The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 9 Fierce battle in heavy rain

"Watson!!! No!!"

Steve saw Watson on the roof of the building more than 20 meters away with a gunshot wound to the head. His body fell backward and disappeared from sight. His eyes behind the mask widened to the extreme. Several thunderbolts of astonishing force rang through the sky, and the rain fell even harder. The small building where Watson fell seemed to blend into the night sky that instantly lit up.


Captain Pearson next to Steve witnessed all this. How could he not realize when he heard Captain America's shouts that something happened to the beautiful boy who is unforgettable at a glance? As soon as he turned his head, he shouted an order to the soldiers carrying anti-tank rockets at the window.

"call out!"


“Da da da da da da!!!”

The last Panther tank and two half-track armored vehicles on the field were completely destroyed. More than thirty German infantrymen fell, and only Second Lieutenant Jean's Tiger heavy tank and a few accompanying infantry were still moving forward. He opened fire on the floor, trying to kill the Howling Commandos.


The sound of breaking glass was heard, and the Howling Commando soldiers who were shooting with their guns on the third floor of the shopping mall window turned their heads warily, only to see a German officer in a dark military coat, a metal gas mask and a large cap emerging from the glass shards. Stand up slowly.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

“Da da da da da da!!”

Without any orders, the soldiers quickly turned their guns and fired at the German officer wearing a strange gas mask.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

The bullet hit him, and Lieutenant Colonel Cronan did not even tremble. He pulled out the Ruger P08 pistol on his waist and fired back.

"Bang!" Headshot.

"Bang!" Headshot.

"Bang!" The bullet hit the shield.

Lieutenant Colonel Cronan fired a few more shots, but they were all blocked by Steve who rushed over with his shield. He simply threw away the Luger pistol, stretched out his hands and shook them to both sides, and two stubby sword blades popped out from his wrists. The whole body leaned forward and rushed out like lightning. The black windbreaker raised a full sense of the villain, and he appeared in front of Steve in an instant, swinging his double blades one after another!


The vibranium shield blocked the first blade, but the second blade immediately passed over the shield and pointed directly at Steve's neck! Steve only had time to raise his shield and lower his entire upper body.

At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Cronan was already in the air. He stepped on the wall with his left and right feet staggered. Using his left hand on the vibranium shield as the point of force, he did a beautiful side flip past Steve and rushed towards him. The Howling Commandos behind you!


The sword blade scratched the neck of a soldier. Just when Lieutenant Colonel Cronan was about to attack the next soldier, a sound of breaking wind came from behind him. He turned around and raised his double blades without hesitation.

With a "clang" sound, the vibranium shield flew back into the hands of Steve, who was rushing over. He took advantage of the situation to twist and whip his leg in the air, and kicked the German officer hard on the shoulder.

"You retreat first!"

"But Captain Rogers..."

"This is an order! Go! Now!"

Feeling Captain America's firm tone, the eight surviving Howling Commando soldiers no longer hesitated and turned around and ran downstairs.

I don’t know whether it’s because of the psychological influence of exploring the strength of the American team, or because Steve’s mysterious aura of “3/” is at work. Lieutenant Colonel Cronan and Steve are walking around on the third floor of this shopping mall. During the fight, even the artillery fire from the Tiger tank downstairs and the German soldiers followed the evacuating Howling Commando soldiers.


Watson felt disconnected from his body, a familiar feeling. He fell into the silence of consciousness and did not see that blood-black tentacles sprouted from all over his body, wrapping his entire body.

A few minutes later.

The humanoid flesh that had nearly doubled in size slowly shrunk, revealing the body of a young man about 1 or 18 years old. Then under the night sky that suddenly lit up with lightning, Watson slowly opened his blood-red eyes. He had just regained consciousness, but his thinking was still a little unclear at the moment. He only noticed two things:

First: I’m so hungry.

Second: Clothes and equipment are gone again.

Standing up slowly in the pouring rain, Watson looked at the streets littered with corpses not far away. The Tiger tank was still firing at this moment. He climbed over the railing on the roof, landed lightly on the ground, and ran forward.


A bullet hit Watson in the shoulder. It turned out that a German soldier beside the Tiger tank discovered Watson and shot him.

Under the soldier's increasingly horrified gaze, Watson spread out his hands, and two thin, blood-red bone blades about 30 centimeters long stretched out from his arms. Watson sprinted forward and jumped up in two steps, leaping nearly 10 meters. Two bone blades mercilessly pierced the chest of the German soldier.


Under Watson's momentum, the soldier's back hit the ground hard with a muffled sound, and then his whole body melted rapidly and was eagerly inhaled by the blood-black tentacles spreading from Watson's arm.

"(German) What a monster!!!"

Several German soldiers on the side reacted, raised their guns and fired at Watson. But a few bullets could not hinder Watson's actions. After a few seconds, several soldiers fell under Watson's bone blade and their bodies dissolved.


Watson looked at the Tiger tank that was still turning desperately, trying to aim the machine gun and muzzle at his own Tiger tank, and jumped off the spot and landed on the hatch on the top of the tank.

Then Watson opened the hatch cover and jumped in with a few frightened German vulgarities.


Captain Pearson was running in the corridor. He turned his head and glanced at the remnants of the German troops who had been firing fiercely at them just now. However, he found that except for the corpses, there were no enemy figures on the street. The only remaining Tiger heavy The tank turret was twisted to one side and lay motionless in the heavy rain.

Pearson observed for a few seconds and then raised his right fist.

"Everyone stop!"

The Howling Commando soldiers looked over for a while, and Pearson decided to go down to investigate. He ordered two of his men to set up anti-tank rocket launchers at the window, and he led the remaining soldiers downstairs, cautiously heading towards the Tiger heavy tank. ground close.

Although we don't know what happened, if these enemies are confirmed to have been eliminated, then we might be able to come back and provide Captain Rogers with long-range fire support. Pearson held the Thompson submachine gun tightly, feeling a little uneasy.


Just when the scattered soldiers were about 2 meters away from the Tiger heavy tank, the hatch on the top of the tank's turret was opened.


Five or six guns were immediately aimed at it.

"(German) Captain Pearson! Do you know how to drive a tank?"

Is this voice Watson? Pearson was stunned for a moment, thinking a little uncertainly.

A head with light blond hair poked out from the hatch of the tank, with a handsome and delicate nose, small and attractive lips, and a pair of beautiful light purple...

Dead fish eyes.

Well, this is Watson right. Pearson twitched the corner of his mouth. He finally understood how the remnant of the German army had just been wiped out.

"(German) Captain Pearson?"

"(Plastic German) Huh? Oh! Well... yes, we can drive tanks, but how did you..."

"(German) That's great. You can take over. I'll go put on some clothes first."

Pearson:? ? ? ? ?

A shopping mall can have nothing, but it cannot have a clothing section. Watson climbed out of the tank, passed several Howling Commando soldiers, and walked towards the first floor of the mall.

Pearson didn't even blink, and asked his teammates beside him blankly:

"Church, I remember Watson... was a child before, right? Why did he suddenly grow up?"

"I don't know, sir, but I have to be honest. The male models in magazines that my wife used to be obsessed with are trash in front of Watson. I don't know if you saw it clearly just now. For God's sake, he The skin is really…”

"Damn it! Why didn't I realize you had this habit before? Stay away from me in the future, you pervert!"

The soldiers on the side laughed and cursed, and took two steps back in a pretentious manner.

"Okay!" Captain Pierson waved his hand to interrupt the soldiers' joking: "Go and drive that Tiger tank for me. It's time to give that German guy in the iron mask some serious blows!"



Holding the vibranium shield in his left hand to hold the blade, Steve bulged the muscles in his right hand and hit Lieutenant Colonel Cronan directly in the chest with an uppercut.

His fist was empty.

Lieutenant Colonel Cronan leaned back, opened his arms, and knelt down like a believer. Then he exerted force on his waist and rotated a 720° arc sword wheel with his left knee as the fulcrum, with the tip of the blade making a straight stroke. Knee joint to Steve!


Is this first floor a women's clothing area?

Listening to the sound of fighting coming from the third floor, Watson looked at the large piece of women's clothing in front of him and felt troubled.

Where is the men's clothing section? oh! The sign for the men's clothing section is here...wait!

Who is so wicked? Driving a car into a wall and crushing the men's clothing section?

If Second Lieutenant Jean was still alive at this moment, he might say after seeing this scene: It was me who did it, and what’s more, I wasn’t driving a car, but a Tiger heavy tank!

Looking at the messy men's clothing area, Watson was dumbfounded.

After being stunned for a moment, Watson heard that the fighting was still going on upstairs. Watson turned his head and glanced in the direction of the women's clothing area.

Why don't you just go back to your old job?



With a muffled groan, the sword blade carved a wound several centimeters long on Steve's arm. But his movements were not slow at all, and he punched his opponent in the abdomen.

With a "bang", Lieutenant Colonel Cronan was hit and flew upwards in an arc. It wasn't until his back hit the ceiling of the corridor that he stopped rising. The glass bulb shattered. The sound fell to the ground and stirred up a cloud of dust.

"Huh... you... are very good..."

Lieutenant Colonel Cronan stood up, as if he was not injured at all, and patted the dust on his chest as if nothing had happened. After saying this in an extremely hoarse voice, the lieutenant colonel strode towards Steve again.

"I can fight like this all day." Steve twisted his neck, stepped forward and threw the shield.


"Could these be the legendary nylon stockings? I couldn't afford this in my previous life..."

"Why is the size still wrong? Oh, okay, how do you convert European sizes to male sizes..."

A few minutes later, Watson looked at herself in the full-length mirror, looking exactly like a princess in military uniform (if you don’t know what a princess in military uniform looks like, please look at the cover of this book). But of course there won't be any military uniforms for him to wear in the mall. He changed into a black women's short windbreaker with shoulder buckles. The hem was just the right length, revealing two slender legs wearing black silk and short leather boots. legs.

A dashing girl.

Listening to the still fierce fighting on the third floor, Watson looked at himself in the mirror, took a deep breath, and then opened his seductive little mouth.


This voice is wrong. What is the pseudo-sounding technique you learned in your previous life? Oh, by the way, pull up the vocal cords and strengthen the nasal resonance...

"Don't fight anymore..."

Okay, it has the flavor of a girl's voice.

"You can't kill anyone like this!"

Get it done.

Putting on his dark gray leather gloves, Watson put an officer-style hat on his head and ran towards the third floor.



Steve swung his opponent's sword away with a shield, then turned around and kicked him. Lieutenant Colonel Cronan's body was kicked through the iron door behind him, and he rolled and fell to the small rooftop on the second floor of the shopping mall, covered in rain. On the wet floor.

"How many experiments did those Hydra madmen do on you? Huh?"

Steve jumped down, and as soon as his feet landed on the ground, he saw his opponent flipping up from the ground with a carp kick.

"I would also like to ask you the same question..."

Before Lieutenant Colonel Cronan's hoarse voice finished speaking, he saw a rocket flying straight towards him.


The blazing flames were raging in the heavy rain, and the small rooftop of the shopping mall, which was originally full of European romance and elegance, was now in a mess with fragments of tables and chairs flying around. Watson on the window sill on the third floor did not hesitate at all and quickly replaced another anti-tank rocket taken from the dead Howling Commando soldier.

"call out!"


The small rooftop was bombarded by rockets again. Steve on the rooftop had to lower himself down and hold his shield in front of him to block the metal fragments splattering everywhere. After firing the last rocket, Watson picked up the Thompson submachine gun beside him, ran all the way to the small rooftop, climbed out of the window, and jumped off.

If bombing can solve a problem, don't use bullets.

Watson is well versed in the concept of modern warfare. As soon as his feet hit the ground, he threw a grenade.


There was another violent explosion, and a figure rushed out of the flames and ran towards Watson. That was Lieutenant Colonel Cronan. All the equipment and clothes on his upper body had been burned away, and even the two short swords were blown to an unknown location. At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Cronan clenched his hands into fists, and his exposed skin was covered with traces of surgical operations, looking like a corpse that had been stitched together.

“Crack, click, click, click!!”

The unique sound of the Thompson submachine gun, nicknamed the "Chicago Typewriter," rang out. The situation was urgent and there was no time to be fully armed. This was the last thermal weapon on Watson's body.

All the bullets hit Lieutenant Colonel Cronan's body. Apart from a small burst of blood, they did not seem to cause any other damage. Several bullets opened up a large piece of skin on his shoulder, which revealed But it's not muscles and bones, but a mechanical structure with a cold luster.

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer. Watson threw away the Thompson submachine gun that had run out of bullets. With a shake of his hands, two blood-red bone blades stretched out like lightning, stabbing his opponent in the chest one after the other.


A surprised look came from behind the eyes of Lieutenant Colonel Cronan's black mask. Amidst a harsh sound of metal friction, Watson's bone blade pierced his body, hanging him in mid-air.

A slightly hoarse girl's voice spoke.

"(German) Good evening, 'Clockwork Man'."

Watson, who has once again experienced body reshaping, has increased several times in terms of neurological reaction, strength and speed. He yanked the two bone blades to the left and right of the opponent's body, and then crossed them with a "swish" sound. .


Lieutenant Colonel Cronan's head, which was wearing a fully enclosed metal gas mask, fell from his body and hit the floor of the small rooftop, making a slightly dull impact.


"Are you...Watson?"

Steve, who had been offline for a while, stepped forward and asked with an uncertain tone.

"(Plastic English) Yes."

" look different. I saw you before..."

Watson's poor English vocabulary did not help him continue the topic, so he had to stare deadly.

Well, it's indeed Watson. Seeing the familiar dead fish eyes, Steve was finally convinced. Only Watson's appearance can make his dead eyes look so cute.

But at this moment, the body of Lieutenant Colonel Cronan on the ground suddenly burst into flames. In just ten seconds, the body and head were reduced to ashes.

"What's going on?" Things happened so fast that Steve was a little stunned. He originally wanted to take the body back to Howard to study how this German officer had such excellent physical fitness, but now he burned it! Is this the German self-destruction technology? The more he thought about it, the more something was wrong, and he felt that he had to report it to his superiors when he returned.

Watson said nothing.

Of course Clockwork Man would not die like this. In addition to using machines to transform himself crazily, this guy also summoned mysterious demonic power. Simply cutting off his head would not kill him completely. Maybe the Ancient One Master of Karma Taj will have a solution? Watson stared at him and thought silently.

But he obviously couldn't tell Steve directly, "This guy has demonic abilities." Even if he did, regardless of whether Steve believed it or not, he would most likely be suspected.

"Captain Rogers~~"

At this time, the sound of a tank's engine came from below the rooftop. Steve went to the rooftop to take a look and saw Captain Pierson and several soldiers sitting on the previous Tiger heavy tank, driving towards them quickly. .


"Are you ok?"

On the speeding Tiger tank, Steve, under the German translation of the soldiers on the side, asked the young man sitting next to him... Nian? After learning the true situation from the soldiers on the side, he couldn't believe that the guy in front of him who exuded the aura of a noble girl was a man.

Steve felt that all the magazine girls he had seen were completely outshone by Watson's appearance, except of course Agent Paige.

"I'm fine! Captain Rogers."

Watson's long, light blond hair was blown by the wind, bringing with it a faint fragrance: "As long as we remove a few more firepower points in front, the Allies should be able to take Heidelberg, am I right? "

"Okay! I have to thank you again for your help. With this tank, our operations will be much smoother."

Steve turned his head and looked at the soldiers on both sides who were secretly glancing at Watson's two long black stocking legs under his windbreaker, and shook his head helplessly.

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