The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 252 The levitation cloak is so useful!

18:26 p.m.

The sea surface under the setting sun is dyed with a beautiful orange color.


A slender figure rushed out of the water, rolled several times in mid-air, and then crashed heavily into the waves. She kept uttering sharp dolphin-like roars from her mouth, which occasionally turned into a tone like opera singing. From jumping off the ship at around 9 a.m. to now, we have been swimming for almost hours. There was no reference point at sea, and Miss Watson had no idea how far she had swam. In fact, she wished it would get dark as soon as possible so that she could take advantage of the darkness and fly up to the sky with her levitation cloak.

After jumping off the destroyer, Ms. Watson actually did not leave immediately. Instead, she stayed close to the side of the ship for more than ten minutes, and then let go after confirming that these guys did not make any "illegal actions." This also caused her to have to fight against the waves all the time, which took a lot of effort.

...a little hungry.

Why can't I see a fish after swimming for a long time?

Miss Watson looked down. Different from the sea surface illuminated by the setting sun, there was an endless dark abyss under the sea. Just by looking at it with her eyes, she could feel an inexplicable sucking illusion, as if her whole body was being pulled into it. As she looked at it, she remembered something about Marvel's water superheroes.

Will there be Namor in this world?

As an old comics company, Marvel actually has the underwater civilization of Atlantis in its worldview, and Namor Mackenzie was one of the first superheroes they launched at that time. In addition to having very similar abilities and characteristics to Neptune next door, his parents and family combination of "land people + sea people" are almost exactly the same. But from a setting point of view, this guy is a mutant. For so long since Miss Watson traveled through time, she has not heard any news about mutants except for Wade Wilson, the deadpool who has not yet turned cancerous.

But it’s impossible to tell.

The origin stories of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were changed in the movie version. They are no longer the descendants of Magneto, but become superpowers affected by the Infinity Stones. So who knows whether Marvel movie writers will change it in the future? Namor was also sorted out. I heard that there might be Namor in "Black Panther 2", but who kept me from living until that time...

Forget it, no more swimming, wait until dark.

Miss Watson rose to the surface, sucked a large amount of air into her belly, and then sank like a mess. She is already very familiar with this method. She doesn't need to breathe anyway, the air can be stored directly in her stomach as a swim bladder. The buoyancy of seawater is very sensitive, and larger or smaller "swim bladders" will cause different changes. Now the sinking trend is very slow. With a slight stroke of your hands and feet, you can immediately float to the water surface again. It is more leisurely than walking on the moon in a light gravity environment. It can be called an upgraded version of the lazy mode.


Thunder flashed in the sky.

"Oh my God! You want to harm me again!"

With a crash, Miss Watson rushed out of the sea and raised her middle finger to the sky. The claws on her water-shaped hands were long and upturned, which was very beautiful. The sky was becoming gloomy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the sea did not respond to her complaints, but began to become turbulent in the wind. Several waves pushed directly over her, and Ms. Watson had to choose to continue sinking to avoid being hit by the shallow waves and spinning around wildly. The watch showed that nearly 20 minutes had passed at this moment, but the dark clouds overhead did not continue to thicken, and the afterglow of the sunset was still brilliant.

It looks like a brief solar shower.

Soon, densely packed small dots appeared on the water surface. The sound of rainwater hitting the sea was like a prelude to a climax, and the next second it connected into a sound wave as dense as a large drum beat. If this scene were changed to a bedroom, it would sound extremely sleepy. After all, for Miss Watson in her previous life, rainy days were the best time to sleep alone.

It's a pity that I basically can't sleep now.

Floating on her back in the water, Miss Watson closed her eyes comfortably. As she swam all the way over, her spider sense fell into complete silence, which made her feel very comfortable. The sky and sea water combined her in the middle, completely isolated from the world, lonely, but intoxicating. For a long time, as long as there are people around you, you will attract more or less attention. Especially in cities like Rio de Janeiro, where the security environment is not very good, thieves, robbers, and gangsters who just like to find trouble will all make Spider Sense Initiate different levels of early warning.

But now there is really nothing!


The unique movement of the water gradually incorporated a hint of change. Miss Watson turned her head and met the eyes of a group of curious fish. She was stunned for a moment, then showed a bright smile, gently held the two fishes with both hands, and gently touched the delicate scales with her palms. Then she smiled, and the corners of Miss Watson's mouth split open on both sides, forming a blood-red mouth with fangs.


4:17 late at night, Rio de Janeiro.

"Finally we're here..."


Miss Watson held the floating cloak and kissed her: "Baby, what would I do today without you?"


Kiss again.

There was a feeling of grievance and irritability coming from the levitating cloak.

"Okay, okay, we won't fly anymore, we won't fly anymore, let you rest."

When she really had to travel across mountains and rivers, Miss Watson truly realized how convenient it was to have the ability to fly. It's a pity that the current speed of the floating cloak is only more than 5 kilometers per hour, and it took nearly 4 hours to fly before seeing the city lights. It's now past o'clock in the morning, and there are still faint gunshots emanating from the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro - the Bloodstained Gang's Jedi counterattack has entered a fierce stage. Miss Watson flew all the way along the coastline, and she was in a position where she could observe the gunfire below.

But she had no intention of getting involved today.

In order to fly into the sky, the levitation cloak has been restored to its original shape, so no one can see me like this. Flying at full speed to the top of a tall building in the city, Miss Watson's feet landed lightly on the ground, but her suspended cloak did not want to turn into clothes anymore. It made her coax her for a while, and then reluctantly changed back to another color. one piece swimsuit. In order to get rid of the previous fighting image, Miss Watson canceled the Spider-Woman mimicry and adjusted her skin to light brown. She had no intention of turning back into Mr. Watson until she found a new set of clothes. After all, it was too scary for a man in a swimsuit to run around.

But where can I find clothes in the middle of the night?

Steal it from a store?

After traveling for more than ten hours, Miss Watson really didn't want to spend any more energy looking for clothes. After identifying the direction, she sprinted forward, the black light tentacles hooking the eaves accurately, letting her body rise up into the night sky in an arc of inertial motion. In the late 90s, there were already many high-rise buildings in Rio de Janeiro, mostly luxury hotels. Various colorful lighting decorations were like road signs, making it impossible to miss them. Especially the beach area on the left, the lights here stay on all night.

The hotel where the Wolf Pack team stayed soon arrived.

Miss Watson landed on the eaves, quietly approached the balcony of her room, and slowly revealed her head from the window sill. There was a desk lamp on in the room, and Michela was sitting on a chair facing the balcony. There was a lot of arms in front of her, and she didn't know what she was working on.

Seeing that her girlfriend was up late at night, Ms. Watson sighed helplessly. There was wind blowing into the room at this moment, not to mention that the horizontal screen door would definitely make noise, and the air flow in the air duct caused by the human body would not be disturbed. Unnoticed. She didn't want to turn back into Mr. Watson, walk in, lift her cloak, and be naked underneath...

It feels like a pervert.

Although, maybe, maybe, probably, Miss Butterfly Knife will like it.

It's better to wait first.

Miss Watson was wandering around on the roof boredly. It was the darkest time of the night. This hilltop was quiet except for the occasional police siren in the distance.

She took off her military boots, found a spot to sit on, and swung her legs. Miss Watson was actually a little hesitant. How about just going in to see Michela? She had indeed hidden too many things from her girlfriend, such as her ability to mimic mimicry, her ability to acquire memories through devouring, and her identity as Mrs. Viper. Nothing was said. After arriving in Brazil for only half a month, the two got along very well, but this was also because Michela would not take the initiative to ask too many questions.

'There's so much I haven't told you. ‘

I really said that back then.

So what are you afraid of?

Don't you believe her?

Looking at her toes, Miss Watson frowned and lay back, facing the night sky and falling into silence. If you can keep it from being known, don't let it be known. If you can keep it from being seen, don't let it be seen. It seems that I have always done this. In the final analysis, only secrets that are not leaked can give you a sense of security, and ensuring that others are "ignorant" can also satisfy your own hidden desire for control. After all...who can guarantee betrayal? Even if something is said unintentionally, it may lead to serious consequences, so it would be better not to know at all.

For example, although the identity of "Death Knell" is known to several people in Luper, it is actually a fake name tag. If you lose it, you will lose it, and the loss will not be big. The few years of experience as a social animal in my previous life have made my way of thinking too adult-oriented, and I am unable to give unreserved trust to my friends like the protagonist of a hot-blooded comic book. Instead, I prefer to weigh the pros and cons when encountering something, and make sure it is beneficial to myself first, or At least it's harmless, before you think about anyone else.

It seems like every adult is used to doing this.

But you shouldn't treat the person you sleep with like this.

You know you shouldn't.

Michela is special and you should trust her, at least...and not hide too much. As a scornful woman who can't contain her feelings, you are already scornful enough. Considering that Mrs. Viper still needs the help of her girlfriend for her big business, Miss Watson finally convinced herself, put her boots on again, took a deep breath, and landed on the balcony lightly.


"I'm back......"

The room was empty.


After being stunned for two seconds, Miss Watson slapped herself in the face, silently cursed "bitch", and then rushed to the bathroom. Although my skin is smooth, it is somewhat stained after being soaked in seawater for so long, not to mention that the seawater will turn into small particles after it is evaporated. The suspension cloak is even more sticky and must be washed thoroughly.

When Watson walked out wearing a bath towel and holding a levitation cloak, there were two more gun muzzles in the room. Michela and Wolf Mother were on the left and right, with two M2 carbines pointed at him. Watson quickly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "Hey! It's me!"

As soon as he loosened his grip, the bath towel fell off.

The two women slowly put down their guns, and Watson swore that this was the first time he saw such a lewd expression on the wolf mother's face - it was really like a pervert seeing a beautiful woman in a swimsuit. Michela was much calmer in comparison. She glanced at her boyfriend, then at the captain, and silently took out a throwing knife from her arms. Seeing this, Luper coughed twice: "Ahem, um, pull up the towel. When did you come here?"

"A few minutes ago."

Watson tied up the bath towel and put the levitating cloak on the hanger to dry: "It's too late, and I just came out of the sea, so I want to take a shower first."

"We haven't even slept. I want to ask Hob to start a relationship to find you. Oh, except for Beltway, that guy went to rest because he was too tired." The wolf mother put the gun back on the table and pointed it at Michela Throwing a blowing kiss: "Then you come to me later, I'll leave first."

"...Is she stimulated?"

"Everyone was so excited. We thought they might not be able to come back this time. After all, it was the U.S. Federal Navy." Michelle put away the flying knife and came over to pinch her boyfriend's arm: "You weren't hurt, were you? You really ran away Went to their warship? Luper said before that you will be back in the next two days as planned, but she is still worried, but she cannot use local intelligence dealers, otherwise it will increase the risk of exposing her identity."

"This is a long story." Watson sighed: "I have other things to tell you. Lock the door first."

"Okay, what's the matter?" The woman quickly locked the door.

"Turn around."


"Hey, go around, go around, come on -!"

Michela was grabbed by her boyfriend's shoulders and turned around with a puzzled expression on her face. Suddenly she heard strange noises coming from behind her. It sounded like the smooth friction of a ball of ketchup noodles being kneaded by big hands, and a bit like someone sucking milk through a straw. After a few seconds, a female voice sounded from behind: "Okay, turn around. "

"How did you..." Miss Butterfly Knife turned around and stopped as soon as she spoke.

Sitting beside the bed was a woman wearing a bath towel.

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