The day after the semifinals, the coaches of the R national team summoned all the players.

Although in the opinion of Coach Kurobe and Coach Saito, only the four junior high school students and the top three high school students would be sent to the finals, in order to avoid resentment among others, head coach Mifune still proposed that all members should come together. Field competition.

The decisive match for the finals is scheduled for the day before the final, which is tomorrow.

After finishing speaking, Coach Mifune did not leave too much time for everyone to think, but directly began to explain the rules of tomorrow's game.

Since there are only seven players excluding substitutes, there are only seven places for tomorrow's game.

These seven places are distributed in the form of singles and doubles, with three singles seats and two sets of doubles seats respectively set up, for a total of five areas.

Team members are free to choose the position they are interested in to register for the competition, and the last member who wins in each regional knockout will get the right to play in the finals.

"If I win tomorrow's knockout round, will I have a chance to represent Country R against Spain?!"

After hearing everything the coaches said, the teenagers who reacted instantly became excited. At first, everyone thought that the final list would still be the same ones... Unexpectedly, the coach was actually willing to give everyone a chance to compete!

Although they know the strength of those 'monsters', most teenagers always want to give it a try. Losing a place in the competition is completely different from not having a chance at all!

After explaining a series of rules, the coaches ignored the enthusiastic young athletes and left the scene directly.

Most of the teenagers off the field were immersed in the excitement of having the opportunity to compete for a spot in the finals, and not many people cared about the departure of the coaches.

"Hey! Get ahead! Which one do you want to sign up for?" Kintaro Toyama immediately focused on his 'old enemy', Echizen Ryoma.

"Hmph~" Echizen Ryoma raised the corners of his mouth slightly, put one hand in his pocket and whispered, "Me? I should participate in the singles two."

"Huh? It's not a one-on-one match, isn't it? But it doesn't matter, then I'll go and play a two-on-one match~" Kintaro Toyama was a little confused about Echizen Ryoma's choice. In his opinion, Echizen Ryoma should firmly choose to play one-on-one. But... it doesn't matter if he fights against the other two, anyway, his purpose is just to compete with Echizen Ryoma.

In fact, it turned out that Echizen Ryoma did want to participate in the singles trial, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tokugawa Kazuya clenching his hands. He felt that Tokugawa-senpai would want this singles spot more...

In addition to Echizen Ryoma and Toyama Kintaro, others also stepped up their pace. Members who wanted to sign up for singles and had ideas about their rankings went to the coach's room to sign up. Members who wanted to participate in doubles were also looking for them. Teammates who suit your own needs.

"Taneshima, which one do you want to choose?" Daqu looked at Taneshima with a smile. In his opinion, if Taneshima chooses doubles, he should still partner with him!

But what he didn't expect was that Taneshima looked at Kuranosuke Shiraishi with a smile, "Shiraishi, what do you think?"

After hearing Taneshima's words, Daqu also turned his attention to Shiraishi.

"Well..." Shiraishi looked directly into the eyes of Taneshima and Daqu, and couldn't help but have a little cold sweat on his forehead. Originally, he wanted to play doubles with Kintaro Toyama in order to train Shitenhoji's successor, but what he didn't expect was that the boy directly signed up for the doubles singles in order to compete with Echizen Ryoma...

"Would you like to play doubles with me~" Seeing Shiraishi's hesitation, Taneshima directly extended the invitation. Hearing Zanejima's invitation, Daqu's face changed inexplicably.

"..." Shiraishi didn't speak, but his eyes moved between Taneshima and Daqu, as if he was exploring whether there was any conflict between the two.

'Bang--' Looking at Shiraishi's expression, Taneshima patted him directly on the shoulder with one hand, and then said speechlessly, "What are you thinking about!"

"This U-17 competition obviously limits the participation of high school students, so instead of directly occupying two places in the doubles with Daqu, it is better to find a doubles team for junior high school students!" Taneshima explained as he looked at the two.

After thinking about it, Daqu felt that Tanegashima was right. After all, high school students could only get four spots even if they had the most players... It would be better to play doubles directly with the junior high school students, which at least would save some trouble.

After accepting Taneshima's explanation, Daqu left silently. After all, if he still wanted to participate in doubles, he would need to find a suitable partner quickly!

Daqu left and stared at Mu Shou, but unfortunately he seemed to be a step too late. When Daqu found Muti, Kimishima had already started 'negotiations' with the other party, but Muti seemed not interested in Kimishima's invitation.

Daqu, who was secretly happy in his heart, stepped forward and invited Mu Shou, but unfortunately, he was also rejected.

Among the Rikkai members on the other side, Sanada directly chose the No. 1 singles position.

Kirihara was very shocked by this, "The deputy minister is not strong enough!"

But other than Kirihara, there were no surprises.

"Genichiro's character... I'm really not surprised at all~" Yukimura said with a smile.

"Well~ Genichiro really likes to go up to him directly!" Amamiya Lan also helplessly spread his hands.

Liu Momo opened the information, "If we play alone, Genichiro's chances of getting a spot are not high!"

"Maybe Sanada hasn't considered the quota at all, puri~" Nioh couldn't help but want to provoke, but he quickly turned his head away under Yukimura's gaze.

Marui looked at everyone and said nothing. He was wondering whether he needed to participate in tomorrow's knockout match. current strength will only hinder everyone, right? Marui couldn't help but smile bitterly, although he knew that he could ask Nioh and the others to join the doubles, and then rely on Nioh and the others to win a doubles spot... But, so what? Even if he gets a spot, all he can do in the finals as a weak player is to lag behind.

Marui, who lowered his head and laughed at himself, did not see a trace of worry flashing in the eyes of his companions.

Several people except Kirihara exchanged glances with each other and decided to talk to Marui later.

Seeing that everyone suddenly became quiet, Kiriharaki touched his head and asked with a smile about the competition that Yukimura and Amamiya Arashi wanted to participate in, "What positions do the minister and Amamiya-senpai want?"

"It's okay~ Anyway, I think any game is pretty much the same! I'll try my best anyway~" As for whether I can win, it depends on the level of my opponent. Tian Gonglan answered with a smile, and then secretly completed the second half of the sentence in his heart.


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