The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 34 Is there any problem with a melee mage wearing heavy armor?

In a remote corner, Watson held a captured mouse tightly in his hand.

Following the instructions in his brain, several tentacles stretched out from his elbows and held the mouse instead of fingers. The poor little guy struggled hard, but a tentacle strangled its neck so powerfully that it couldn't even turn back and take a bite.

After a while, the "little white mouse" did not melt and was still trying to escape.

Watson breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his "devouring" control over his body had not weakened when he was not hungry. When he saw the tentacles losing control before, he once began to suspect that the super soldier serum had intensified his body's devouring instinct.

After testing the controllable state, it’s time to test the out-of-control state.

As an otaku in his previous life, Watson’s most indispensable memory is all kinds of books. As the familiar masterpieces of various painters came to mind, the tentacles binding the mouse began to twist at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the mouse died with its eyes closed.

But the cause of death was not the dissolved substances secreted by the tentacles, otherwise it would not be a "death in peace". It was really difficult to maintain a suitable strength after these tentacles lost control, so the poor mouse was strangled.

But it didn't dissolve after all. Although the tentacles were twisting in an inappropriate manner, they still obeyed Watson's wishes and did not secrete any dissolved substances for more than ten minutes. It's just that the corpse of this rat brother (or sister?) is in a bad shape.

The results of this experiment still met Watson's expectations. At least he didn't need to worry about accidentally melting someone when he was not hungry. As for the problem of women triggering instinctive hormonal impulses, it is actually easy to solve.

Just stay away from women.

This is completely the lifestyle I was most familiar with in my previous life, and Watson was filled with a sense of intimacy at this moment. Although this means that he has to cover up this handsome face regardless of gender, but what does it matter?

If men's clothing is not enough, then women's clothing will do the trick.

He stood up, straightened his clothes, and began to return toward the New York Temple not far away.


Considering the stability of the dimension, Master Ancient One cannot personally deal with Clockwork Man. However, she will select some skilled mages in Karma Taj to help Watson peel off the connection between clockwork and demonic power, and provide necessary assistance.

Strictly speaking, this is the first mission that Master Ancient One has embarked on with Watson since he agreed to the cooperation plan in 1945. Therefore, the two discussed a simple method: Master Gu Yi was responsible for positioning, and Watson was responsible for finding a way to eliminate the target. As for the specific means to be used, Gu Yi said that she didn't care at all.

After living for hundreds of years, what big scene has she not seen?

As long as the existence of Kama Taj is not exposed, or forces from other worlds (such as hell) invade the earth, then from a physical level, even using a nuclear warhead to explode it will be fine, as long as Watson has this ability.

According to the information from the ancient lady, Clockwork Man is currently in Laiken City (Raccoon City), the base camp of Madam Viper. Coincidentally, Howard himself was positioned there. For Watson, finding the Howards is more important.

After all, if Clockwork Man can't be killed once, he can do it next time. Anyway, Gu's big hand can locate him at any time; but if something happens to Howard, it will be a big problem. The other person has been missing for more than two months. Watson doesn't know what is going on in Raccoon City, but there is a high probability that it is closely related to the most classic virus outbreak in the "Resident Evil" work.

However, this is definitely not the original Resident Evil.

Watson took out the Damascus hunting knife in his arms and quietly looked at the lines on the blade.

With Hydra's virtues, old Howard was not just kidnapped. For the sake of his wife Mary's life, Howard Sr. probably confessed all the technologies he possessed, and he might have been forced to participate in experiments on biochemical viruses.

Can't delay any longer.

If you create a G-virus version of Howard Stark for yourself, the scene will be impossible to watch.

A few hours later, Kamal Taj.

Watson looked at the several mages in front of him. The old man Hamill with a gray beard was responsible for opening and closing the portal, and the remaining unknown mages were responsible for covering.

This is all the members of this trip.

Since the mages of Kama Taj have been targeting magical creatures for thousands of years and lack experience in fighting hot weapons in the human world, they will not directly participate in this battle. In addition, Kama Taj is already sparsely staffed, so Watson is still responsible for the frontal confrontation with the enemy.

Watson himself is the pathogen, and the hundreds of viruses, large and small, at Heidelberg Medical School cannot do anything to him. But the mortal bodies of mages are different. They still need full-body protection against biochemical viruses.

Although... Watson himself has not tried whether it can resist the T virus. Maybe it will have the same changes as being injected with the super soldier serum?

But what he didn't expect was that these wild mages who liked to play close combat were quite good at it. Karma Taj didn't have many wands at home, but a lot of armor, swords, guns and clubs.

Were these guys really not Shaolin monks hundreds of years ago?

Early the next morning, Watson returned to New York through the portal.

Of course he wouldn't be stupid enough to take a few people to break into Mrs. Viper's base camp. He had to think of another way.


Colorado, outside of Raccoon City.

"So this order is actually worth 2000 million? Ruper, where does Umbrella come from?"

In a speeding military pickup truck, a bald man wearing camouflage trousers and a black vest loudly asked his teammates around him. He half-closed his eyes, and at first glance he looked like he was smiling. But the grenade launcher in the strong man's hand, the grenade hung half a circle around his body, and the prosthetic leg on his left calf all reflect...

This is not a benevolent character.

"Fat man, we are mercenaries, don't ask any questions."

The "Ruper" who answered him was a woman in her early 30s with medium-long brown hair simply tied back. Hearing her words, the bald man didn't care: "I really don't understand you, Captain, how come you, a Frenchman, are not romantic at all?"

Sitting on the passenger seat in front of the bald man was a hot blonde woman. Unlike the others in the car, she wore a somewhat scary gas mask on her face.

As if she was tired of hearing this, the masked woman turned sideways and faced the bald man in the back seat: "Beltway, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

The English female voice with a distinct German accent is very gentle.

"No, I'm fine! Really, don't worry."

The bald man who was still chattering immediately closed his mouth, his expression as calm as a sculpture was completely different from before. Beltway knew that when the masked woman called her code name instead of "Fat Man", it was best not to get into trouble with her.

She is the most perverted military doctor Beltway has ever seen, bar none. Although he holds medical degrees from several top universities, he never uses anesthesia during surgery; and he especially likes to use surgical methods that are close to torture to make patients excruciating pain.

However, the above practices are only for men.

Shivering and cold.

When he lay in front of her for the first time due to injury, watching her scalpel gently cut across his belly, the eyes behind the mask reminded Beltway of the butcher in the slaughterhouse he had seen when he was a child.

Since then, all male members of the squad have tried their best to avoid injury during combat. If it's a minor injury, just bandage it secretly yourself, not daring to let others see it.

Thanks to this strange atmosphere of cooperation, the six-member "Wolf Pack" mercenary team led by Luper gradually established a reputation for zero battle losses and a high success rate within a few years.

The camouflage military pickup truck roared towards the scheduled rendezvous point outside Raccoon City. From a distance, it looked like a lot of people had gathered.


On the other side of Raccoon City is a vast desert-the Colorado Plateau, which is also the only desert plateau in the United States. The drab colored lava hills make it look as dry as a Martian landscape. Of course, the lonely asphalt roads interspersed in this desert can also give people some standard American western highway style.

But beneath this seemingly barren land lies the headquarters of Umbrella's "Umbrella" company.

In the secret laboratory at the bottom, a gentle man wearing glasses hurried in.

"Dr. Howard, when will Tyrant Type 3 be ready?"

"37 days."

"We don't have that much time, I have 2 weeks..."

Before the man with glasses finished speaking, Howard Stark in front of him suddenly raised his head, and a pair of sharp eyes made him stop talking. Realizing his embarrassing behavior, the man with glasses twitched his lips and spoke again:

"Don't forget, your wife is..."

"Don't mention this to me!"

This time it was Old Howard who took the initiative to interrupt the man with glasses: "This has nothing to do with my wife. I am telling you this conclusion as a scientist! If you want complete results, then you can only Wait 37 days, not even one day less!”

"If you, a pretty boy, still have any objections, just do it yourself!"

There was silence in the laboratory for a while.

The two men were in a stalemate with straight faces, and neither of them continued to speak.

"Forget it Kingston, don't bother Dr. Howard anymore."

The stalemate was broken by a magnetic female voice, and Mrs. Viper in a dark green skirt entered. Kingston, the man with glasses, wanted to say something harsh, but when he saw Mrs. Viper's gesture, he could only lower his head and walk out of the laboratory with his mouth closed.

Only Howard and Mrs. Viper were left in Nuoda's laboratory, as well as the tall tyrant in the training warehouse.

"Do you know why I asked you to do this project? Mr. Howard?" Mrs. Viper walked around the experimental table with cat steps, and her slender nails lightly scratched the files spread out on the table. That look was really extraordinary. Tempting.

Old Howard was not affected at all and started mocking without hesitation.

"Because last week's Reaper attack in New York made you realize that biological weapons without long-range attack capabilities are a piece of shit."

He crossed his arms and said: "Tyrant Type 1 cannot use tools. Tyrant Type 2 is too costly and can easily get out of control. You want Tyrant Type 3 to become a reliable comprehensive biochemical weapon."

"You're right."

Mrs. Viper quickly stretched out a hand and poked old Howard's face. In an instant, the left side of Howard's face that was touched by the nails quickly festered. The severe pain left him speechless. He fell backwards and sat on the ground, covering the left side of his face and gasping in pain.

Strangely, after leaving Mrs. Viper's hand, Howard's ulcerated left face quickly returned to normal, with no trace of damage visible.

"You said 37 days, then I'll give you 37 days." Mrs. Viper knelt down in front of Howard: "I hope the Tyrant Type 3 can be as useful as you said, otherwise..."

"I'll go and have tea with Lady Maria again."

The enchanting figure like a poisonous snake gradually walked away. Old Howard stood up tremblingly, looked at the tyrant original body in the training warehouse, and clenched his fists tightly.

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