The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 8 The Undead under the Night

“Da da da da da da!!”

The STG44 assault rifle first opened fire and hit the German soldier in charge of the rear. Then the muzzle of the gun quickly moved and began to shoot the German soldiers one by one from the right. For right-handers, turning right to left will be faster than turning left to right, and the angle they can turn is also larger. The opposite is true for left-handers. This is determined by the structure of the human body.

"(German) Get down!"

At the critical moment of life and death, several German soldiers showed the fastest reaction speed in their lives. Two of them successfully lay down on the ground and avoided Watson's strafing fire.


The STG44 assault rifle made the sound of the firing pin firing, and the 30-round magazine was exhausted.

But before the two German soldiers lying on the ground could pick up their guns, they saw Watson drop the weapon in his hand and pick up the MP2 submachine gun hanging on his chest.

In a pinch, reaching for another gun is usually quicker than changing the magazine.

“Da da da da da da!!”

After taking care of the remaining enemies, Watson quickly jumped onto the Panther tank, which was still buzzing from a shell that shook his head. He pulled out a wooden-handled grenade and pulled it open, then forcibly opened the top hatch and threw it away. Go in.


The turret of the Panther tank, whose ammunition had been detonated, was blown up, and a dazzling flame shot into the sky.

The whole process only took more than ten seconds. The Howling Commando soldiers, who thought Steve had successfully blown up the tank, poked their heads out one after another, only to see Captain America standing quietly in front holding his shield.

"Captain Rogers?"

Standing in front of the red fire of the remains of the Panther tank, Watson slowly replaced the MP40 submachine gun in his hand with a magazine pulled out from the German soldiers on the ground, and loaded the gun with a "click". Watson silently raised his head and looked at Steve.

Sen Hong's pupils seemed to be burning.


In the woods on the northern outskirts of Heidelberg.

"(German) Did Russell reply? He wouldn't have gone in first, would he?"

It was raining heavily in the night sky. Second Lieutenant Jean was lying on the hatch of his Tiger heavy tank, frowning and asking the signal soldier next to him.

"No reply, sir! I can't contact Sergeant Russell." The signal soldier put down the microphone in his hand and saluted Second Lieutenant Jean.

"Don't wait for him, let's go!" Isn't it great to hit a Sherman tank company by mistake? Just let that arrogant and willful young master play by himself. Anyway, for disobeying the orders of his superiors at this time, he deserves what happens if something happens to him. After all, his colonel father can't blame me. Second Lieutenant Jean thought to himself and held up the officer's hat on his head.

Looking back, Lieutenant Jean looked at an officer wearing a black military coat standing aside: "Lieutenant Colonel Cronan, the time has come, let's go."

Most of this lieutenant colonel, known as "Kronen", was dressed the same as an ordinary German officer, but the most eye-catching thing was that his head was wrapped in a fully enclosed metal gas mask. Lieutenant Colonel Cronan, who stood in the rain with his hands behind his back, did not speak, but turned slightly and nodded. The mask on his face reflected a creepy light under the flow of rain.

Second Lieutenant Jean saluted and began to issue orders. A moment later, a Tiger tank, three Panther tanks and two Sdkfz1 armored vehicles carrying more than thirty German infantry drove in from the junction of the north and west of Heidelberg and drove rapidly towards the location of the Howling Commandos.

"I emphasize once again that from now on all tanks will remain silent and no firing is allowed! The infantry should not fire unless they are in contact with the enemy. Turn off the flashlights and vehicle lights!" Lieutenant Jean said while holding the intercom. Wiping the rain off his face, he secretly glanced at Lieutenant Colonel Cronan, who was sitting silently on top of the Panther tank not far away.

Apart from an order letter, which was confirmed to be correct after multiple verifications, and some necessary information documents and procedures, Second Lieutenant Jean knew nothing about this mysterious lieutenant colonel who never took off his helmet and barely spoke.

Can this man really kill Captain America?


Two people were separated and took the shot soldier back along the original route. Steve, who had seen Watson's performance throughout the whole process through his extraordinary eyesight, decided to give a ride to the boy who refused to leave no matter what.

Steve: "What's your name?"

Watson understood this English sentence.


Steve: "Do you understand me?"

Watson: "German (German)..."

Steve didn't respond: "What?"

Watson: "German, please (please speak German)..."

Or you can speak Mandarin. That would make me super happy, Watson thought helplessly.

Steve: "..."

Fortunately, the soldiers of the Howling Commandos are versatile, and many of them can temporarily serve as German translators due to work needs such as sneaking behind enemy lines and interrogating prisoners.

Although Watson's marksmanship is not very good, he has played a lot of military simulation games such as "Tactics Squad" and "Armed Assault" in his previous life. The basic team positions during World War II are still clearer than ordinary people. At least he does not He would accidentally misfire his gun, or point the gun at his teammates.

After several encounters along the way, Steve and the Howling Commando soldiers had begun to get used to Watson's confrontational fighting style. Especially after seeing Watson's body shot several times but still continuing to fight as if nothing was wrong, they all realized that this boy was not the normal person they thought at all.

After another fierce battle, Steve frowned and remained silent as he looked at Watson, who was skillfully picking up weapons and ammunition on the ground. Having experienced the enhancement of genetic medicine, he knew that any kind of power had to pay a corresponding price to obtain it. At this moment, Steve only felt that those crazy Hydra scientists deserved to die even more.

This body's ability to fight for a long time is not good. When he was not familiar with his body, Watson thought his body was a weakened version of Captain America, but as battle after battle passed, he quickly discovered this flaw.

Vigorous actions beyond the normal range and repair of wounds will quickly consume the body's energy. Now Watson is clearly feeling hungry, and his actions are beginning to be affected. If he doesn't get energy replenishment, he obviously won't be able to "play all day" like Team USA.

And if he was injured a lot and couldn't get energy replenishment, he wouldn't even be able to hold on for half a day.

The Howling Commandos are indeed an elite team of the Allied Forces. They are fast and well-trained. After several battles, Watson can't even find many opportunities to avoid sight.

Find an opportunity to secretly "eat" something during the next battle, but don't let others see it. After all, a "Captain America" ​​eating dry food and a "Captain America" ​​eating "people" are completely different things, Watson thought to himself.

But he may well be disappointed.


"Here we are."

The sound of gunfire, explosions and artillery fire gradually became intensive, and the team quietly reached the right side of the German position in the north of the city. Steve signaled everyone to stop, waved for the soldier to translate into German, and looked at Watson with a serious face.

"We can't carry you any further, Watson."

Steve stared closely into Watson's red eyes.

"The place we are going to next is extremely dangerous, and I can't protect you. I know you are very courageous and have superhuman abilities, but after all, you are still a little boy of twelve or thirteen years old. We can't take you to that kind of place." place."

"Everyone in this team and I are ready to face death, but you are still young and deserve a better life. You want to avenge your parents, but reaching this point is enough. "

Isn't this a coincidence? You go first, I'll have some "something" and I'll come later.

Watson was secretly happy, but he didn't speak. Instead, he rolled his eyes and nodded.

Steve picked up his shield and revealed a tragic atmosphere: "We will carry you along the rest of the way. It's time for you to leave. I know it's not difficult to do it with your ability. It's very easy." It’s a pleasure to fight alongside you.”

Steve took the lead to leave, and many of the Howling Commando soldiers who followed reached out and patted Watson on the arm.

"What a boy!"

"We are destined to meet again!"

"You must tell me your story if you have a chance in the future."

"You are really beautiful haha! My niece will definitely fall in love with you!"


Brave man, Watson silently watched the soldiers leaving. The invincible Howling Commandos created in the movie completely avoided the important and took the easy. If there really is such a powerful combat force in reality, then they will definitely be like the Spartans and Hell Paratroopers in "Halo", always being thrown into the most intense and stalemate areas to open up situations. .

Like now.

Steve lost far more than just "Bucky" along the way.


After finding a few unlucky German soldiers nearby to replenish his energy, Watson set off again in the direction where the Howling Commando soldiers disappeared. Climbing to the top of a building, Watson took out a telescope that came from a dead German officer and started observing from a distance.

To rush into the chaotic battlefield rashly is to seek death. He must plan his course of action in advance.

Although the Allies do not have much air support, they still have some ground armor units, the most important of which are the M4 "Sherman" medium tanks. Dozens of Sherman tanks accompanied by the Allied infantry are passing through. Cross the street and press towards the German defense line in the north of the city under artillery fire.

Many Panther tanks also appeared on the German side to fight back, and dozens of firepower points on the position dragged long lines of bullets in the direction of the Allies.

Artillery fire was flying, bullets were interlaced, smoke was everywhere, and corpses were strewn on the ground. Even if there were many buildings blocking the view, this picture could be called a purgatory on earth.

Watson quickly found the location of Captain America. At this time, he was leading the Howling Commandos to clear out the firepower points on the German positions one by one. It seemed that the results were obvious. But rushing into the enemy group will inevitably lead to the consequences of being focused on the fire. After all, not everyone can have a bullet-proof halo like Captain America. The number of Howling Commando soldiers following Steve is smaller than before.

Go straight to the left... Turn the corner of the stairs and walk up to the high platform... After entering the room on the second floor, jump directly from the window into the sandbag bunker below... There are still many buildings in the north of the city that can be used Moving and covering, Watson slowly plotted a route of action with fewer enemies.


"(German) Hurry! We need support on the flanks!"

A group of heavily armed German soldiers jumped off the Sdkfz251 armored vehicle one after another. Before they could disperse, a Tekken 30 rocket flew from the third-floor balcony of the building next to them.


The armored vehicle exploded violently, causing damage to the German soldiers who had formed a small circle around the rear of the vehicle. Watson threw down his launcher, raised his MP40 submachine gun, placed it on the railing and fired downwards.

“Da da da da da da!!!”

After fighting several waves along the way, Watson's proficiency with firearms has obviously improved. None of the few remaining German soldiers escaped, and they were all shot and fell to the ground.


Watson climbed off the balcony and jumped down. He stepped forward and gave each person a shot. Then his obsessive-compulsive disorder broke out and he retrieved two new magazines from the corpse before starting to move towards the next target point.

This feels a bit like breaking through a barrier. Watson shook his head while running, but his good feeling about himself did not last long.

Most of the things seen through the telescope before were the external conditions of the building, and observation from a single position inevitably had many blind spots. As Watson ran, he encountered new situations.

During the observation through the telescope, several German tanks and half-track armored vehicles were driving up the far street, led by a Tiger heavy tank. Each tank and armored vehicle was filled with fully armed German soldiers.

Then Watson saw a German officer wearing a fully enclosed metal gas mask. As the distance got closer, the familiar figure gradually emerged in his mind, and Watson couldn't help but grimace.

The world he traveled through was indeed not a simple Marvel world.

Without moving rashly, Watson lay quietly on the floor, listening to the roar of the motor getting closer and then farther away. Then he cautiously crouched down and followed under the cover of the heavy rain.

A top gun shooter, an outstanding physical and mechanical scientist, with agility and flexibility comparable to that of an Olympic gymnastics champion, a master-level sword fighting ability, and more importantly, a lifespan far beyond that of ordinary people and with dozens of bullets in his body, he can still function as usual. A moving body, this is the figure that just appeared in Watson's mind.

Heidelberg did not have any important military factories, so it was not within the Allied strategic bombing range. Watson thought to himself that the German army was currently in a tight situation across the board, and such people should have been sent to more important cities. Since he appears here, he may have only one goal:

Captain America Steve Rogers.


The right wing of the German defense line north of Heidelberg.


"Well done! To hell with you Krauts!"

Steve led the Howling Commandos to take out a German firepower point again. Now they were crawling through the temporary trenches made of sandbags, heading towards the next firepower point.

While leading the team through a street intersection, Steve heard a special roar of a motor in his excellent hearing ears. This is the sound of the Tiger heavy tank! Steve immediately stretched out his arms and pointed in the direction of the sound:

"Tank! Everyone disperse!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a Tiger heavy tank crashed through the wall of the shopping mall on the street and rushed straight in the direction of the Howling Commando soldiers.

“Da da da da da da!!!”

The machine gun on the Tiger tank burst into flames. Steve made a tactical roll and hid behind the sandbag trench on the street. He raised his small half shield and quickly observed the enemy's situation.

Under Steve's gaze, the Panther medium tank and half-track armored vehicle appeared behind the Tiger tank. They began to slow down almost at the same time, and the German infantry mounted on them formed an offensive formation in just a few seconds.

Under the firepower of dozens of rifles, more than a dozen machine guns, and several cannons, Steve and the Howling Commandos struggled to fight back. At the same time, the German infantry and tank columns across the street began to press toward them.

"We have to think of something, Captain! Their frontal firepower is too strong!"

Steve, who is experienced in combat, has not encountered such a situation before. He knows that the armored units on the opposite side must be eliminated as soon as possible. So he turned his head and shouted to Captain Pierson: "Take the boys and turn into the shopping mall on the street! Let's find a way to get close to them from inside the building! Quick! I'll cover you!"

Almost all of the dozen or so Howling Commando soldiers carried anti-tank rocket launchers. As long as they closed the distance, Steve was sure to take down this enemy force.

At this moment, Steve suddenly missed Watson, who could both rush head-on and sneak up on others. At least he climbed up the building faster than me. If he had followed, he might be on the roof of the building by now. Squatting. Steve thought, but he didn't regret turning down the pretty boy's request to join the team.

Then he saw an anti-tank rocket flying down from the roof of the building behind the enemy troops.


A Panther medium tank exploded on the spot, and the shock wave overturned seven or eight nearby German soldiers. Everyone hurriedly followed the traces of rocket smoke and looked up at a three-story building not far behind, but the roof of the building was empty.

"The enemy is attacking from the rear!"

"Monoz! Do you see where the person is?"

"Corporal Henderson! Do you hear me? Wake up!"

"¥%#& (German vulgar language)! That bastard must have moved!"

Some soldiers began to shout at each other, but Lieutenant Colonel Cronan, who was walking silently in the middle of the team, remained silent. He turned around and elegantly picked up a weapon from another Panther tank next to him. The Kar98k rifle.



The remaining German tanks and tracked armored vehicles continued to bombard the building where the Howling Commando soldiers were located.

Watson, who had moved to the roof of another building, quietly poked his head out to take a look at the German troops on the street. He took off the last Iron Fist 30 anti-tank rocket launcher he was carrying, aimed at another Panther tank and fired it.

I retracted my head immediately after launching the rocket. It should be too late, right? Although that madman is good at shooting, he can't be so exaggerated... Watson thought with some anxiety.

"call out!"

The rocket hit the Panther tank with a long tail of smoke. The tank made a deafening explosion and stopped moving completely despite the fire. But the moment the rocket left the launcher and emitted the tail flame, it was so conspicuous in the dark night. Lieutenant Colonel Cronan immediately captured the enemy's position and pulled the trigger cleanly.


Watson had just retracted a little, and a 7.92mm rifle bullet penetrated his forehead.

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