"Did you hand over the things?"

"of course."

Unlike other robbers who wore dark black or dark blue uniforms, the robber leader wore a dark brown overalls. He was very nervous at the moment, but it wasn't because there was a large circle of police outside.

They could have evacuated faster and avoided the current result of being surrounded. But after they packed their money bags, they opened dozens of safes for personal belongings, missing the opportunity to escape.

The leader of the robbers knew very well that this robbery was entirely to deceive others, and even the money was secondary.

What’s really important is what’s in those personal lockers.

And now it has been successfully taken over by a certain "hostage".

It's time for one final push.

He opened the light red travel bag in the center of the hall. Inside the bag were several bomb vests that made people feel numb. He raised his head and scanned the surrounding hostages a few times. He waved to his two other companions and prepared a bomb vest for each of the unlucky hostages to put on.

The two armored robbers who returned to the scene consciously guarded the hostages on their left and right. The bulletproof equipment weighing dozens of kilograms on their bodies was really not suitable for the delicate work of dressing people, let alone bomb vests. .

Watson regretted that he didn't study English well before, and now he couldn't even understand the conversation between the robbers. Now he can only hang on the ceiling beams. When he sees them approaching, he jumps down and beats them down.

Now two heavy armored units were back to back looking out; three light armored units were gathered in front of the travel bag, with a distance of only a few dozen centimeters.

The opportunity is here.

The body that released the tentacles quickly returned to its original position, and Watson's free fall made almost no sound. This is also thanks to the continuous sound wave shouting from the NYPD loudspeaker outside the door, and the three robbers who were not wearing heavy armor were also wrapped tightly and could not feel the air flow behind them.

A hard punch to the back of the middle man's head.

Before the opponent's body could fall softly, Watson withdrew his fist at lightning speed, grabbed the two robbers' necks with both hands, one on the left and one on the right, and then slammed them into the middle.

There was a muffled sound.

The two bodies in his hands lost consciousness before they started struggling.

Without a trace of hesitation, from the corner of his eye, a woman in commuter business attire had her mouth wide open, and a piercing scream was about to come out of her mouth. Watson quickly turned around and rushed towards the two remaining armored robbers on the field.

Facts have proved that with a weight of 80 kilograms and more than 20 kilograms of armor, it is almost impossible to turn around quickly. Although the hostages on the side had already screamed, the two armored robbers turned around obviously a beat slower.

The red ponytail was swept up by the strong wind.

The first one to suffer was the one on the left. Watson did not use his fists directly. He just grabbed the gun with one hand and put it on his chest with the other. With a strong push, the heavy armored robber fell to the ground on his back. The robber's limbs were desperately holding on to the floor, looking as funny as a turtle that had been turned inside its shell.

Watson's legs then erupted with powerful ejection force, and his whole body rushed towards the last armored robber. At this time, his left hand was still holding the AKMS, but the huge momentum immediately tore the gun belt off.

Keep your eyes on the opponent's legs.

Watson is ready to turn him into a second turtle.

The armored robber who turned around in a hurry still didn't have a chance to aim. The huge impact on his lower body caused him to be knocked to the ground. Amidst the incompetent roar, the rifle bullets in the robber's hands could only fly to the ceiling on the side.

Before he lost consciousness, what appeared in his eyes was a white and tender fist.

The vast main hall of the bank was silent, and everyone was stunned by the fighting power of this masked man in a suit. Seeing the other party lifting his feet and hitting the robbers who were lying on the ground a few more times, the hostages who were already scared were even more afraid to speak out and huddled in the corner shivering.

Carrying a robber into a deserted corner, Watson opened the money bag on his body and took out a small wad of US dollars. After confirming that it was not a disguised "anti-theft dye bag", Watson put it into the inner pocket of his suit. inside.

He didn't take the big bag of money.

The pile I have on me is enough to buy a few new sets of clothes.

Once the robber's gun is fired, the police outside will not remain dumbfounded no matter what. Watson had already heard footsteps approaching the door, and it was time to leave.

A large circle of policemen outside the bank were naturally very nervous when they heard the gunshots, and even the loudspeakers that had been shouting for a while did not make a sound.

Since all the curtains in the hall were drawn, the snipers and observers at nearby heights were useless. It had only been ten minutes from the time the robbery occurred to the time the police arrived, and there was still a quarrel in the command car.

Until gunshots rang out inside the bank, everyone knew they couldn't wait any longer.

They decided to send negotiators to investigate first, and at the same time deploy personnel from the side to prepare for a surprise attack. Lack of visibility is not an insurmountable problem, just drill a few holes in a glass window in an out-of-the-way location.

Watson ran half a circle around the top floor corridor and finally chose a relatively remote window on the top floor. Before leaving, he looked at the hall downstairs. He didn't open the window and leave until there was a sound outside the door and someone stood up to open the door.

After his feet landed on the ground, he naturally ran away quickly. He didn't care whether he was seen by others, and just sprinted on the roof of the building. After just a few minutes, Watson left the area completely.

The negotiator stood at the bank gate with his hands raised and a heavy heart. Even though there were seven or eight SWAT members crowded into the blind spot not far away, he didn't feel much safe.

"Gentlemen inside, please don't get excited! I'm here to negotiate terms with you on behalf of the New York Police Department..."

Before he finished speaking, the hostage opened the door by himself.


The police at the scene were stunned.

The reporters at the scene went crazy.

Although the reporters who were pushing forward with microphones were basically blocked from the cordon, even the policemen who were supporting the hostages could not help but ask on the spot what happened in the bank.

"Everyone, please be patient!"

The police spokesman at the scene took the loudspeaker that was almost broken by the bullet: "All the robbers have been subdued, and no hostages have died! The case is under further investigation, please stay orderly..."

No one cares what he says.

The fragments of words spoken by a few hostages have already been told to this group of reporters with keen intuition.

This is big news.

The crowded scene was in chaos. The surviving hostages sat on the ground in a daze and were picked up one by one by the medical staff who arrived. The standard procedure is to shine a medical flashlight on your eyes and then put an oxygen mask directly over them.

The large circle of reporters around them looked like fierce dogs in a pen waiting for their meal, their hungry eyes scanning the faces of the hostages. As soon as the "door" is opened, you will find your target as quickly as possible.

Next to an ambulance with its back compartment open, a gray-haired middle-aged man was receiving treatment. Different from the noisy scene, this small area is quiet, the patient is silent, and the rescue nurse is also silent.

After a while, the ambulance left the scene.

There is a small notebook in the car.


The night passed.

Director Porter, an elderly bald man who had been busy all night, looked at the preliminary statistical report in his hand and felt as if he was in a dream. This huge bank robbery was solved and all five robbers were captured. Except for some hardware damage, no one was killed in the entire incident, and only a few of the hostages suffered minor injuries.

Most of the money robbed by the robbers was recovered, and all the valuable jewelry and gold in the private safe were also found. Although it has not yet been determined whether all items are missing, it is necessary to contact the account holder for assistance in confirming.

But if you don't consider this...

It can indeed be called perfect.

The problem is that it wasn't the NYPD that solved the case.

It will still take a few days for the police to collect, compile and analyze the confessions of the hostages, but various versions of exaggerated headlines have begun to appear in major newspapers this morning:

Title 1: The mysterious hero solves a bank robbery single-handedly!

This is still normal.

Title 2: Who actually asked the New York Police Department to make arrangements?

Title 3: Shocked! A case that involved hundreds of police officers was solved easily by this man!

This one is a bit underplayed.

Title 4: A mysterious man defies authority and puts dozens of people in danger!

Oh, this one is from the Daily Bugle, and they are one of the very few newspapers to side with the NYPD on this matter.

Most of the media were trying their best to exaggerate the behavior of the weirdo in the suit, and some even nicknamed him "the red-haired gentleman." But the vast majority of reports, intentionally or unintentionally, accuse the NYPD of having done nothing in this robbery.

I fired hundreds of bullets, but they couldn't even penetrate someone's armor.


Director Potter slammed several newspapers back on the table.

What is this word? If we had followed the old method in the past, we would have drilled into the hole to explore the field of vision, then rappelled the SWAT team, and then entered with smoke and flash.

That is to say, this time there were too many worries and restraints, and many risky rescue plans were rejected. But what rescue plan is without risks? Does it mean that if you comply with the robber's request, the other party will not tear up the ticket?

negotiation? nonexistent.

Negotiation is always just a cover.

Preparing escape vehicles and escape planes are all means of delaying time. Unless those gangsters can force their way out of the siege, there will only be bullets and prison waiting for them.

The problem is that this incident was resolved too quickly, and it was over before the police had time to arrange the situation.

Director Porter leaned back on the soft boss chair, forcing himself to empty his head and give his sixty-year-old body a rest.

He was hesitating whether he should sell a favor and let the bank count the robbed $10,000 as hardware losses. Presumably they are also willing, after all, it will also be good for them to resume business in the future.

"Being robbed" and "not being robbed" are two different things. Ten thousand yuan is really not much.

And to some extent, the New York Police Department should really thank the "red-haired gentleman" because he took away most of the attention of the media and public opinion. In this way, all I have to do is say that the bank has no big losses, and this is indeed the case.

Those reporters don't actually care about the truth. They only care about making a big news. The big news in the public eye right now is the "red-haired gentleman", so we just have to go with the flow.

The plan goes through!

After sorting out my thoughts, my boredom slowly disappeared. Director Potter closed his eyes and smiled.


"I met an interesting person."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"I have carefully observed that his physical fitness is definitely not what a normal person can possess." In a hotel room, two men were drinking red wine in the living room. Among them was a gray-haired middle-aged man who happened to be one of the hostages in the bank robbery that took place yesterday.

"But you still got the stuff, didn't you Farro? I'm really afraid that they would just grab the money and run away, and then our plan would be completely ruined."

"I think you should have a little faith in our 'training'."

Taking a sip of red wine, the middle-aged man Farrow shook the notebook in his hand: "And they also know that we have the detonator of the bomb vest, and we need to protect the escape route. How could they have the courage to do anything random?"

"Okay, but thanks to this 'red-haired gentleman', these poor guys have been arrested by the New York Police Department. They don't know what we took, right?"

"I asked them to open the entire wall of personal safes." Farrow took a sip of red wine and continued: "And believe me, even if they really find out, the police will not be able to find anything in this notebook."

"That's right. After all, its owner is dead and no one will come to 'report it missing'."

The man Farrow called Klein laughed. He was very satisfied with the successful implementation of this plan. He "bought" a few robbers who couldn't survive with a little money and tricks, and then provided some weapons, equipment and bombs. Farrow, who pretended to be a hostage and sneaked in in advance, got the notebook.

It cannot be said that they tricked this group of robbers. In the original plan, there was hope of escaping by taking hostages, strapping bombs and forcing the police to give way. They had even planned the escape route. You take your robbery money, and we take our "stuff". It's a win-win situation for everyone.

But the "red-haired gentleman" suddenly intervened, and the unlucky robbers overturned the car.

But we still won, Klein thought. Farrow and I did a good job of concealing our identities throughout the whole thing. The robbers were "trained" completely separately and had never even met each other before doing this.

Even if they confessed everything they knew, it would be difficult for the police to find anything.

Moreover, the current situation of the New York Police Department is very embarrassing, and it is best to conclude the case with the current result. After all, Director Potter wants to move up a level, so I believe he will make the right choice.

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