On the field, when the Byodo-in pirate ship was crumbling in the face of a tornado and struggling to hold on alone, several familiar figures suddenly appeared around him.

Tanejima, Onijujiro, Watanabe, Kimijima, Tono, Omagari, Ochi, Mori, Irie... These companions who had fought with him for the past three years appeared one after another on his pirate ship.

Looking at this scene, Byodoin laughed. He thought in a daze that he had been with his companions all the way. So, with the cooperation of everyone, the cannons of the pirate ship were assembled, and under the command of Byodoin, everyone drove the cannons and fired at the tornado.

This heavy blow successfully broke the tornado group. Looking at the cracked 'Infinite Tornado', although Polk was surprised, he had no intention of giving up.

Although the German team has lost, as the last face of the German team, he cannot lose.

Polk successfully hit the ball, but Byodoin fell to the ground helplessly.

Seeing this scene, the fans in Country R could not bear to pray in their hearts, praying for Byodoin to win this game.

Perhaps their prayers had an effect, and Polk's ball touched the net!

Seeing this scene, the fans all showed happy smiles, but soon their expressions changed, because the ball continued to roll up the net unreasonably.

This incredible scene caused the audience to swallow their saliva one after another.

Soon the tennis ball rolled across the net and was about to land on the half of the court at Byodo-in.

Perhaps because of his persistence in winning the game, Byodoin raised his arm with difficulty. Although he was no longer able to hit the ball, when the tennis ball hit his racket, it bounced directly to the other side of the net through that force.

This scene seemed very dramatic, but the fans of the R national team outside the field couldn't help but cheer.

This ball symbolizes the victory of Byodoin.

By putting his life on the line, Byodoin defeated Polk, the world's number one professional tennis player!

At this point, the match between the R national team and the German team was directly won 5-0!

After learning this result, the members of the other country's teams opened their mouths in surprise. They never thought that the R country team, which was unknown the year before, would beat the German team 5-0 this year!

After losing the game, Polk was a little distraught. When he left the field after the game, he remembered his efforts for the German team to win ten consecutive championships... Although before he played, Germany had already lost its tenth consecutive championship. , but he still couldn't help but attribute all the responsibility to himself.

As if they could see the painful struggle in Polk's heart, QP and others were trying hard to comfort Polk.

"Keep walking with your head held high!"

"No matter who you are, as long as you play tennis, you will lose and win!"

"It's not a big deal if you lose once, as long as you train hard and fight back!"

Seeing his companions clumsily comforting himself, Polk finally regained his energy.

When leaving the field, Tezuka and Echizen Ryoma met on the road. These two pillars of the youth academy did not stop to communicate. They have both found their own path. In the future, they will firmly follow that path and never give up.


After returning to the hotel in the players' village, Tokugawa, who knew everything the Byodo-in had done for him, found him after he received treatment.

Tokugawa looked at Byodoin, who was covered in bandages, with respect hidden in his eyes. Tokugawa then looked at the other person and asked him to help him become stronger!

There is no doubt that Byodoin, who is seriously injured, will not be able to play in the finals two days later. Although they have other strong members, Tokugawa feels that it is not enough... He hopes that he can play. As the successor to the leadership position of Byodoin, he also hopes to shine on the field, rather than watching the junior high school students shoulder huge responsibilities, although the four junior high school students are indeed very strong.

Seeing Tokugawa like this, Byodoin thought for a while and decided to agree to the other party's request. After all... they all wanted to make Team R better.


On the training ground near the hotel, Yukimura, Amamiya Arashi, Niou and Yanagi, the four of them are also training for tennis.

Although based on their strength, they will definitely be selected among the finalists, but it would be good to be a little stronger.


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