The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 7 Meeting again with Captain America

Watson took small steps into the dark room. There were a few candles on the dining table in the corner. Granny Leah sat on a chair and looked calmly in the direction of Watson.

"There is nothing of value here... Soldier, if you want to kill me, an old woman, then do it."

Watson was silent for a long time and said, "Grandma Leah, why don't you hide?"

"Little Almendo?! You...are you still alive?" The old woman wanted to stand up in surprise, but she was too old, and her trembling movements were unsteady and knocked her body. The dining table nearby was clanging. Watson quickly stepped forward and supported the old woman.

"Thank God! It's good that you're alive, it's good that you're alive! Are you injured? Let me see!" Granny Leah started to rummage through Watson's scarf and collar again. Watson didn't feel unfamiliar this time, and he even began to feel a little familiar.

"I'm fine, the matter has been resolved and Ludke Hofmann will be brought to trial."

"I shouldn't have told you softly in the first place! You don't know how worried I am about you! When I heard someone shouting about war outside the door, I thought you were dead! I...wuwuwu Woo..."

Grandma Leah began to wipe her tears and continued to chatter.

"I'm an old man and I've had enough life long ago. If my little Armendo dies too, I will have no hope of living! What else can I hide? If those soldiers want to kill me, I will be It’s God who wants to take me away... Wuwuwuwuwu..."


The fighting outside the door continued. As the Allies gradually gained an advantage in this area, the firefight area gradually moved away from here. Watson looked at the streets that were still bursting with fire and explosions in the distance, and he made a decision.

He wants to join this war.

This is not for some bullshit reason like "leveling up to gain experience". No matter how many enemies Watson kills, there will be no system to reward him. Watson mainly wants to make Granny Leah's life in her later years more comfortable. Be protected. The form of war is always very simple, but the series of problems caused by war are anything but simple.

The most representative one is the reconstruction of order after the war, which is often a very chaotic period. If he continues to stay in Heidelberg, Watson cannot guarantee that Granny Leah will not encounter marauding thugs when he goes out one day. Therefore, he wants Granny Leah to leave here, live in a safe place, and provide a series of quality living conditions for her to enjoy her old age.

Watson was willing to kill for it.

Under the objective conditions that he could not obtain considerable power in the short term, he needed someone with enough status to help him do this.

Captain America Steve Rogers.

As a social animal in his previous life, Watson knew very well that there was not much unprovoked kindness in the adult world. This was not because he was stingy with his kindness, but because of his own protection. Even someone with a noble character like Captain America would never casually agree to a stranger's abrupt request.

Besides, the Madonna’s bursting heart is just the appearance of the movie version of Captain America to the audience. In many versions of the original comics, Captain America is an intellectual hero, and he is not that simple.

Children only distinguish right from wrong, adults focus more on benefits. If you want to ask Captain America for help, you have to do him a favor first, in exchange for equal value.

Captain America's personal character ensures that he will never break his promise, and he is truly the perfect candidate. Beside the dim candlelight, Watson looked at himself reflected in the mirror. No one would have thought that this ridiculously beautiful young man could have the power to overturn a light tank with his bare hands.


After all, he persuaded Granny Leah to enter the relatively safer back room. Watson also went out to pick up a lot of building materials and reinforced the windows and other places. Then he said goodbye to Granny Leah who looked worried and walked out the door. .


North of Heidelberg.

The Allied forces, which had previously launched a fierce offensive, encountered strong resistance from the enemy. When the German light armored support troops arrived, the Allied forces began to engage in stalemate street fighting with their opponents.

The Knife Company attack led by Captain America Steve Rogers also did not go well. After being chased through most of the city, the German soldiers focused on more than a dozen MG42 machine guns and fired alternately, as well as several V-cars. "Panther" medium tanks and SdKfz 251 half-track armored vehicles maintained mobile support and fended off several attacks by the Sharp Knife Company.

"Damn it, Heidelberg is not a heavy military-industrial city and cannot meet the requirements for strategic bombing. If there are a few B-24 bombers on the opposite side, it will be dark in the morning!" The second lieutenant lying next to the US team complained bitterly.

"Okay! In this way, you and your people can continue to fight here. As long as you involve the troops on the opposite side, I will lead my people to find a solution from the side!" Seeing the second lieutenant salute to him, Steve turned his head. Shouting: "Howling Commandos! Follow me!"

Watson, who has been squatting on rooftops for 10,000 years, watched Captain America lead people into the building on the side of the battlefield. He realized that this was a good opportunity and followed closely.


"(German) Suppressive fire! Suppressive fire!"

Gunfights in reality don't have that many bells and whistles, and it's even less possible for the protagonist to have free time to open the door and pose like in the movie. Steve bent over and raised his shield over his shoulder to block the bullets from the German soldiers upstairs. He leaned a tactical slide shovel against the stairs and quickly threw a grenade.


"(English) Keep up! Keep up! Rifleman cover!"

Bullets kept passing through the corridor, and the German soldiers who knew Captain America's name urgently called for an MG42 machine gun to come over for support. But for Steve, the narrow passage also gave his shield a different use. He held the shield directly in front of him, squatted down and moved forward bit by bit.

Hold up the hardest shield and take the hardest beating. A Howling Commando soldier following the US team tacitly took out a grenade, and the others took turns to shoot and cover. As long as they moved a few meters further, the soldier could accurately throw the grenade into the room where the enemy was.


With the sound of shattering glass, Watson broke in through the window, holding a Ruger pistol in one hand and shot two single-point shots at the German soldier closest to him. Then he shot two more people, and finally fired four bullets at the MG2 machine gunner. . With his free left hand, he grabbed the soldier who was shot in front of him. Watson stepped forward with his right foot, twisted his waist and threw the soldier's body hard!

The corpses of soldiers flying sideways in mid-air hit two German soldiers who were unable to react. Watson took the opportunity to pick up the MP2 submachine gun that fell on the ground and shot at other soldiers in the room who reacted and wanted to shoot.

“Da da da da da da!!!”

"(German) Damn it, get down! Get down!"

The German soldiers hurriedly lowered their waists to avoid them. Three guys who were half a step too slow to react had several blood flowers sprouting from their bodies, and they collapsed helplessly.

After emptying the MP40 submachine gun in his hand, Watson dove sideways and hid behind the sofa next to him. Put down the submachine gun, take out another magazine and put it in the Ruger pistol.

Come on, Call of Duty (a well-known gun game brand in the real world).

He loaded the pistol with a click, and Watson continued to raise his hand to shoot.

"(English) Good opportunity! Attack! Attack!"

The Howling Commando soldiers outside the door took a rough look at the situation in the room. The squad leader immediately made a decision. The soldiers who were lying on the ground stood up and shot at the German soldiers in the room.

Steve, whose vision was blocked by the shield the whole time, had no idea what was happening. He only heard the gunfire in front suddenly became much quieter. But he believed in his soldiers, so he quickly took a look at half of his head, then raised his shield and rushed forward.


With Watson's restraint, the US team successfully rushed into the room, and what followed was a one-sided flying shield shooting show.

"Who are you? Please identify yourself!"

The Howling Commando soldiers who rushed into the room later aimed their guns at Watson, but Steve did not stop them. Intelligence showed that there was no such organization as a "resistance" in Heidelberg, and the Allied agent team had already completed its mission successfully. Retreat, now only teammates and enemies are left in the city. Civilians will not come out and open fire with an officer's Luger pistol.

He is responsible for the safety of his soldiers.

How do you say "I mean no harm" in English? If I open my mouth and speak German, these people won't shoot me directly, right? As the ultimate academic scumbag who failed to pass College English Level 5 after taking the exam five times, Watson felt a little regretful about his rash rush in just now.

He was silent for a moment and decided to show his face to see if Captain America still remembered him.

Steve was stunned when he saw the unknown person in front of him taking off his scarf, revealing a handsome face.

"Wait...are you the boy in the lab? Are you still alive?"

Light golden hair, light purple eyes, slightly pouty's true, most people can't look like this, so beautiful that their gender cannot be distinguished. Steve stretched out his right hand and asked the soldiers around him to lower their guns.

"Captain, is he the beautiful boy you have been talking about these days? He is indeed well-deserved!"

The squad leader on one side held a Thompson submachine gun in one hand and came closer to observe Watson's face carefully.

Watson's eyes widened. He thought for a while and decided to try his plastic English.

" parents..."

"I (me)...revenge (revenge)...them (them)..."

"What?" Steve was a little far away and couldn't hear clearly, but the team leader in front of Watson heard clearly: "He said these bastards killed his parents and he wanted revenge!"

"Oh...poor kid..." The soldiers present lamented. For the sake of Watson's handsome face, their polite words were more sincere than usual.

Steve shook his head, stepped forward and reached out to pat Watson on the shoulder: "Listen kid, fighting is our responsibility, we will help your parents avenge, I promise you! But you shouldn't participate! This is dangerous!"

What on earth are you talking about...

Watson's dead fish eyes looked at Steve without any fluctuation. In the face of language barrier, he had already begun to consider whether to act a play and pretend to be a fool whose brain was injured by the mad scientist in the laboratory. It was nothing more than making fewer expressions and speaking less, both of which he was very good at.

"I'll send someone to take you out of here."

As Steve said this, he raised his head and planned to give instructions to the squad leader, but at this moment, his keen hearing caught the sound of flying artillery shells breaking through the air, and they were rapidly approaching here.

"Lie down!!!"


A shell hit the outer wall of the room where everyone was sitting, and the wall exploded instantly. Many soldiers were hit by the explosion and hit the load-bearing wall behind them. Steve struggled to raise his head, which was buzzing from the shells, and looked past the blasted hole in the outer wall in front of him, to a No. V "Panther" medium tank at the entrance of the alley outside the building.


A heart-breaking sound came from beneath him, and the floor near the outer wall began to collapse. The Howling Commando captain, who was lying on the ground with no idea of ​​his life or death, fell down under Steve's somewhat dazed eyes.

"What the hell! Back off! Back off!!"

The soldiers who were still able to move rushed forward and desperately dragged their comrades lying on the ground backwards. "Captain Rogers! Captain Rogers! Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

Steve patted his head and squatted up: "I'm fine. Pearson fell, but it's not a big problem since this is the second floor. We have to save him!"

Lifting the shield, Steve took the lead and jumped down from the gap in the floor of the outer wall. The soldiers also jumped down one after another. No one wanted to be hit by another tank shot.

Being used to fighting alone, one of the soldiers was stunned for a moment after jumping down: "Wait! Where is the little boy?"

Everyone forgot about Watson lying on the ground. Although he was very close to the outer wall, Watson was knocked away by the shock wave a considerable distance due to his weight. At this moment, he finally recovered from the shock caused by the shell bombardment. Adrenaline was secreting crazily in his body. Watson stood up half of his body and stared at the Panther tank with red eyes.

I had to find a few grenades first. Watson got up and started rummaging around the room. Fortunately, the soldiers were in a hurry just now and did not have time to clean the battlefield. At this moment, the corpses of German soldiers were still lying in the room.


"(German) Damn it! They're all downstairs!"

Seeing that there was no one left in the room, half of his body was exposed outside the hatch. The captain of the Panther tank, who was observing with a telescope, shouted loudly to the accompanying infantrymen beside the tank. Then he ordered the tank to continue moving forward slowly, but always keeping a distance from where the Howling Commandos were.

The accompanying infantrymen followed the path of the Panther tanks and engaged in mobile warfare around the area where the Howling Commandos were located.


The Panther tank attacked again, and the shells hit the two-story floor above the heads of the Howling Commando soldiers. In an instant, large amounts of dust poured down together with broken bricks, and everyone was covered with ash.

These damn Americans! If this were on a plain, I could circle around and blow you up into the sky! The commander of the Panther tank frowned tightly. At this time, the communications soldier carrying a walkie-talkie reported to him: "Sir, Second Lieutenant Jean wants you to arrive at the mission location within 10 minutes!"

"I was in high spirits and he told me to leave?"

After a long silence, the commander chose the latter between leaving decisively and making a quick decision. He didn't see Captain America clearly on the other side at night. He felt that he had a great advantage. Besides, he could get better through this alley. Go quickly and meet Lieutenant Jean. So he waved his hand, and under the cover of the German infantry, the Panther tank drove into a narrow alley that would never be entered easily.

"follow me!"

Steve carried his shield and ran quickly. He was very aware of the pressure faced by the frontal combat troops in the north of the city. The Howling Commandos' arduous task is not yet completed. If they reach the enemy's flank earlier and tear apart the defense line, they may be able to save one more of their own soldiers who are charging into the battle.

"Bang! Bang!"

“Da da da da da da!!”

The soldiers of the Howling Commandos were elites. They quickly recovered from the ambush, spread out their formation, and relied on various corner covers in the alleys to launch a counterattack.


The Panther tank fired again, without a direct hit, knocking an Allied soldier out of the bunker. But the next second, his companion immediately stretched out his hand and dragged him back.


The helmet worn by a German soldier was penetrated, and his body took half a step forward in vain with the inertia and then fell to the ground.

This is called marksmanship! Watson, who had several grenades strapped to his waist, a Ruger pistol on his leg, an MP40 submachine gun hanging on his chest, and an STG44 assault rifle in his hand, was walking through the corridors and could clearly see the scene just now. Clearly. He felt that he should find opportunities to practice shooting, otherwise he would have to go around in circles like now, looking for opportunities to get close to each other.

Finally reaching the back of the tank, Watson took advantage of the darkness and poked half of his head out to take a look. Most of the combat power of the German infantry accompanying them was on the Howling Commandos in the front. Only one soldier in charge of the rear looked nervously. Looking around at the Kar1k rifle.

Seeing his own soldiers fall and hearing the gunshots getting closer and closer, the commander of the Panther tank became anxious. If I had known it was so difficult, I should have retreated just now!

"(German) I hit it! I hit it!"

A German soldier yelled excitedly. He hit a Howling Commando soldier who was unable to dodge. The man fell to the ground and rolled. His companions tried to rush up and drag him away, but they were immediately beaten by the remaining few. The concentrated firepower of the German soldiers and the MG34 machine gun on the Panther tank suppressed it.

I'm here to send you to hell! The commander of the Panther tank ordered the gunner to fire at the soldier who fell on the ground. His order was quickly implemented. The 75mm turret opened fire brazenly, and a shell flew towards the soldier!

At this time, a figure rushed in front of the fallen soldier and raised a round object.


Steve cleverly tilted the shield at an angle, and vibranium was one of the most absorbent metal materials. The shells bounced away after hitting the tilted shield.

White stars contrasting with red and blue flashed into the eyes of the Panther commander.

"(German) Damn it! It's Captain America! Get back! Get back quickly!" the Panther commander screamed at the driver, his voice distorted by extreme anxiety.

At this time, the Panther tank and the accompanying infantry were only a few dozen meters away from the alley on the straight road. The MG34 machine gunner on the tank opened fire wildly, hindering Captain America's progress. The Captain of the Panther knew very well the performance of his little baby, and he was waiting to leave the alley before firing a round at these Yankees!

But it is already late.

Watson burst out from behind the Panther tank.

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