[Mainnet King] It’s not too much to use magic to play ball, right?

Chapter 278 One person’s ‘ability resonance’

The Byodo-in with the 'Aroye Consciousness' activated can launch countless attacks in an instant. In order to deal with Byodo-in, Polk also 'split' countless clones upon seeing this, wanting to counterattack all those attacks. But what he didn't expect was that Byodoin directly broke his racket without respecting martial ethics.

With a bang, the tennis ball fell to the ground.

Byodoin scored the last point and the tie-break ended.

The singles match between Byodoin and Polk is currently one win and one loss, and there is only one final game to go before we can know who is better between the two.


After the second game, Byodoin collapsed directly on the bench, with a wet towel covering his forehead.

He was surrounded by the cheers of his companions, but Byodoin, who was feeling exhausted at the moment, only felt that these sounds were quite noisy. Unfortunately, he did not have the strength to shout to them to shut up.

"Next... I'm afraid you don't have the strength to continue, right?" Oni Jujiro kindly asked everyone to quiet down, and then looked at Byodoin with a serious face.

Byodoin, who had taken a breath, finally had some strength to speak. He chuckled a few times and said, "The soul that has been ignited...can't be stopped, right?"

While joking, he remembered the scene when he pushed open the door of Asura Shinto. When he entered the fork in the road, he saw his father who taught him 'meditation' at the end of the dark road, who was also Coach Mifune's master.

Dad's spiritual body floating in mid-air was surprised that he would choose this path, and at the same time blamed him for his stupidity and recklessness.

He ignored his father's accusation and instead asked him about that road.

His father told him that that road leads to an abyss... Only after experiencing destruction can there be the possibility of recovery, and only those who are resurrected can truly reach the end of this road - 'Arroye Consciousness' '.

Unlike 'Ashura Shinto', players who choose this path but fail to recover will have to pay a price.

The Byodoin doesn’t care what the price is.

Shouting "Destroy what I want", Byodoin made preparations and without hesitation jumped over the spiritual power left by his father and jumped directly into the abyss.


Before the start of the third game, Byodoin called Amamiya Arashi, Yukimura, Tokugawa and Echizen Ryoma.

He said seriously to the four of them, "If I am destroyed, then it means that I only have this little strength! But after that, the R National Team needs to be handed over to you."

After saying that, Byodoin stood up and stepped onto the playing field.

The four people in the spectator seats looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

"I really don't have any confidence ~ Senior Byodoin." Amamiya Lan teased with a smile, breaking the silence among the four of them.

Then Echizen Ryoma also said arrogantly, "No matter what, I won't lose!"

"Little brother, you should be more modest outside~" Yukimura covered the smile at the corner of his mouth with one hand and spoke softly.

"I will definitely defeat you!!!" Although he knew that Yukimura was kindly reminding him, Echizen Ryoma couldn't help shouting like an angry kitten.

"It's really... energetic!" Tokugawa couldn't help but sigh after seeing this.

"If Byodoin-senpai fails as he said, then I will have to ask Tokugawa-senpai for advice in the future!" Amamiya Arashi looked at Tokugawa thoughtfully.

From Byodoin's words, he also guessed that the next leader of junior high school students might be Tokugawa. As for himself and Yukimura, although they are powerful,... those guys from the Tennis Association may not be willing. Maybe Yukimura will take over directly in his second year of high school, but in fact, he can also directly defeat Tokugawa-senpai in his first year of high school like he did in Rikkai University's Minister Challenge...

Being stared at by Amamiya Lan, Tokugawa felt a little cold for a moment, as if he was being remembered for something.


After the last game started, the entire venue returned to silence. It was as if Polk and Byodoin could hear the beating of each other's hearts on the court.

Byodoin, who is getting closer and closer to the 'Aroye Consciousness', unconsciously guides various infinite attack modes, but his tennis life is also slowly reduced.

In the previous match with Adius, Akutsu only showed a little bit of the power of "Wuwuji" and was injured like that. And now Byodo-in... is completely using their lives to complete this game.

At this time, Coach Mifune also came to Tokugawa and told him that the reason why he was able to enter the 'Ashura Shinto' so easily was entirely because Byodo-in opened the door for him.

But in order for Tokugawa's spiritual power to continue to be strong, he must erect a more powerful barrier to destroy Tokugawa's spiritual power.

This... is why Byodoin was so harsh on Tokugawa.

After hearing this, Tokugawa's eyes changed when he looked at Byodo-in. It was also at this time that he truly understood how much Byodo-in had paid for the R national team.

Before junior high school students joined U-17, Byodo-in had no other choice and had already made the decision to sacrifice itself. But now that powerful junior high school students have joined, Byodo-in is even more able to let go without hesitation. to fight.

The players of Team R looked at Byodoin with reverence, and Polk was also shocked by Byodoin's sacrificial spirit on the field.

In his opinion, even professional players cannot sacrifice themselves like Byodoin.

Although he admires Byodoin's spirit of sacrifice, Polk will not give up easily for the sake of victory, not to mention that he has specially prepared a trump card for the World Championship, although if he doesn't use it anymore, he will probably have no chance.

Facing the menacing Byodoin, Polk used 'Tezuka Domain' and 'Baptism of the Whirlpool' at the same time.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. Even Tezuka, who was sitting in the German team's bench, looked incredulous.

At this time, QP also understood why Polk teamed up with Tezuka to fight Berti and Tankumaru. It turned out to be to absorb Tezuka's abilities, thereby perfecting his own moves and forming his own. Ability Resonance'.

As Polk made moves, strange phenomena occurred frequently on the field. First there was a vortex, and then it gradually turned into a super strong tornado.

Although Byodoin's 'immortal pirates' rushed forward, they still failed to break the tornado's blockage, and were even injured.

The injuries of the 'pirate' were reflected on Byodoin's body. After Byodoin vomited blood, his 'immortal pirate' actually died directly!

Looking at Byodoin who was vomiting blood but still wanted to fight back, Polk couldn't help but admire him. He said to Byodoin, "Let's make a deal! I hope... you can catch up as a professional player."

The match against Byodoin made Polk feel the joy of tennis for a long time, but he never thought that the person who could let him relive this joy would be an amateur athlete, so he said that without hesitation. The remarks.

Faced with Polk's invitation, the Byodoin was unable to respond at this moment. As he lay on the ground, a fleeting scene appeared in his mind.

Am I...going to lose? Byodoin couldn't believe it, and then he yelled, "I won't give in!!!"

And with this roar, Polk was surprised to find that the previous ball... was actually counterattacked? !

Is this guy... some kind of invincible monster? !

God has reincarnation, and now it is Polk's turn to lament that Byodoin is a monster.

While sighing, he still had to hit back the ball hit by Byodo-in, and Polk felt extremely tired.

"Hahaha..." Byodoin couldn't help but laugh wildly while hitting the ball, spitting out blood from time to time, "This is the tennis I pursue!"

"In this game, I'm betting my life!" Byodoin pointed at Polk with the racket, "Did you bet anything? Polk!"

After that, the two started fighting again.

Polk's infinite tornado is very difficult to deal with. Although Byodoin wants to aim at the gap to attack and hit the ball in order not to be affected, if you are not careful, the position will deviate and the ball will be involved in the tornado. , and then Polk used the characteristics of 'Tezuka Phantom' to pop directly out of the field.

"It seems that the general opposite has even absorbed and strengthened Tezuka's 'Supreme Domain'! This bald man is really scheming!" Amamiya Arashi on the player's seat couldn't help but sigh.

"Wait a minute! Didn't Tezuka just comprehend the 'Supreme Realm' during today's competition?!" Marui looked surprised, "Could he know it just by looking at it?!"

"After all, they are professional players, not to mention that Polk and Tezuka spent a lot of time sparring alone... After knowing clearly the 'Tezuka Domain' and the 'Tezuka Phantom', let's watch Tezuka use the 'Supreme Domain' It’s not surprising that Polk can use his movements and so on now..." Liu opened his eyes slightly and explained.


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