The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 10 First Meeting with Howard Stark

The sky in Heidelberg is getting brighter, and the golden sun has returned to this city that has experienced a night of war. The German army completely lost the battle and retreated in despair toward Frankfurt.

Steve, Watson and the Howling Commando soldiers, who had been fighting all night, sat in an open military vehicle and drove towards the Allied military camp. Out of the battle, the tension dissipated, the effects of adrenaline quickly faded, and no one was in the mood to joke anymore.

The oncoming wind smelled of gunpowder smoke. Watson looked silently at the soldiers who had taken off their helmets. Their embarrassed faces were full of exhaustion. Of the nearly 20 Howling Commandos who accompanied Steve, less than 10 survived. The one who praised Watson for his good looks, the one who joked about introducing his niece to him, are all dead.

The military vehicle slowly drove onto the suburban road. There were many medical tents set up along the way, with rows of wounded lying inside, while dead soldiers were lined up in the open space not far away. Almost no one took the initiative to speak. In the muddy land after the heavy rain, the soldiers silently carried out their work. Only the passing tanks continued to roar and went away.


"Don't be nervous, kid. This is not an interrogation. We are just looking for a clean place. I have been to many places and met many people when I was young..."

"But I've never seen anyone like you, kid."

"I heard from the soldiers how amazing you were on the battlefield and how brave you were. I'm glad you decided to join us."

Colonel Phillips sat at the makeshift dining table in the interrogation room, looking at the girl... boy in front of him who had eaten nearly an adult's weight in food. The beef, pork, noodles and vegetables seemed to have entered his mouth. There is no need to chew it and it can be eaten quickly. Watson's eating movements are elegant, revealing a bit of well-behavedness, and a hint of informal rudeness. His eating appearance shows a touch of aristocratic cuteness against the backdrop of his pretty face.

Anyway, Colonel Phillips watched Watson eat for almost half an hour without getting tired of it.

On the contrary, the civilian female officer who was responsible for the German translation was made hungry.

"Please don't think of me as that kind of soldier who enlisted in the army, Colonel. Our cooperative relationship is limited to this war, and to me this is an exchange of equal value." Watson said lightly.

Colonel Phillips picked up the coffee and took a sip. Looking at the beautiful and appetizing girl in front of him... years, it was really hard for people to be able to hold themselves up. He looked at Watson and continued: "Of course, of course. Mr. Almendo Taxner, I heard that you want Captain Rogers to help settle your grandma?"

Watson put down the fork in his hand, stuck out his tongue and licked the grease on his lips, then picked up the napkin on the side and wiped his mouth, his movements as natural as a cat licking its paws.

Most of these actions would make people feel disgusted if they were performed on the older man, but when applied to Watson, they almost made the female translator officer on the side almost shudder in her eyes.

"Yes, I have informed Captain Rogers of the details. I hope you can protect my grandmother Leah Edwards in her old age until her death. In exchange, I will join you until the end of this war. "

"I believe this will be a cooperation that satisfies both of us, so it's settled, kid."

Colonel Phillips smiled and nodded, then changed the subject: "We know you have some special abilities, oh, please don't get me wrong, I don't mean to use you for experiments, I promise. I mean, you might Willing to provide us with some..."

He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly to the right to look at Watson. From the boy's expression, he knew that the other party understood what he meant.

"OK, no problem."

You just don't want to give up on that "super soldier program," right? Watson thought silently, but I really need to understand my body well, and at least find a way to control those tentacles from automatically looking for food when I am hungry. After all, it would be very sad if in the future when doing that thing, I accidentally overexerted myself and became hungry, and suddenly died of that thing.

What's more, the super soldier project is not the biggest death that the US government has ever done in the Marvel world. I don't think my body is any less scientific than the Hulk that followed.


"Meet your weapons, equipment, and experimentation advisor, Mr. Howard Stark!"

Led by Colonel Phillips and the female translator, Watson walked into a laboratory, where a man in a white coat with a mustache was talking with Steve and Agent Peggy Carter. .

"Okay, you can go back. Mr. Stark and Agent Carter can both speak German. We don't need your help here." Colonel Phillips dismissed the reluctant female translator officer and walked up to exchange some greetings. After saying a few words, he also said goodbye and left.

The man with the mustache came up and shook hands with Watson and said in German: "Hello! I am Howard Stark. I was talking to Steve about you just now. I heard that he came from the mansion of a German noble. A little princess came back from the road, it must be you, right? Hahahahahaha, I’m just kidding, I hope you don’t mind, Mr. Watson.”

Howard acted frivolously and came closer to look at Watson: "But I have to be honest, you are really the most beautiful man I have ever seen. Well... maybe I should put ' "Man' is replaced by 'woman', there's no problem at all."

"Then, thank you for the compliment, Mr. Stark." Watson, still wearing a female outfit, replied with a slightly hoarse girlish voice, her light purple eyes slightly narrowed, and her face looked sweet. The smile is like an iceberg melting, making people's hearts melt.

"Okay Howard, stop saying these things." Peggy Carter glanced at Steve beside her and felt relieved when she saw that there was no special expression on his face. The fact that Armendo Taxner is actually a man is only known to a few Howling Commando soldiers and a few senior personnel. The soldiers in the barracks still think that he is a woman.

God knows today, when I heard that Steve had brought back an outrageously beautiful woman from the battlefield, and talked cordially with her all morning, and even had lunch with her, how could I persist in sorting out the information, and still write about it immediately after 5 minutes? The meeting to be held has been completed.

"Okay! Okay! Let's talk business."

Howard raised his hands in surrender, and then led Watson to the test stand.

"I heard that you made a request to Steve for some customized equipment, but there are some details that I don't understand. Can you explain it to me in detail? For example, what does this 'fully enclosed suit' mean?"

Watson shrugged: "It means a closed full-body suit, at least... covering all my skin, because I can't be touched at certain times."

"Sometimes? Do you not like being touched or..."

"I'll eat them." Watson interrupted Howard.

Howard: ∑(口||"Eat? You said you would eat them?"

Carter: ∑(口||“Wait a minute, Watson, do you mean what I mean by ‘eat’?”

Steve: o_o...."Can you please take care of the only person here who doesn't speak German? What the hell are you talking about?"


After listening to Carter's translation, Steve's expression became exactly the same as theirs.

"When you are hungry, you will want to eat. My body is not under my control when I am hungry. It will actively devour any food that can directly come into contact with the skin..." Watson paused, eyes He glanced at the three people in front of him who had the same expression: "...or creatures. Humans are also creatures. I'm sorry, I've tried many times, but I really can't control it."

"So...did you fight last night?" Steve frowned and looked at Watson.

Watson shrugged: "If you want me to find a pig or something, then maybe you and Clockwork Man are fighting each other until this morning and I haven't shown up yet."

"Oh my god..." Steve didn't speak anymore, just silent, touching his forehead and starting to pace back and forth.

At this time, Howard came back to his senses: "I think I can design a complete set of... um... full-coverage clothes including underwear and outerwear for you, with some key points. Metal can be used, and for the main part we can use special materials, similar to those used in deep-diving operations, but I have better ones in hand."

Howard turned around and took out a notebook and began to write and draw: "You just need to decide its style."

"So you're not hungry now, right? Colonel Phillips said you ate an entire class's food by yourself." Carter came forward and looked carefully at Watson's arm with half of his sleeves rolled up: "You said 'eat' You shouldn't use your mouth, right? Can your hands open a mouth on their own? My God, your skin is so good."

"Nothing happens when you're not hungry, just like this..." Watson took off the glove of his left hand and quickly poked the back of Howard's right hand holding the pen with his index finger, making Howard jump in surprise. Open it and shake your hands repeatedly to see if there is any missing piece of meat.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Howard, I was just joking. You don't mind, right?" In a small retaliation, Watson's face was full of a mischievous smile: "As for the question of how to 'eat', I suggest using Let me show you the actual demonstration, but I have just eaten now, and I may not be hungry until tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow.”

"But if I do something that increases energy consumption, such as giving Steve a punch or something, I will definitely get hungry faster. What do you think?"

"That's a good idea!" Howard and Carter nodded, then turned around and shouted in unison: "Steve!"

Steve, who was folding his arms in thought, was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked over with a confused look on his face: "What? What did I miss?"


Steve agreed to Watson's request simply. Then he looked around the laboratory and asked Howard, "Have you installed any monitoring equipment here?" Howard was a little confused by this question, but still answered: "How is that possible? I am Howard Stark, the top scientist in the world. Who can install a bug in my laboratory?"

Steve: "Okay, Paige, help me close the doors and windows."

A minute later, Steve looked at Watson and others with a serious face.

"Listen Watson, Paige, Howard and I will all agree that you need a lot of food to replenish energy. After all, the fact that you killed a whole class of food by yourself today is strong evidence. In addition, you can About absorbing energy through the human body, don’t tell anyone else, including your grandma, do you understand?”

Watson nodded.

Paige and Howard also realized the problem at this moment and nodded. After all, from a normal person's point of view, a guy who has "gnawed" on others can be regarded as the kind of pervert who must be imprisoned.

Now there is a call among the top brass of the U.S. military to tie Watson up for experiments. After all, Watson is not an American, and this "characteristic" of his gives those guys the best excuse.

"Howard, please make the equipment Watson wants as soon as possible. We must take complete insurance."

"Leave it to me." Howard nodded.


"Okay kid, I know you're very capable, but since this is free fighting practice, why don't you use those two claws of yours?" On the boxing ring, Steve looked at the head wearing a gangster's look. said Watson, who changed into a US military combat uniform, with all zippers on the collar zipped up, and straps on both sides of the joints.

"Of course." Watson nodded, and the two's fighting practice began immediately.

It was said to be a fighting exercise, but in fact Watson was basically beaten one-sidedly by Steve. After all, in the series of battles he encountered before, Watson basically used firearms, sneak attacks and brute force to solve them. The showdown with Clockwork Man was also because the opponent underestimated the enemy too much.

Therefore, when it comes to fighting skills, Watson, who was a deadbeat in his previous life, knows almost nothing about it, and Steve's strength, reaction and agility are no worse than Watson, which leads to the current situation.

"Move your steps!" Bang! Got punched in the face.

"Use your waist muscles to direct the direction of the punch!" Bang! Another punch in the face.

"Feel your pain! Remember it! Get over it!" Bang! An uppercut hit Watson's chin, sending him flying into the air.

Steve has quite a lot of fighting experience. He can often use some joint techniques and small sideways movements to restrain Watson's power or avoid his attacks, achieving the effect of "four or two moves a thousand pounds".

This gave Watson a feeling of no where to start.


Peggy, Howard, Colonel Phillips, and the Howling Commando soldiers who came over to watch the battle one after another watched Watson being beaten by Steve from afternoon to night.

There is a saying in e-sports that "the masters are born dead." Watson believes that this sentence also applies to any skill that requires practice. After being beaten a lot, his understanding of fighting began to deepen.

"You're amazing kid! I've never seen anyone stay in the ring with Steve for so long."

Colonel Phillips looked at Watson jumping out of the boxing ring happily: "If all my soldiers had your physical strength, what would be the trouble with those German guys!"

Watson took off his hood and untied the rubber band, and his beautiful light blond hair fell down. What was even more surprising was that even though his face had been punched so many times by Steve, he didn't see any wounds at this moment.

There doesn't even seem to be much sweat.

The female translator officer on the side was shocked.

"Thank you, Colonel Phillips, but I have to go get something to eat." Watson was really hungry this time, and he didn't dare to get too close to Colonel Phillips.

"Of course! My military camp is all about food, among other things!" Colonel Phillips laughed.


In Howard's laboratory, Watson looked at the cart of food that was brought in front of him, looked at the closed doors and windows around him, and then looked at the serious-faced Steve, Paige and Howard beside him. All three of them ordered. Nodding his head, Watson took off his gloves and touched them with his hands.

With a sucking sound, Watson's hand split into slender black and red tentacles and quickly pierced the entire pile of food. The pile of food quickly dissolved within a few seconds and was absorbed by the tentacles one by one.

The three Steves looked at each other without blinking, especially Howard. His eyes were so wide that his forehead lines were visible. He subconsciously raised his hands in front of his chin. If Steve hadn't repeatedly and seriously stated that video recording was prohibited. , now the hands are already holding the video recorder.



Seeing that Watson's left hand was back to its original state, Howard rushed forward, held up Watson's left hand with his hands wearing three layers of rubber gloves, and observed it carefully, pinching the left hand and looking at the right hand.

"There is no damage to the epidermis."

"The tendons and blood vessels are not out of place either."

"There are no signs of breakage on the nails... How is this possible? Where did those tentacles come from?"

Howard, who had entered the state of a science geek, muttered to himself, held up a strange instrument and pointed it at Watson's left hand, and began to stretch out his hand to roll up Watson's sleeves. This look even reminded Watson of himself. Professor Haynes whom I met when I just crossed over.

"Do you mind if I have to extract some cells?"

"Of course, whatever you want."

"Great, let me draw some blood then!"

At this time, Steve and Paige finally came to their senses.

"It's... I don't know how to put it, it's incredible."


Steve was silent for a moment and then said to Watson: "From now on, you should eat with your mouth in front of outsiders. After all, the way you looked just now was indeed... a bit too unacceptable. "

Watson was noncommittal: "No problem, but looking at it like this, no girl will take the initiative to invite me to dinner in the future."

"Believe me, there will be a lot of them, including boys." Peggy said with a smile: "At least there are many men in my department who have been asking about you, um...women too."

"No no no no no!! How could this happen?"

At this moment, Howard's exclamation came from the microscope.

"What's wrong? Howard?"

"Watson! His cells are dying fast!"

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