According to the information given by Mrs. Carter, the Umbrella Group basically controls the lifeblood of Raccoon City. Most of the city's more than 100,000 permanent residents work directly for the Umbrella Group and its affiliated companies, organizations and institutions.

With the multiple blessings of the Hydra organization, even government agencies including the local police station have been infiltrated by it; not to mention various infrastructure projects such as food, clothing, housing and transportation.

If you go against them in a city like this, you can imagine how much resistance there will be.

So the question is, besides SHIELD, who can pull out an army to cover themselves in a short period of time?

The answer, of course, is Resident Evil.

Zombies are rampant, the army has entered the scene, multiple spies have infiltrated, and the Umbrella Company (should be said to be Hydra) is behind the scenes. The entire Raccoon City is in chaos. If you try to take advantage of the chaos to save people, the difficulty will obviously decrease exponentially.

What Master Ancient One had said to him before came to mind in Watson's mind: "Any outsider will always cause trouble."

Since the old lady has been the Supreme Mage guarding the earth for hundreds of years, this law about "outsiders" has never failed. They who do not exist in this world, this timeline, and this dimension will always pose various threats.

Coincidences are only occasional, but more are inevitable.

Karl Laprecht Kronen is definitely not an ordinary person, he is the immortal terrorist killer "Clockwork Man".

Bruce Wayne is definitely not an ordinary person, she is Gotham's Dark Knight "Sea Bat".

That's right, Master Ancient One directly informed Watson of the true identity of "Miss Wayne".

The implication of the old lady's words is very obvious. No matter the specific identity of this "outsider" is a certain person, a certain creature or a certain place, since "it" has broken into this world, it will definitely not be an ordinary and uneventful thing.

Therefore, Raccoon City plus the Umbrella Group undoubtedly represents a "biohazard".

The only thing that needs attention is when this crisis will come.

Watson decided to conduct reconnaissance first, and the time was now approaching the end of 1997. If the biohazard in Raccoon City really had to wait until September 1998 as originally set in "Resident Evil" before the biohazard broke out in Raccoon City, even the day lilies would be cold.

The worst outcome would be to inform Mrs. Carter or think of other ways.


It started to rain lightly in the city.

A couple was quarreling on the street.

A tall young girl started to trot, wearing a pair of high heels to catch the bus not far away.

I should really buy some headphones to listen to, Watson thought.

The light rain trapped him in the rooftop eaves of the roadside shop. In order not to get the only suit on him wet, he had to stop temporarily. If it rains for too long, you can only consider using the few dollars you have left to buy an umbrella at a convenience store.

But there was still a lot of time in front of him, so Watson decided to find something to look at.

For example, in the bank opposite, several masked robbers just broke in with guns drawn. The wooden bank door was tightly closed, and with the sound of several gunshots, nearby shops and pedestrians were alerted.

A few minutes later, three police cars roared over and braked suddenly at the entrance of the bank. Six police officers rushed out of the car and formed a bunker formation with pistols and shotguns.

Before the police could take a breath, the closed bank door was pushed open, and two tall figures appeared in everyone's sight. Watson took a closer look. They were two armored robbers wearing heavy body armor.

The clothes on their bodies were full of traces of welding and seaming. It looked like they had taken several sets of bulletproof equipment apart and assembled them together. Considering the physical ability of normal people, it would be difficult for these two big men in full armor to run at a large scale.

However, the significant improvement in defense power also resulted in the weapons of the on-site patrol officers being unable to penetrate the robbers' armor at all.

The two armored robbers, each armed with an AKMS equipped with a 100-round drum magazine, started firing in bursts.

The windows of the shops facing the bank were shattered, and the cars parked on the roadside were also damaged. Pedestrians not far away screamed loudly and ran in both directions in a panic.

The output of the stance provided a considerable aiming bonus for the armored robbers. Under the penetration of large-caliber bullets, two policemen were soon shot in the shoulder and huddled behind the police car and exited the firefight.

The gunfight between the two sides stopped after half a minute, and the patrol officers realized that their weapons could not cause effective damage to the armored robbers. In this case, shooting at the robber would only result in retaliation of a dozen rounds of high-caliber bullets.

Except for holding the walkie-talkie and desperately calling for reinforcements, no one was willing to lean out.

The scene fell silent for a while.

But Watson was angry.

Because he was just watching the excitement, a stray bullet pierced a hole in his clothes.

This is my only set of clothes!

Staring at the two rampant armored robbers dozens of meters away, Watson thought about it carefully and gave up the idea of ​​taking action in front of the police. If you are angry, you should still try your best to do something evil if you have the opportunity.

The New York police had just experienced the stimulation of the Reaper incident, and their nerves were tense. As expected, the place would soon be surrounded. He really couldn't understand why these robbers chose this time to rob the bank. He really didn't think these people could escape.

But if these people are captured, who will pay for my clothes?

Call Mrs. Carter? That's too embarrassing, right?

No, men have to be self-reliant.

Let’s start by eating black.

Watson checked his mask and jumped to the roof of the building next to him. Before the police helicopter and snipers arrived, he ran towards the roof of the bank from the side. During the sprint, Watson turned his hair a bright red.

The bank whose name Watson could not recognize was an independent four-story building. According to previous observations, there should be at least three robbers remaining in the bank. The reason why I say this is because there may be robbers who sneak in in plain clothes in advance.


Meanwhile, the New York Police Department’s Office of the Commissioner.

When receiving the report, Director Potter almost pulled out the thinning hair he had left. The storm of the Reaper attack has not subsided, and now there is another bank robbery?

The New York Police Department (NYPD) has been thrust into the spotlight before. And now in this bank robbery, whether the hostages are dead or the money is lost, if there is something wrong, then my position in this wave is definitely not guaranteed.

Under the roar of the chief that "nothing can be done wrong", the New York Police Department's heavy firepower and armored vehicles came out again. A group of middle-level police officers all know very well that if the chief loses his position, several people will definitely be buried with him.

No one wants to be this unlucky guy.

“Can the bank’s internal monitoring system still work?”

"It's been cut off, sir. We can only rely on external observations for now."

On the speeding command car, the discussion had already begun. As time went on, police helicopters, SWAT teams and more police cars arrived on the scene, along with a slew of news media.

Reporters who dreamed of making a big news didn't expect to find new jobs in just a few days. Now one or two of them picked up the microphone and started to enjoy themselves in front of the camera.

The perspective shifts to Watson's side.

He had entered the bank through an open window. The purpose of his trip was not to solve the bank robbery case for the police, but to earn enough money for a new suit.

But the wish is great, but the reality is that with my poor stealth skills, I will most likely be exposed. It's certainly okay to grab a wad of dollars and run away, but if you anger the robber, the hostages in the bank may suffer.

Watson doesn't want to save people specifically, but he also doesn't want to kill innocent people for his own reasons. So on the way over, he finally decided to beat down all the robbers.

The bank's lobby is two stories high and is very ornately decorated. The large and small chandeliers and patterns on the ceiling are just perfect for Watson to hide. Since discovering the gliding function of this body, he rarely makes any obvious sounds when falling from high places.

As for why his humanoid body is able to glide with the help of aerodynamic force, Watson can only attribute the credit to the black light virus. Maybe in the future, some genius scientist will use himself as an experiment to figure out the principle of the black light virus.

After observing for a few minutes, there were three robbers in the hall.

Everyone was carrying a big satchel, so they must have gained a lot, but I wonder if they could distinguish the "anti-theft dyeing bags". If it is not processed, the entire bag of money will probably be wasted.

At this time, gunshots outside the door began to ring again.

When the two armored robbers saw the police cars gathered in front of them, they moved step by step to the bunker pillars, then raised their guns again and began to attack without warning.

"This is the NYPD. If you have any requests, you can directly..." The officer holding the loudspeaker had just finished speaking when a bullet flew towards him.

The scene completely intensified.

This time the police had more than a dozen assault rifles to fight back, and the surging bullets in turn suppressed the two armored robbers.

This time it was the armored robber's turn to huddle behind cover. Although the heavy body armor can still protect the body, the AKMS in their hands is not bulletproof. If it is damaged, the hundreds of rounds of bullets they have prepared will be completely wasted.

When the police snipers also began to set up their guns, a robber walked out of the door with a female hostage, causing the entire scene to become completely silent. With the cover of the hostages, the three robbers retreated into the bank one after another, and the wooden door was closed again.

All that was left was a pile of shell casings and two half-eaten pillars.

After a brief silence, the first to make a noise were the outermost journalists. The microphone around the police spokesman at the scene suddenly surged, and the continuous questions made the policeman who acted as a ruthless question and answer machine began to repeat:

"Wait a moment, the situation will be revealed later."

His mind began to think rapidly about how to answer so that the reporters would not "mistakenly think" that the New York Police Department was not doing its job well. But judging from his work experience...

This is obviously impossible.

"Dear viewers, an extremely fierce firefight just occurred!"

Morris, a reporter from the Daily Bugle, held the microphone with an exaggerated expression and shouted: "The ground is full of bullet casings! I swear on my grandmother, no popcorn movie I have ever seen in my life can compare to this scene today!"

"And the robbers have already taken a large number of hostages!"

As he spoke, Morris caught a glimpse of the policewoman passing by, and his eyes lit up with her hot figure. Rolling his eyes, Morris handed over the microphone: "Officer, we see that the robbers have taken hostages. Can you tell us your plan?"

"No comment."

Felicia, the policewoman who was caught, really didn't want to deal with the troublesome reporters, but Morris stuck close to her: "No comment? Are you saying that the police have nothing to do about this?"

Felicia almost wanted to pull out the Colt Python revolver and punch a big hole in the face of the guy in front of her. It’s simply a matter of not opening the pot! Don’t you think the atmosphere at the scene is tense enough?

The best way to deal with a reporter is to ignore him.

calm! Felicia took a deep breath, turned around and walked behind the cordon, ignoring Morris' provocative questions. Morris wanted to rush in and ask questions, but looking at the several stout police officers in front of him, he reluctantly gave up the plan.

"Gentlemen! We can discuss any requests you have. I hope you will not harm the hostages on impulse, otherwise this will cause great obstacles to solving the problem..." After watching for a while, I saw that the robbers had no intention of coming out again. , the police started shouting again.


Looking back into the bank, Watson finally found a rare offensive opportunity.

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