your house for Christmas..." Little Barty was not very interested in Narcissa's pregnancy. He looked at his friend teasingly. Who wouldn't want a beautiful fiancée? , and it’s also a powerful helper.

Regulus narrowed his eyes and looked at him for a while, then smiled faintly, yes, Miss Carlo is beautiful and generous, and both of them are very suitable for each other.

Little Barty blinked and smiled innocently.

Tomorrow is a new day, and the little wizards are looking forward to Christmas every day.

The fifth grade is very busy preparing for the Owl exam, and the sixth grade is extremely busy due to the increase in schoolwork.

Severus and Regulus always missed, except for the brief exchanges in the dormitory, the distant meeting at the Quidditch match.

They both knew something was different.

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